Angel’s Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet is a rare and visually striking plant, known for its pure white, trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow stems. Found primarily in temperate forests and hilly regions, this plant thrives in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil and moderate sunlight. While its beauty is undeniable, the plant's potent scent can cause confusion and temporary paralysis when inhaled directly, making it both a captivating and dangerous presence. This characteristic has historically been exploited in the creation of poisons and to subdue targets, though it also holds a place in traditional medicine. Standing between 6 and 15 feet tall, Angel's Trumpet is a perennial plant that can live for many years, adding a touch of elegance to any garden while demanding respect and caution due to its powerful effects.

Basic Information


Flowers: Pure white, trumpet-shaped flowers with yellow stems, exuding a potent scent.   Leaves: Broad, green leaves with a smooth surface and slightly serrated edges.   Stem: Woody and sturdy, supporting the plant’s large flowers.   Roots: Extensive root system, aiding in nutrient absorption and stability.

Biological Traits

Potent Scent: The plant's scent can cause confusion and paralysis when inhaled directly.   Longevity: Perennial, capable of living for many years under ideal conditions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Angel’s Trumpet reproduces sexually through pollination and asexually via stem cuttings.   Genetics: Exhibits genetic variations that adapt to its specific habitat conditions, promoting survival in forests and hills.

Growth Rate & Stages

Seed Germination: Seeds typically germinate within 2-3 weeks under optimal conditions.   Juvenile Stage: Rapid growth, focusing on leaf and stem development.   Mature Stage: Reaches full maturity within 1-2 years, producing its distinctive flowers.

Ecology and Habitats

Habitat: Prefers temperate forests and hilly regions with well-drained soil and moderate sunlight.   Ecosystem Role: Provides habitat and nectar for certain pollinators, while its potent scent can influence the behavior of nearby fauna.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nutrient Requirements: Thrives in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil with adequate organic matter.   Water Needs: Requires regular watering, particularly during dry periods.

Biological Cycle

Spring/Summer: Active growth and flowering period.   Fall/Winter: Dormant period with reduced metabolic activity.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Typically grows in isolated clusters within its preferred habitat.


Can be cultivated in gardens for ornamental purposes, though caution is required due to its potent scent.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Medicinal Uses: Historically used in traditional medicine, though its potent effects require careful handling.   Exploitation: Its paralyzing scent has been used in poisons and to subdue targets.   Ornamental Use: Valued for its beautiful, trumpet-shaped flowers in ornamental gardens.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found in temperate forests and hilly regions in Eldoria and Soladerhon.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As a plant, Angel’s Trumpet does not possess sensory or extrasensory capabilities. Its potent scent, however, affects the sensory perceptions of nearby creatures.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic: Often found growing alongside other forest plants, benefiting from shared soil nutrients.   Parasitic: Susceptible to certain fungal infections and insect pests.
Scientific Name
Brugmansia arborea
10-24 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
6-15 feet
Average Weight
1-10 lbs
Average Physique
Tall, bushy plant with large, trumpet-shaped flowers and broad leaves.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pure white flowers with yellow stems; green leaves.
Geographic Distribution


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