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Kugan Burnbeard

Kugan Burnbeard Is a dwarvish expedition leader who is under the leadership of the Iron Guard.     Kugan originally came from The Frozen Wastes to the far north. He was discovered by Zruki as a child. Zruki dubbed Kugan with the surname of “Burnbeard” because of his fiery red hair, and affinity for weapons of flame.   Kugans demeanor is usually warm and friendly, he enjoys talking to other adventurers and hearing the tales of their travels. Despite his affinity for fire he remains cold and calculated when in the heat of combat.     When he is on his expeditions Kugan usually operates in teams of less than 10, this allows him to scout out his enemies, set up effective ambushes, and allows him to retreat if faced with an impossible opponent. If he is caught by a larger force his tactics of rotating flamethrower attacks in conjunction with explosives charges often results in him emerging victorious, or at least giving his company the room to safely withdraw from a unfavourable position.      

The Following is an exerpt from Kugans Military record:

    Expediton headed by Zruki Yarovich into the Frozen wastes with the singular goal of annihilating a Gnoll pack.
Objective was Completed.
10 Total Members
4 Returned
Total time in Frozen Wastes: 3 years
*Zruki Recommends Kugan for possible EL in future.*   Expedition Headed by Brothers Dignan And Rogbar Duneival into Pandemonium in order to retrieve a demonic artifact for the church of Moradin.
Objective was Completed
25 Total Members
Sole Survivor
Total time in Pandemonium: 2 months
*Kugan Submitted for Pysche Eval*   8 total expeditions into the green hell.
7 Successful
1 undetermined


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