
Alarvaun is a rare and valued herb found in the wet, shaded areas of western Eldoria, particularly along riverbanks and forested wetlands. Recognizable by its broad, serrated leaves and small clusters of white flowers, this perennial plant plays a crucial ecological role by stabilizing soil and preventing erosion with its extensive root system. Alarvaun thrives in nutrient-rich, moist soils and requires shaded environments to grow, making it sensitive to changes in light and moisture levels. Its unique properties make it a key ingredient in Spellslayer wine, a concoction known for its magical effects. Despite its delicate habitat needs, Alarvaun is resilient, capable of living for decades. Its careful harvesting is essential to maintain natural populations, as overexploitation could threaten its survival.

Basic Information


Leaves: Broad, oval-shaped with serrated edges, exhibiting a deep green color.   Flowers: Small, white flowers that bloom in clusters.   Roots: Extensive and shallow root system, adapted to absorb moisture in wet environments.   Stem: Woody and flexible, capable of withstanding the damp, shady conditions of its habitat.

Biological Traits

Contains compounds used in Spellslayer wine, known for its unique magical properties.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Alarvaun reproduces both sexually through seeds and asexually via root cuttings. Pollination is primarily carried out by local insects attracted to its flowers.   Genetics: Displays a high level of genetic diversity, aiding in its adaptability to varying moisture levels and soil types.

Growth Rate & Stages

Seed Germination: Takes about 2-3 weeks in optimal conditions.   Growth: Slow-growing, reaching maturity in approximately two years.   Lifespan: Perennial, capable of living and producing for several decades under ideal conditions.

Ecology and Habitats

Habitat: Wet, shady areas of western Eldoria, commonly found in forested wetlands and along riverbanks.   Ecosystem Role: Alarvaun plays a crucial role in stabilizing soil and preventing erosion. Its dense root system provides habitat and protection for various small creatures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Requires nutrient-rich, moist soil with ample organic matter. It absorbs nutrients primarily through its extensive root system.

Biological Cycle

Active growth occurs in the spring and summer, with flowering in late spring. Dormant during the winter months.


Highly adaptable to shaded, moist environments but struggles in dry or overly sunny conditions.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Often found in dense clusters, forming small communities that support a diverse range of local flora and fauna.


Difficult to cultivate outside its natural habitat due to specific moisture and light requirements.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Medicinal Uses: Key ingredient in Spellslayer wine, which is used for its magical properties.   Exploitation: Harvested carefully to avoid overexploitation and maintain its natural population. Diluted extracts of Alarvaun are used for their curative properties in traditional medicine.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Predominantly found in western Eldoria, particularly in the shaded, wet areas of the region's forests.

Average Intelligence

As a plant, it does not possess intelligence but exhibits high sensitivity to environmental changes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Alarvaun is highly sensitive to light and moisture levels, thriving in shaded, damp areas.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic Relationships: Thrives alongside mosses and ferns, which help retain moisture in its habitat.   Parasitic Species: Occasionally affected by fungal infections common to wet environments.
Scientific Name
Alarvaunia Herbimus
20-30 years
Conservation Status
Rare. The Alarvaun herb is not currently endangered, but its limited distribution and specific growing conditions make it susceptible to habitat disruption.
Average Height
1-2 feet
Average Weight
1-2 lbs
Average Length
Root systems can spread up to 3 feet in diameter
Average Physique
Sturdy and resilient, with a flexible stem and robust root system.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Deep green leaves, white flowers, and brown woody stems.
Geographic Distribution


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