
The Ashbloom is a rare and striking plant found exclusively in the scorching deserts and volcanic regions of Idorin. This tiny flower, standing at only 2 to 4 inches tall, boasts bright red petals with a vivid yellow center, perched atop ashen grey stems. Its remarkable adaptation to extreme heat and arid conditions makes it a resilient survivor in these harsh environments. Not just a visual marvel, the Ashbloom contains potent compounds that cause a burning sensation when ingested, making it a prized ingredient for alchemists crafting fire-related potions. Despite its resilience, the Ashbloom’s specialized habitat requirements render it a rare gem in the botanical world, cherished by those who encounter it.

Basic Information


Flower Structure: Bright red petals with a yellow center.   Stems: Ashen grey, sturdy and adapted to hot, arid environments.   Size: Small, typically about 2 to 4 inches in height.

Biological Traits

Heat Tolerance: Can withstand extreme temperatures due to specialized cellular adaptations.   Chemical Properties: Contains compounds that cause a burning sensation when ingested, useful in brewing fire-related potions.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Reproduces through seeds which are dispersed by wind and occasionally by animals.   Genetics: Displays genetic adaptations for extreme heat tolerance and drought resistance.

Growth Rate & Stages

Seed Germination: Seeds germinate quickly in the presence of heat and minimal moisture.   Juvenile Stage: Rapid initial growth, establishing roots deep in the soil.   Mature Stage: Fully grown within a few months, capable of flowering and seed production.

Ecology and Habitats

Habitat: Found exclusively in hot environments such as deserts and volcanic regions.   Ecosystem Role: Provides a unique ecological niche, often one of the few flowering plants in its harsh environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nutrient Requirements: Thrives in nutrient-poor, sandy soils; highly efficient in water usage.   Water Needs: Extremely drought-resistant, requiring minimal water to survive.

Biological Cycle

Active Period: Grows and flowers during the hot season.   Dormant Period: Enters dormancy during cooler months or when extreme heat makes survival difficult.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Typically found growing individually or in small clusters.


Rarely domesticated due to its specific habitat needs but can be cultivated by experienced botanists or alchemists.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Medicinal Uses: Can be used to brew fire-related potions with various effects, such as resistance to fire or enhanced heat production.   Exploitation: Harvested carefully to avoid depleting natural populations.   Ornamental Use: Valued for its unique appearance in specialized desert or volcanic gardens.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Deserts and volcanic regions, specifically in the hottest parts of these areas.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic: Often grows alongside other drought-resistant plants and cacti.   Parasitic: Occasionally affected by fungal infections in less ideal conditions.
Scientific Name
Ignisflora flammae
1 to 2 years
Conservation Status
Least concern
Average Height
2 to 4 inches
Average Weight
3-7 grams
Average Physique
Small, sturdy plant with bright red flowers and ashen grey stems.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Bright red petals, yellow center, and ashen grey stems.


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