Black Mortis

The Black Mortis is a fearsome serpent, renowned as one of the deadliest creatures in Idorin. This sleek, jet-black snake, typically 6 to 8 feet in length, is perfectly adapted for stealth and efficiency in hunting. Its predatory eyes and long, curved fangs, designed to deliver one of the most potent venoms known, contribute to its lethal reputation. Upon envenomation, victims experience excruciating pain, rapid paralysis, and the hallmark symptom of black veins spreading ominously from the wound. The Black Mortis is primarily nocturnal and fiercely territorial, using its powerful venom to subdue prey and defend itself from threats. Found in dense forests and swamps, its presence is both feared and respected, a symbol of nature's most dangerous and enigmatic creatures.  

Black Mortis Venom Effects

Venom Potency:

  Venom Level: 10   Potency: Highly lethal  

Immediate Effects:

  Neurological Impact: The venom contains extremely potent neurotoxins that rapidly target the nervous system. Within seconds of a bite, the victim experiences severe pain, dizziness, and respiratory distress.   Paralysis: Neurotoxins cause rapid paralysis, beginning at the bite site and quickly spreading throughout the body. Both voluntary and involuntary muscles are affected, leading to potential respiratory failure.   Hemotoxic Effects: The venom includes hemotoxins that disrupt blood clotting, leading to internal bleeding and immediate tissue damage around the bite area.  

Short-Term Effects:

  Severe Pain and Swelling: The bite area becomes intensely painful and swollen due to the inflammatory response triggered by the venom.   Nausea and Vomiting: As the venom circulates, systemic symptoms such as nausea and vomiting occur, adding to the victim's distress.   Cardiovascular Impact: The combined neurotoxins and hemotoxins cause a significant drop in blood pressure and irregular heart rhythms, potentially leading to cardiovascular collapse if untreated.  

Long-Term Effects:

  Tissue Necrosis: The hemotoxins cause significant tissue damage, resulting in necrosis (tissue death) around the bite area. Severe cases may require surgical intervention to remove dead tissue.   Neurological Damage: Survivors may suffer long-term neurological damage, including persistent muscle weakness, numbness, or tremors.   Organ Damage: Severe envenomations can lead to damage to internal organs, particularly the kidneys, due to muscle tissue breakdown and the release of myoglobin into the bloodstream (rhabdomyolysis).  

Antivenom and Treatment:

  Antivenom: Immediate administration of antivenom is crucial to neutralize the toxins and prevent further damage. The antivenom specifically targets the potent neurotoxins and hemotoxins of the Black Mortis.   Supportive Care: In addition to antivenom, comprehensive supportive care in a medical facility is essential. This includes pain management, intravenous fluids to maintain blood pressure, and respiratory support if necessary.   Wound Care: Proper care of the bite site is necessary to prevent secondary infections and promote healing.  


  Timely Treatment: With prompt medical intervention (within 5 hours), the prognosis for a Black Mortis bite can be improved, although recovery may take several weeks to months.   Delayed Treatment: Without immediate treatment, the venom is almost invariably fatal due to rapid respiratory failure, cardiovascular collapse, or secondary complications from extensive tissue and organ damage.

Basic Information


Skeletal Structure: The Black Mortis possesses a streamlined and elongated body, designed for stealthy movement and efficient hunting. Its internal skeleton provides support and protection for its vital organs.   Scales: Its body is covered in sleek, jet-black scales that not only aid in camouflage but also provide some degree of protection against external threats.   Head: The serpent's head is slightly triangular, housing a pair of predatory eyes positioned on the sides. These eyes provide excellent peripheral vision, allowing the Black Mortis to track potential prey and threats.   Fangs: Its mouth is armed with long, curved fangs made of a durable material, designed to inject venom into its prey. These fangs are hollow, enabling the serpent to deliver its potent toxin with precision.   Venom Glands: Within its head, venom glands produce a potent toxin that incapacitates or kills its prey. The venom flows through ducts to the base of its fangs, ready to be injected into any target it strikes.   Digestive System: The Black Mortis has a specialized digestive system capable of breaking down the tissues of its prey efficiently. Once a meal is consumed, the serpent's body absorbs nutrients, sustaining its energy and strength.   Muscular System: Strong muscles along its body allow the Black Mortis to move with impressive speed and precision, aiding in both hunting and evading danger.   Reproductive Organs: Depending on the serpent's gender, it has reproductive organs that enable it to reproduce and ensure the survival of its species.   Respiratory System: The Black Mortis breathes through a set of lungs, allowing it to extract oxygen from the air and sustain its bodily functions.   Tail: The serpent's tail is elongated and tapers to a point, aiding in its agility and movement through various terrains.

Biological Traits

Venom Potency: Venom is highly toxic, capable of causing paralysis and death.   Camouflage: Black scales provide excellent camouflage in dark environments.   Regenerative Abilities: Can recover from injuries more quickly than other species.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproductive Strategy: Oviparous, laying eggs in concealed nests.   Genetic Traits: Genes for potent venom production and black scale coloration.   Courtship Rituals: Males and females engage in complex courtship behaviors before mating.   Incubation: Eggs are incubated in warm, hidden locations until they hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg: Laid in concealed nests, with an incubation period of several weeks.   Hatchling: Small, vulnerable, and dependent on parents for protection.   Juvenile: Rapid growth, developing hunting skills and venom potency.   Adult: Full maturity, established territory, and complex social interactions.   Elder: Older individuals may exhibit larger size and enhanced abilities.

Ecology and Habitats

Preferred Habitat: Dense jungles, swamps, and dark, secluded areas.   Territory: Establishes and fiercely defends a specific territory.   Environmental Role: Predator that helps control populations of smaller animals.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous: Feeds on small mammals, birds, and amphibians.   Hunting Strategy: Ambush predator, using stealth and venom to capture prey.   Feeding Frequency: Consumes large meals less frequently due to efficient digestion.

Biological Cycle

Active Periods: Primarily active during twilight and nighttime.   Mating Season: Mating occurs during warmer months, with eggs laid shortly after.   Hibernation: May enter periods of dormancy during extreme weather conditions.


Aggressive and Territorial: Defends territory from intruders.   Cunning and Patient: Uses stealth and patience to ambush prey.   Solitary: Typically solitary except during mating season.   Vengeful: Known to hold grudges and exhibit aggressive behavior towards perceived threats.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Solitary, with minimal social interactions outside of mating season.


Not domesticated due to its dangerous nature.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Venom: Studied for potential medicinal applications.   Scales: Used in crafting and magical rituals.   Research: Valuable for studying venomous serpents and their behaviors.

Facial characteristics

Predatory eyes with vertical pupils, slightly triangular head.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found in various regions of Idorin, primarily in dense jungles and swamps.

Average Intelligence

High for a serpent, capable of complex hunting strategies.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vision: Excellent peripheral vision to track prey and threats.   Heat Detection: Ability to sense heat signatures of warm-blooded creatures.   Keen Smell: Acute sense of smell for tracking prey.   Vibration Sensitivity: Can detect vibrations in the ground, aiding in locating prey.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic: Relationships with certain fungi that grow on its scales.   Parasitic: Vulnerable to certain parasites that inhabit its environment.
Scientific Name
Venenum Nigrum
20-30 years
Conservation Status
Average Weight
10-20 pounds
Average Length
6-8 feet
Average Physique
Slender, muscular body with a streamlined form.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Jet-black scales with a sleek, shiny appearance.


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