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History of Idonia

Age of Legend

... 3800 BR

The Age of Legends begins with the Elvhanon and Dvergar awaking upon Idonia. The two races begun to construct citites and stake their seperate claims to Idonia.

  • -9420 BR

    Divine Inspiration
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods appear to the Elvhanon and the Dvergar and instruct them in writing and crafting. They also give the gift of magic to their first born creations although the Elvhanon are the ones to show true apptitude for the gift.

  • -8501 BR

    The settling of Ansasari
    Construction beginning/end

    The wandering elvhanon tribes unit and begin construction of the first great city of Ansasari. The city is a thing of beauty. A blending of the natural wonder of nature and the inspiration of mortal construction. The Elvhanon begin refering to themselves as The People.

  • -8201 BR

    The Awakening
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    It is during this time that the Elvhanon discover what they call the Art, what mortals would come to call magic.

  • -7510 BR

    Vanderum Established
    Construction beginning/end

    The scattered Dvergar clans gather together for a clan moot. After days of talking, drinking, and fighting the clans agree to the formation of a ruling council. The rulers of the ten clans are elevated to the positions of Stone Speakers, each member having an equal voice in the decisions of the Dvergar. The first decision the Speakers made was to propose construction of a vast city for their clans. With the dedication of a people inspired the construction soon begun on Vanderum.

  • -4310 BR

    The Sairina Tower
    Construction beginning/end

    The HIgh Council of the People proposes the construction of a place where the Elvhanon can learn and grow in the Art as the gift of magic is refered to. They also propose to teach those who have the gift of magic to learn and control the Art. It is also in this time that the masters of the tower discover the siirena mahril Few arrive to learn at the feet of the Masters at first, but the Elvhanon are not discouraged and begin to teach those few in the Art.

  • -4012 BR

    Delving Deeper
    Cultural event

    The Dvergar begin to mine further into the mountain ranges of their homeland. The tunnels are deemed to go on for miles further and deeper away from Vanderum. Large viens of precious metals and gems beyond value are brought back from the depths along with a cavern filled with a glowing blue crstal. The Dvergar and Vanderum itself, begin to prosper and grow in wealth and population.

  • -3840 BR

    The Dvergar Migration

    The Speakers of the Stone gathered in council to discuss the matter of the greatest importance. The population of Varandum had increased beyond the capacity of the city to maintain. The Speakers asked for any brave clansmen to lead an expedition to find to the surface to find a worthy place to found a second city.   A brave Dvergar stepped forward without hesitation. He spoke to the Speakers, telling them that Bretala, the Mother of Stone had come to him in a vision showing him a vast mountin range capped with snow with viens of purest silver. The young dvergar believed that this was a sign that he was to lead this expedition. The Speakers had no reason to doubt the vision. They agreed. Soon a large company of dvergar headed out from Varandum to find the prophetic mountain that would become a second home for the overcrowded city.

  • -3837 BR

    Rise of Man
    Population Migration / Travel

    Human kind who until now had been gathering in small clans on Idonia now begin to emerge in greater numbers. They soon quickly spread across the land gathering into large clannish tribes across Idonia.

  • -3836 BR

    The second Founding
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of Hungorum, the second city of the Dvergar is completed in record time. The Dvergar dedicate the city to Bretala the Mother of Stone for her visions leading them to this new home.

The Age of Man

3797 BR 1930 BR

The varied tribes of humans begin to merge into larger hordes. Villages and towns begin to appear.

  • -3797 BR

    Divine Interventine
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A chieften of one of the largest human tribes speaks to his people claiming to have been gifted visions from a goddess wreathed in a circle of fire. He tells his people how this goddess spoke to him and told him that he must lead his people to a new home. His passion and speech fire the blood of the human tribes and they follow thier chieften in a great pilgrimage.

  • -3740 BR

    The Founding of Stormcrest
    Construction beginning/end

    Following the visions given to him by the Goddess of Flames the chieften known as Calus Pendragore brings his people to the place he sees in his dreams. The human city called Stormcrest by Jorde is built along the western coast in accordance with the divine visions of the goddess.

  • -3680 BR

    Human expansion

    Several human cities are founded after Stormcrest. The scattered tribes had born witness to how Stormcrest had grown and prosperd. Many clan houses built their own cities along the coastlines while others built theirs in the shadows of the vast mountain ranges to gain access to the lands wealth, Although none were as large as Stormcrest they all prosperd and grew.

  • -3640 BR

    The humans prosper
    Cultural event

    Several new discoverys in harvesting and planting are made by human crafters in Stormcrest. These new inovations are soon taught to many of the folk in the outlying cities and towns. This allows faster and more productive harvests of crops and other neccessities increaseing the wealth of the cities involved. From this sharing of ideas and innovations are the foundations of the Guilds formed.

  • -3590 BR

    The Dvergar arrive
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first Dvergar arrive in a human city to attempt to begin trading contracts . The human folk welcome the dwarf like beings into their cities and agree to begin trade negotiations. In return the Dvergar begin helping teach the human guild members newer enginering and crafting skills and how to mine deeper and more efficently for the metals below the ground. Not all humans are happy with the alliance between Stormcrest and the Dvergar. Small pockets of dissension begin to form amongst those opposed to the trades.

  • -3130 BR

    The Founding of a Dynasty
    Cultural event

    Jorde Pendragore is declared King of Stormcrest by the council of clan elders. For his families unwavering loyalty to its people and the human cities that his bloodline help found. The clan elders met in a conclave in Stormcrest and decided that the people needed a leader, one who could inspire their people and lead them forward.

    More reading
    The World of Idonia