
Bloodpurge is a rare red algae found in the polluted freshwater marshes of Faerun, known for its detoxifying properties. This filamentous and branched algae, with its deep red coloration, thrives in nutrient-rich and polluted waters, forming dense mats. When consumed, Bloodpurge activates the immune system and induces nausea, leading to red vomit, hence its name. It plays a crucial role in detoxifying its environment by neutralizing minor toxins. Highly valued for its potential medical applications, Bloodpurge is used to treat minor poisoning and is a subject of ongoing research for its unique properties.

Basic Information


Color: Deep red.   Structure: Filamentous and branched, forming dense mats.   Cells: Composed of cylindrical cells that contain pigments responsible for its red coloration.   Size: Typically grows up to 10-15 cm in length.

Biological Traits

Detoxification: Contains compounds that neutralize minor toxins. Immune Activation: Consuming Bloodpurge activates the immune system and induces nausea.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Reproduces both sexually and asexually. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes, while asexual reproduction occurs through fragmentation.   Genetics: Contains genes adapted to thrive in polluted environments, allowing it to neutralize minor toxins.

Growth Rate & Stages

Spore Stage: Released spores settle in suitable environments.   Germination: Spores germinate into small filaments.   Mature Algae: Filaments grow and branch, forming dense mats.

Ecology and Habitats

Preferred Habitat: Polluted freshwater marshes with a high nutrient load.   Environmental Role: Helps to neutralize minor toxins in its environment, contributing to the detoxification of polluted waters.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Absorbs nutrients directly from the water, thriving in nutrient-rich and polluted environments.

Biological Cycle

Active Growth: Primarily in spring and summer when water temperatures are higher.   Dormancy: Reduced growth in colder months, but remains viable.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Grows in dense colonies, forming mats in polluted waters.


Not domesticated but can be cultivated in controlled environments for its detoxifying properties.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Medical Uses: Consumed to neutralize minor poisons; induces nausea and activates the immune system.   Research: Studied for its detoxifying properties and potential medical applications.   Environmental Use: Used in bioremediation projects to clean polluted waters.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found in the deeper parts of polluted freshwater marshes in Faerun.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic: Often found in association with other aquatic plants and microorganisms.   Parasitic: No known parasitic relationships.
Scientific Name
Ceramium sanguineum
Individual filaments can live for several months, but colonies persist through continuous reproduction.
Conservation Status
Least concern
Average Height
10-15 inches
Average Weight
Lightweight, with dense mats weighing a few grams.
Average Length
10-15 inches
Average Physique
Filamentous and branched, forming dense mats.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Deep red coloration.


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