Alaric Tiberius

Alaric Tiberius, the first Steward of Arthin, was a paragon of virtue and leadership during Eldoria's time of crisis. Standing tall with an athletic build and piercing blue eyes, Alaric commanded respect through his composed demeanor and unwavering integrity. Born into the noble Tiberius family, he received an extensive education that prepared him for the complex challenges of governance. His reign was marked by efforts to stabilize and rebuild the kingdom following the death of Arthinore Aldenheart, earning him the loyalty and admiration of his people. Known for his fairness, strategic acumen, and diplomatic skill, Alaric fostered alliances and ensured the prosperity of Eldoria. Despite his wealth and power, he remained humble, investing in the kingdom’s future and mentoring young nobles. His speech, measured and authoritative, inspired unity and resolve. Alaric's legacy as a wise and just leader endures, his name synonymous with honor and dedication to the greater good.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alaric Tiberius was in excellent physical condition for a man of his age and station. Regular physical training and an active lifestyle kept him fit and healthy, allowing him to maintain a commanding presence both on the battlefield and in court.

Body Features

Height: Approximately 6 feet (183 cm) Build: Athletic and muscular, reflecting his military training and active lifestyle Skin Tone: Fair, with a slight tan from spending time outdoors

Facial Features

Eyes: Clear and intense blue eyes, often conveying a sense of determination and wisdom Hair: Dark brown, kept short and neatly groomed, with a few strands of gray indicating his age and experience Facial Hair: Clean-shaven, with a strong jawline and high cheekbones Expression: Often wore a composed and thoughtful expression, with a hint of kindness and authority

Identifying Characteristics

Eyes: His clear blue eyes were a striking feature, often described as piercing and wise. Posture: Maintained a confident and upright posture, exuding authority and respect. Scar: A faint scar on his left cheek, a remnant from a past battle, symbolizing his experience and valor.

Physical quirks

Finger Tapping: Occasionally tapped his fingers on surfaces when deep in thought. Nostalgia: Would sometimes touch the scar on his cheek, a subconscious reminder of his past experiences. Meditative Stance: Often assumed a meditative stance, hands clasped behind his back, when contemplating important decisions.

Special abilities

Leadership: Exceptional leadership skills, able to inspire and command respect from both soldiers and civilians. Strategic Mind: Highly strategic thinker, adept at planning and executing complex military and political strategies. Diplomatic Acumen: Skilled diplomat, capable of navigating intricate political landscapes and forging important alliances. Combat Proficiency: Trained and skilled in combat, particularly with the longsword, able to hold his own on the battlefield. Moral Authority: Possessed a strong moral compass, which allowed him to make fair and just decisions, earning him widespread respect and loyalty.

Apparel & Accessories

Clothing: Preferred to wear practical yet finely made attire befitting his noble status, often seen in tailored tunics, breeches, and cloaks in muted, dignified colors such as navy blue, dark green, and gray. Armor: In times of conflict, donned a suit of intricately crafted plate armor adorned with the Tiberius family crest.   Accessories: A signet ring bearing the Tiberius family crest, used for sealing documents and symbolizing his authority. A silver pendant, a family heirloom, worn as a token of his heritage and responsibility.

Specialized Equipment

Sword: Carried a finely crafted longsword with a jeweled hilt, a symbol of his status and a reliable weapon in battle. Shield: Used a shield emblazoned with the Tiberius family crest, providing both protection and a symbol of his lineage. Tome of Wisdom: Kept a small, leather-bound book of wise sayings and philosophical reflections, often consulting it for guidance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alaric Tiberius was born into the noble Tiberius family, renowned for their dedication to the kingdom of Eldoria. Raised with a strong sense of duty and honor, Alaric quickly distinguished himself as a man of integrity and wisdom. When Arthinore Aldenheart, the golden king of Eldoria, was killed, Alaric stepped up during the kingdom's time of crisis, earning the respect and trust of his peers. He was elected as the first Steward of Arthin to guide Eldoria until the rightful heir could take the throne.


Alaric received an extensive education from the finest tutors available to the nobility. His studies included history, politics, military strategy, economics, and philosophy. He also received training in rhetoric and diplomacy, which would later prove invaluable in his role as steward. Alaric's education was complemented by practical experience in managing the Tiberius family estates and participating in court affairs.


Before becoming the Steward of Arthin, Alaric held various positions within the kingdom's governance. He served as a trusted advisor to the royal court, a military commander, and an administrator of key territories. His leadership and decision-making skills were well-known, and he was often called upon to mediate disputes and oversee important projects.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Stabilization of Eldoria: As the first Steward of Arthin, Alaric successfully stabilized the kingdom during a tumultuous period, ensuring that essential functions of governance continued smoothly. Reform and Reconstruction: Implemented crucial reforms to rebuild and strengthen Eldoria’s infrastructure and economy following the king’s death. Diplomatic Success: Fostered alliances and maintained peace with neighboring territories, enhancing Eldoria’s standing and security. Military Leadership: Led defensive campaigns that safeguarded Eldoria’s borders, earning him the respect and admiration of both soldiers and civilians.

Failures & Embarrassments

Unfulfilled Promise: Despite his many successes, Alaric was unable to secure a lasting peace with certain hostile factions, leading to occasional skirmishes and unrest. Internal Opposition: Faced resistance from factions within the court who were opposed to his reforms and leadership style, creating political friction. Family Strife: His dedication to duty sometimes strained his relationships with family members, who felt neglected due to his commitments.

Mental Trauma

The burden of leadership during a time of crisis took a toll on Alaric’s mental health. He often felt the weight of responsibility and the pressure to uphold the kingdom’s stability. The constant threat of conflict and the need to make difficult decisions led to periods of stress and anxiety.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly Intelligent: Possessed a sharp intellect and a deep understanding of governance, strategy, and diplomacy. Analytical: Had a keen ability to analyze complex situations and devise effective solutions. Wise and Judicious: Known for his wisdom and fair judgment, often sought out for his counsel. Strategic Thinker: Excelled at long-term planning and foresight, ensuring the kingdom's prosperity and security.

Morality & Philosophy

Alaric was guided by a strong moral compass and a philosophy centered on duty, honor, and service to the greater good. He believed in the principles of justice, fairness, and compassion. Alaric’s leadership was characterized by his dedication to the welfare of Eldoria and its people, often putting their needs above his own.


Dishonesty: Abhorred deceit and manipulation, valuing transparency and honesty in all dealings. Betrayal: Considered betrayal and treachery unforgivable sins, both in personal and political spheres. Neglect of Duty: Believed that neglecting one’s responsibilities was a grave failing, always striving to fulfill his duties to the utmost. Corruption: Had zero tolerance for corruption and abuse of power, working tirelessly to root out such behavior within the kingdom.

Personality Characteristics


Alaric Tiberius was driven by a profound sense of duty and responsibility to Eldoria. His primary motivation was to ensure the stability and prosperity of the kingdom during its time of crisis, providing strong leadership until the rightful heir could assume the throne. He was also motivated by a desire to honor his family's legacy of service and to protect the people of Eldoria from internal strife and external threats.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Strategic military planning and execution Diplomatic negotiation and alliance-building Administration and governance Inspiring and commanding respect from others  
Struggled with delegating authority, often taking on too much responsibility himself Limited patience for political games and deceit Difficulty balancing personal life and public duties Not particularly skilled in the arts or creative endeavors

Likes & Dislikes

Honesty and transparency Acts of bravery and selflessness Order and stability in the kingdom Reading philosophical and historical texts Training and maintaining physical fitness  
Corruption and deceit Betrayal and disloyalty Unnecessary cruelty or injustice Political machinations and underhanded tactics Negligence of duty and responsibility

Virtues & Personality perks

Integrity: Known for his honesty and moral uprightness. Wisdom: Valued for his wise counsel and sound judgment. Courage: Demonstrated bravery both on and off the battlefield. Compassion: Showed genuine care and concern for the well-being of his people. Fairness: Practiced justice and fairness in his decisions and actions.  
Universal respect and admiration from his peers and subjects. Access to the best resources and advisors in the kingdom. Strong alliances and support from neighboring territories. A well-trained and loyal personal guard. Ability to influence and shape the future of Eldoria.

Vices & Personality flaws

Overburdened himself with responsibilities, often leading to burnout. Occasionally too rigid in his principles, making it difficult to adapt to rapidly changing situations.  
Struggled with maintaining personal relationships due to his intense focus on duty. Occasionally underestimated the lengths to which others would go for power. Tended to be overly self-critical, especially in the face of perceived failures.

Personality Quirks

Scar Touching: Often touched the scar on his cheek, a habit that reflected his contemplation of past experiences. Meditative Stance: Frequently clasped his hands behind his back in a meditative stance when making important decisions.


Alaric maintained excellent hygiene, reflecting his noble status and disciplined lifestyle. He took pride in his appearance, ensuring that he was always presentable and dignified. Regular bathing, grooming, and the use of fine scents were part of his routine.

Representation & Legacy

Alaric Tiberius is remembered as a paragon of virtue and a stabilizing force during one of Eldoria's most challenging periods. His legacy is defined by his unwavering commitment to duty, his wisdom in governance, and his compassion for his people. Under his stewardship, Eldoria not only survived a potential crisis but also laid the foundations for a prosperous future. Alaric’s name is synonymous with integrity, honor, and the noble spirit of true leadership. His actions and decisions continue to serve as a benchmark for what it means to be a just and effective ruler.



Alaric Tiberius served as the first Steward of Arthin from the time of Arthinore Aldenheart's death until his own death. His reign was marked by a period of rebuilding, stabilization, and reform. He provided strong and just leadership, guiding Eldoria through its crisis and ensuring the kingdom's resilience and prosperity.

Contacts & Relations

Political Allies: Alaric maintained strong alliances with key nobles, military leaders, and influential figures within Eldoria. His fair and just rule earned him the loyalty of many. Family: He was closely connected to the Tiberius family, who supported his efforts and helped maintain stability. Foreign Diplomats: Cultivated relationships with neighboring territories, ensuring peace and fostering trade agreements. Advisors: Surrounded himself with wise and knowledgeable advisors from various fields, including military strategy, economics, and law.

Social Aptitude

Alaric was highly adept socially, able to navigate the complexities of court life with ease. His charisma, combined with his reputation for integrity and wisdom, made him a respected and influential figure. He was known for his ability to mediate disputes and bring people together.


Scar Touching: Frequently touched the scar on his cheek, a habit that reflected his contemplation of past experiences. Meditative Stance: Often clasped his hands behind his back in a meditative stance when making important decisions. Steady Gaze: Maintained direct eye contact during conversations, conveying his focus and determination.

Hobbies & Pets

Alaric kept a loyal hunting dog named Valor, which symbolized his protective nature.  
Reading: Enjoyed reading philosophical and historical texts, often reflecting on their lessons. Training: Regularly practiced swordsmanship and physical training to maintain his combat skills. Gardening: Found peace in tending to a private garden, where he could contemplate and find solace. Mentorship: Took pleasure in mentoring young nobles and soldiers, imparting his wisdom and experience.


Alaric’s speech was measured, articulate, and authoritative. He spoke with clarity and conviction, often using thoughtful pauses to emphasize his points. His tone was calm and reassuring, reflecting his wisdom and confidence. Alaric had a knack for inspiring those around him, using his words to unite and motivate. He avoided unnecessary rhetoric, preferring direct and honest communication.

Wealth & Financial state

Alaric was wealthy, but his wealth was primarily in land and resources rather than liquid assets. As the head of House Tiberius, he controlled extensive estates and had access to the family's considerable resources. He used his wealth responsibly, investing in the kingdom's infrastructure and supporting its people.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Steward of Arthin Lord of House Tiberius Protector of Eldoria
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In times of darkness, we must be the light that guides our people." "Duty and honor above all else." "A true leader serves the realm, not himself." "Strength and wisdom are the pillars of a just rule." "Our actions today shape the legacy of tomorrow."
Known Languages
King's Tongue


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