Blue Dragon

Blue dragons, also known as storm dragons, are among the most vain and prideful of an arrogant race. They take great pleasure in wielding their power, engaging in combat or lording over humanoids and other lesser creatures to prove that they can do so, rather than out of any real desire for results. A blue dragon might forgive insults, but it reacts with rage to any insinuation that it is weak or inferior.

Basic Information


Blue Dragons like other Chromatic Dragons are more feline in body shape than a reptile in which their features resemble. They are covered in blue scales on the top of their body although the underbelly and webbings of the wings and ears are a yellow hue. They have wings just behind the front shoulder blades that are large enough to sustain flight for great distances. Unlike most other dragons they do not have a frill along the spine. The wing webbing extends all the way to the end of their tails aiding in long distance flying. A Blue Dragons head is close in resemblance with a Gila Monster or other short-faced reptiles although jaw is quite more jagged and filled with large teeth like a crocodile.

Biological Traits

Electric Regeneration: Heals through electrical energy.   Electric Aura: Subtle electric aura affecting surroundings.   Chromatic Vision: Enhanced vision in the blue and violet range.

Genetics and Reproduction

Electric Scales: The distinctive blue scales of a blue dragon are a result of a unique genetic trait that generates and stores electrical energy. Specialized cells in the dragon's skin contain magical crystals and conductive materials that generate an electric charge. The dragon's scales can generate a faint blue glow when the electrical charge is activated.   Electric Breath: Blue dragons possess a specialized organ called the "voltal gland," responsible for producing the electricity they use for their breath weapon. This organ contains volatile magical compounds and substances that, when combined, create a powerful electrical discharge that the dragon can release as a breath attack.   Wing Structure: The wings of a blue dragon have a complex arrangement of thin and flexible membranes embedded with tiny magical conduits. These conduits enhance the dragon's ability to harness and control the surrounding electrical energy, aiding in their flight and manipulation of lightning.   Lightning Manipulation: Blue dragons have a natural affinity for manipulating and controlling lightning. Their genetic makeup allows them to sense and harness electrical currents in their environment, enabling them to call down lightning bolts or redirect natural lightning strikes for their own use.   Electromagnetic Senses: Blue dragons have heightened electromagnetic senses, allowing them to detect and interpret changes in the surrounding electrical fields. This ability aids them in navigation, locating prey, and anticipating atmospheric disturbances.   Chromatic Vision: Blue dragons possess a unique visual adaptation that allows them to see the full spectrum of colors within the blue and violet range. This adaptation enhances their ability to detect subtle shifts in light and to perceive atmospheric changes related to electrical activity.   Electric Regeneration: The dragon's genetic structure promotes rapid healing and regeneration when exposed to electrical energy. Minor injuries can be healed through exposure to lightning or electrical discharges, making the dragon more resistant to the effects of their own breath weapon.   Electric Hibernation: Similar to red dragons, blue dragons might have a hibernation cycle where they enter a dormant state to absorb and store electrical energy. This energy sustains them during periods of scarcity or when conditions are unfavorable for hunting.   Hereditary Capacities: Blue dragons inherit their electrical traits from their parent lineage. The potency of their electrical abilities and the vibrancy of their blue scales can be influenced by the strength of these genetic traits passed down through generations.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg: Blue dragon eggs are large and sturdy, with a bluish tint that matches their adult scales. The eggs are often buried in sandy or rocky terrain to provide protection. The incubation period for blue dragon eggs can last several decades, during which the egg absorbs ambient electrical energy.   Hatchling: Once the egg hatches, a blue dragon hatchling emerges. It's small and fragile compared to the adult form, with underdeveloped wings and limited electrical abilities. The hatchling remains near its nest and relies on its parent for protection and nourishment.   Juvenile: As the dragon grows, it enters the juvenile stage. During this period, the dragon's wings and electrical abilities gradually develop. Juvenile blue dragons are curious and adventurous, often exploring their surroundings and testing their abilities through playful behavior.   Young Adult: The young adult stage marks a significant increase in size and power. Blue dragons in this stage are capable of sustained flight and have refined their electrical abilities. They become more territorial and may begin establishing their own lairs and hunting grounds.   Adult: Blue dragons reach full maturity in the adult stage. Their size, strength, and mastery over electrical magic make them formidable adversaries. Adult blue dragons become more territorial and may engage in conflicts with other creatures to establish dominance over their territory.   Ancient: Over centuries, a blue dragon can become ancient, reaching the pinnacle of its power and magical abilities. Ancient blue dragons are revered and feared, often seen as powerful forces of nature. They may become involved in significant events, exerting their influence over the world around them.   Eternal Slumber: Some interpretations of blue dragon lore suggest that ancient blue dragons eventually enter a state of eternal slumber, surrounded by powerful electrical energies. They become guardians of ancient treasures or sources of magical power, with only the most daring adventurers attempting to awaken them.

Ecology and Habitats

Desert Wastelands: Blue dragons are often associated with desert environments, where their electrical powers can manifest most effectively. They carve out territories within vast stretches of arid wastelands, their lairs hidden amidst sand dunes, rocky outcroppings, and ancient ruins.   Cavernous Lairs: Blue dragons create their lairs within intricate networks of underground caverns, tunnels, and chambers. These lairs serve as both sanctuaries and treasure hoards, providing protection from the harsh desert climate and potential intruders.   Sandstorms and Lightning: The habitat of a blue dragon is characterized by frequent sandstorms and lightning storms. The dragon's presence and power can influence the weather, causing electrical storms and intense winds that reshape the desert landscape.   Natural Conduits: Blue dragons are drawn to areas with natural sources of electrical energy, such as ley lines, underground aquifers, and mineral deposits. They may establish their lairs near these sources, harnessing and amplifying the electrical currents for their own use.   Ancient Ruins: Blue dragons are known to inhabit the ruins of ancient civilizations. They might repurpose crumbling temples, fortresses, or cities as their lairs, drawn to the residual magical energy and historical significance of these locations.   Geological Phenomena: Blue dragons are often attracted to places of geological significance, such as areas with unique rock formations, mineral veins, or geothermal activity. These features can influence the dragon's ability to manipulate and control electrical energy.   Cursed Oases: Some blue dragons might establish their territories around rare oases in the desert, which become sources of power for their electrical abilities. These oases are often avoided by other creatures due to the dragon's presence and the potent magic that surrounds them.   Magical Nexus: Blue dragons may choose to reside near magical nexuses or locations where the boundaries between the material plane and other planes of existence are thin. These areas might amplify the dragon's magical powers and provide access to hidden knowledge.   Electromagnetic Disturbances: The dragon's presence can create electromagnetic disturbances in its habitat, affecting compasses, and causing strange phenomena such as dancing lights and glowing sand.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous Diet: Similar to other dragons, blue dragons are carnivores, which means they primarily feed on meat. Their diet consists of a variety of creatures that inhabit their desert environment.   Prey Selection: Blue dragons prefer prey that can provide a substantial amount of sustenance in a single kill. They often target large desert-dwelling creatures such as sandworms, desert-dwelling mammals, reptiles, and even other predators.   Electrified Consumption: Blue dragons have the unique ability to cook or char their prey using their electric breath. Before consuming their meal, they might use their breath weapon to sear the meat, enhancing the flavor and tenderness of their food.   Desert Adaptations: Blue dragons have adapted to their desert habitat, and their dietary habits reflect this. They have a remarkable ability to go without food for extended periods, relying on their energy reserves and metabolic adaptations to endure periods of scarcity.   Lightning Absorption: Some interpretations suggest that blue dragons have the ability to absorb and derive sustenance from electrical discharges and lightning strikes. They might position themselves strategically during storms to harness energy from nearby lightning bolts.   Feeding Patterns: Blue dragons may have irregular feeding patterns, taking advantage of opportunities when prey is available. They might feast when successful hunts yield an abundance of food, followed by periods of fasting during scarcity.   Hunting Strategies: Blue dragons are skilled hunters that often use their intelligence and elemental abilities to their advantage. They may employ hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and even manipulate weather patterns to drive prey into favorable hunting areas.   Elemental Flair: Blue dragons might incorporate their elemental nature into their hunting and feeding rituals. For example, they might electrify the sand around their lair to create traps for unsuspecting prey or use their electrical abilities to immobilize or stun creatures before devouring them.   Territorial Hunting: Blue dragons are territorial creatures and establish hunting grounds within their desert domains. They defend their territories from intruders and other predators, ensuring a steady source of food.   Magical Diet: In some interpretations, blue dragons might have an affinity for consuming magical creatures or absorbing residual magical energies. They might seek out creatures that possess magical properties, viewing them as particularly valuable prey.

Biological Cycle

Egg: Blue dragon eggs are laid by adult females and are typically large and sturdy, with a bluish hue that matches their adult scales. The eggs are often buried in sandy or rocky terrain to provide protection from predators and the elements. The incubation period for blue dragon eggs is long, lasting several decades.   Hatchling: When a blue dragon egg hatches, a hatchling emerges. It is small, fragile, and underdeveloped, with wings that have yet to fully form. Hatchlings rely on their parents for protection and nourishment during this vulnerable stage.   Juvenile: As the dragon grows, it enters the juvenile stage. During this period, the dragon's wings develop further, and it begins to practice using its electrical abilities. Juvenile blue dragons are curious and energetic, often engaging in playful activities and practicing their hunting skills.   Young Adult: The young adult stage marks a significant increase in size, strength, and power. Blue dragons in this stage can sustain flight and have mastered their electrical magic. They begin to establish their own territories and lairs, seeking to assert their dominance over their domain.   Adult: In the adult stage, blue dragons reach full maturity. They have honed their electrical abilities to their peak, becoming formidable opponents and rulers of their territories. Adult blue dragons are known for their territorial nature and their willingness to defend their domain at all costs.   Ancient: Over the course of centuries, a blue dragon can become ancient, gaining unparalleled mastery over its elemental powers and magic. Ancient blue dragons are revered and feared, often considered as legendary forces of nature. They may become involved in world-shaping events or serve as powerful allies or adversaries.   Eternal Nexus: Legends suggest that ancient blue dragons, as they approach the end of their natural lifespan, seek out places of immense electrical power, such as magical nexuses or areas of high energy concentration. There, they enter a state of eternal communion with the energy, becoming part of the very essence of electricity itself.   Reincarnation: In some interpretations, the soul of an ancient blue dragon might transcend into the elemental plane of electricity upon death. Over time, this soul might find its way back into the material plane, reincarnating as a new blue dragon to continue its existence and legacy.


Adaptation and Camouflage: Blue dragons are well-adapted to their desert habitat, using their ability to manipulate sand and earth to create hidden lairs and ambush sites. They can blend into the desert landscape, making them difficult to spot until they reveal themselves.   Curiosity and Exploration: Blue dragons are curious creatures, known to explore their territories and venture into nearby regions. They might investigate new phenomena, magical anomalies, or potential sources of power, often driven by a desire for knowledge and understanding.   Intellectual Pursuits: Blue dragons possess keen intellects and are often driven by a thirst for knowledge. They may study ancient texts, magical lore, and the secrets of the world, using their intelligence to uncover hidden truths and unravel mysteries.   Control and Dominance: Blue dragons are territorial beings that assert dominance over their domain. They often see themselves as rulers and protectors of their territory, using their electrical powers and strategic thinking to maintain control and eliminate threats.   Electric Obsession: Blue dragons have a fascination with electricity and lightning. They might spend hours observing lightning storms, studying the patterns of electrical currents, and experimenting with their own abilities to manipulate and control lightning.   Manipulation of Weather: Blue dragons have the ability to influence weather patterns in their desert habitat. They might create or redirect lightning storms, sandstorms, and atmospheric disturbances, using their control over the elements to intimidate, deter intruders, or gather resources.   Isolationist Tendencies: Blue dragons tend to be solitary creatures, often preferring to work alone rather than forming alliances. Their territorial nature and desire for control can make cooperation challenging, but they might temporarily form alliances for mutual benefit.   Sculptors of Landscape: Blue dragons have the ability to shape the desert environment through their manipulation of sand and stone. They might carve out elaborate tunnels, chambers, and traps in their lairs, reshaping the land to suit their needs and desires.   Artifact Seekers: Blue dragons might seek out and collect ancient artifacts, magical items, and relics. They value these treasures not only for their material worth but also for the power and knowledge they represent.   Seekers of Power: Blue dragons are often motivated by a desire for power, not only to protect their territory but also to achieve personal growth and mastery. They may seek out sources of magical energy, ley lines, or other mystical phenomena to enhance their abilities.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Solitary, highly territorial.


Impossible due to their pride and power.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Uses: Rarely captured for study due to danger.   Byproducts: Scales and bones used in powerful magical items.

Facial characteristics

Resembles short-faced reptiles with jagged jaws. And rhino like horns

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Arid deserts, ancient ruins, and areas of electrical activity.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, strategic, and cunning.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Electromagnetic Perception: Blue dragons can sense and interpret changes in electromagnetic fields. This ability allows them to detect the presence of creatures, objects, and even magical energies by sensing disruptions in the surrounding electromagnetic spectrum.   Electrical Sight: Blue dragons have the ability to perceive the flow of electrical currents, both natural and magical. They can "see" the pathways of electricity, enabling them to navigate in dark or obscured environments and locate sources of power.   Lightning Detection: Blue dragons are sensitive to the presence of lightning storms and atmospheric electrical disturbances. They can predict the onset of lightning strikes and harness these phenomena for their own use.   Electricity Manipulation Detection: Blue dragons can sense the presence of electricity manipulation, whether from other creatures, spells, or magical items. This heightened awareness allows them to identify potential threats or opportunities involving electrical magic.   Vibration Sensitivity: Blue dragons have a heightened ability to detect vibrations in the ground, enabling them to sense the approach of creatures or disturbances from a distance. This sensitivity aids them in hunting and defending their territory.   Atmospheric Sensing: Blue dragons can detect changes in the atmosphere, such as shifts in air pressure, temperature, and humidity. This capability helps them anticipate weather patterns, sandstorms, and other environmental changes.   Electric Aura: Blue dragons emit a subtle electric aura that can affect nearby creatures and objects. This aura might cause fine hairs to stand on end, create static electricity, or even disrupt sensitive equipment.   Electromagnetic Manipulation: More powerful blue dragons might possess the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields to some extent. They can generate localized disturbances, create static discharges, or even disrupt magical effects that rely on electromagnetic energies.   Electrical Communication: Blue dragons might communicate through subtle electrical signals, allowing them to convey simple messages or emotions to other creatures with a sensitivity to electrical phenomena.   Magnetic Navigation: Blue dragons can use their sensitivity to magnetic fields for navigation. They have an innate sense of direction, allowing them to traverse vast distances with precision, even in unfamiliar territories.
Scientific Name
Draco electricus
1200-4400 years
Conservation Status
Considered to be Extinct
Average Height
The height of a blue dragon, when standing on its hind legs, can range from 10 to 30 feet or more. This measurement includes the dragon's body, head, neck, and the top of its wings when fully extended.
Average Weight
A fully grown blue dragon can weigh anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 pounds or even more. Their size, scales, and muscular build contribute to their substantial weight.
Average Length
The length of a blue dragon, from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail, can range from 20 to 60 feet or more. The tail itself can be quite long, often comprising about one-third to half of the dragon's total length.
Average Physique
Powerful, agile, and built for flight and combat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue with a yellow underbelly and wing webbings.
Geographic Distribution
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