
Blightshrooms are rare and highly toxic fungi found exclusively in the arid caves of Soladerhon and the Eastern side of Aridora. Characterized by their striking bright red caps speckled with white, these mushrooms release potent spores that can poison creatures, causing severe delusions and erratic behavior. The spores are dispersed through the air in their cave habitats, making the environment dangerous for any intruders. Thriving in the humid, nutrient-rich conditions of caves, Blightshrooms play a vital role in decomposing organic matter. Despite their toxicity, these fungi are highly valued for their potential uses in creating powerful poisons and are the subject of ongoing alchemical research.

Basic Information


Cap: Bright red, often speckled with white, giving a striking appearance.   Spores: Bright red spores that are highly toxic and induce delusions.   Stipe (Stem): White with possible red markings, providing contrast to the cap.   Gills: White, producing the toxic spores.   Root Structure: Mycelium spreads through the arid cave soil, drawing nutrients from decaying organic matter.

Biological Traits

Toxicity: Highly toxic spores cause poisoning and delusions in creatures exposed to them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Reproduces through the release of spores. The spores are dispersed through air currents in caves, contaminating the environment.   Genetic Traits: Adapted to arid cave environments, with specialized spores that are toxic to most creatures.

Growth Rate & Stages

Spore Stage: Spores are released into the air and settle on the cave floor.   Germination: Spores germinate into mycelium, which spreads through the substrate.   Mature Fungus: Fruiting bodies (Blightshrooms) emerge, releasing more spores to continue the cycle.

Ecology and Habitats

Preferred Habitat: Arid caves with limited sunlight, high humidity, and decaying organic matter.   Environmental Role: Contributes to the decomposition of organic material, recycling nutrients within the cave ecosystem.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Absorbs nutrients from decaying organic matter in the cave substrate.

Biological Cycle

Active Period: Grows and releases spores year-round in the stable environment of caves.   Dormancy: Does not have a significant dormancy period due to the consistent cave conditions.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Grows in clusters, often forming large colonies within the cave environment.


Not suitable for domestication due to its toxic nature and specific habitat requirements.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Toxicity: Spores can be harvested for use in poison concoctions, though extreme care is required.   Research: Studied for its unique toxic properties and potential applications in alchemy and medicine.   Caution: Handling requires protective gear to prevent poisoning.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found exclusively in arid caves in Soladerhon and the Eastern side of Aridora.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic: Often found alongside other cave-dwelling fungi and microorganisms.   Parasitic: Can outcompete other fungi for resources, but no known specific parasitic relationships.
Scientific Name
Amanita rubrotoxica
1-5 years
Conservation Status
Least concern
Average Height
4 to 8 inches
Average Weight
2-10 grams
Average Physique
Sturdy stem supporting a broad cap, typical of mushrooms.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Cap: Bright red with white speckles.   Stipe: White with possible red markings.   Gills: White.
Geographic Distribution


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