Beorunna's cure-all

Beorunna's Cure-All is a rare and highly sought-after plant found exclusively in the dense, humid Savage Jungles of Faerun. This small but striking plant features broad, lanceolate leaves with a distinctive teal hue and large, showy flowers that resemble hibiscus blossoms. The flowers are characterized by their deep magenta-colored antennae-like stigma and anther, which add to their unique appearance. Revered for its extraordinary medicinal properties, Beorunna's Cure-All enhances the effectiveness of any treatment, both mundane and magical, making cuts heal faster and illnesses resolve more swiftly. Its high value and rarity have made it a target for overharvesting, necessitating sustainable practices to ensure its continued presence in its native jungle habitat.

Basic Information


Leaves: Broad, lanceolate leaves with a teal hue.   Flowers: Resemble hibiscus flowers, with large, showy petals in shades of teal. The flower's most distinctive feature is its deep magenta-colored antennae-like stigma and anther.   Stem: Sturdy and green with a slight teal tint.   Roots: Fibrous and extensive, adapted to the nutrient-rich but competitive soil of the jungle.

Biological Traits

Healing Enhancement: Enhances the effectiveness of any treatment, making cuts heal better and illnesses resolve faster.   Nutrient Absorption: Highly efficient at absorbing nutrients from the soil.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Both sexual (via seeds) and asexual (via root cuttings and offsets). Pollination is often facilitated by jungle insects and birds.   Genetics: Genetically adapted to enhance the effectiveness of healing treatments, both mundane and magical.

Growth Rate & Stages

Seed Germination: Seeds germinate in 1-2 weeks under optimal conditions.   Juvenile Stage: Rapid initial growth, establishing a strong root system.   Mature Stage: Reaches maturity in about 6 months, with continuous flowering throughout its life.

Ecology and Habitats

Habitat: Found in the dense, humid Savage Jungles of Faerun. Prefers nutrient-rich, well-drained soil and partial shade.   Role in Ecosystem: Provides nectar for pollinators and contributes to the jungle's biodiversity. Its presence indicates a healthy ecosystem.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nutrient Requirements: High nutrient demands, thriving in rich jungle soil. Benefits from organic matter and regular moisture.   Water Needs: Requires consistent moisture but is susceptible to root rot if waterlogged.

Biological Cycle

Active Period: Year-round, with heightened growth during the rainy season.   Dormant Period: No true dormancy but reduced growth during the dry season.


Exhibits rapid growth and flowering in response to favorable conditions. Can compete with other jungle plants for light and nutrients.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Grows well in clusters, often found in the company of other medicinal plants.


Highly sought after for cultivation due to its medicinal properties.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Medicinal Uses: Enhances the effect of any treatment, mundane or magical, aiding in the healing of cuts and the resolution of illnesses.   Exploitation: Risk of overharvesting due to its high value; sustainable harvesting practices are crucial.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Endemic to the Savage Jungles of Faerun, the Wilds of Bagood.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic: Attracts pollinators like jungle insects and birds.   Parasitic: Vulnerable to fungal infections and pests common to humid environments.
Scientific Name
Beorunna miraculum
2-3 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
1 to 2 feet
Average Weight
2-4 grams
Average Physique
Compact and bushy with showy flowers.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Teal leaves and petals, with deep magenta-colored stigma and anther.
Geographic Distribution


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