The Holy Basin Item in idk | World Anvil
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The Holy Basin

Divine orthodoxy was the one that claimed this object's existence originally. After the Divine's Fracturing, pieces of it supposedly fell to earth and were dispersed around the planet. The original worshipers of the Divine, seeing its Fracturing gathered as many pieces as they could find and fused them into a crystalline basin. Supposedly, it thumps with a four beat pattern, repeating over and over again until all eternity. It has always been said that the one who finds the basin will gain the power of the Divine once again and be able to create, destroy, or make the world new again.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Uses Essences, in the form of crystals to focus their power, as with most Essences.


Supposedly can make one into a god
Item type
.5m radius
Base Price

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