Children of Torment


The Agonized:   The highest authority within the Children of Torment, appointed directly by Votian or selected through rigorous trials. Holds absolute power over the religious organization, dictating its doctrines, rituals, and objectives. Commands unwavering obedience and loyalty from all members, enforcing discipline through fear and brutality.   Circle of the Punished:   Group of influential leaders chosen by the Supreme Tormentor to advise on matters of doctrine, strategy, and governance. Each member oversees a specific aspect of the organization's activities, such as recruitment, indoctrination, or external relations. Responsible for enforcing the will of the Supreme Tormentor and ensuring adherence to Votian's teachings.   High Priestess of Sorrows:   Priestesses dedicated to conducting rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices in honor of Votian. Serve as conduits for Votian's divine power, inflicting pain and suffering upon themselves and others to demonstrate devotion. Lead congregations in prayers, chants, and rites designed to invoke Votian's favor and unleash torment upon the world.   Inquisitors of Agony:   Elite interrogators and torturers tasked with extracting confessions, information, and obedience from enemies of the faith. Skilled in various methods of torture and psychological manipulation to break the will of captives and heretics. Serve as enforcers of orthodoxy within the organization, rooting out dissent and punishing those deemed unworthy.   Tortured Bookkeepers:   Intellectuals and academics dedicated to studying the nature of suffering, pain, and torture as manifestations of Votian's will. Seek to expand knowledge of agony through experimentation, observation, and philosophical inquiry. Provide guidance on methods of inflicting torment, psychological warfare, and propaganda to further the organization's goals.   Heralds of Torment:   Messengers and propagandists tasked with spreading the word of Votian and inciting fear and despair among the populace. Utilize rhetoric, symbolism, and theatricality to evoke visceral reactions and instill reverence for suffering. Serve as recruiters, drawing new followers into the fold through promises of enlightenment and empowerment through pain.   Executioners of Votian:   Enforcers responsible for carrying out the will of the Supreme Tormentor, executing judgments and punishments upon dissenters and traitors. Employ various methods of execution and public spectacle to instill terror and obedience among the faithful and enemies alike. Regarded with both fear and reverence as instruments of divine justice and retribution.   Devotees of Torment:   Rank-and-file members who embrace Votian's teachings and actively participate in rituals, ceremonies, and acts of devotion. Endure self-inflicted pain and suffering as a means of demonstrating loyalty and dedication to the faith. Support the organization through various roles, including manual labor, fundraising, and espionage.   The Punished:   Novices who have expressed interest in joining the Children of Torment and undergo rigorous initiation rituals and trials. Subjected to physical and psychological torment to test their resolve and commitment to Votian's cause. Gradually integrated into the organization's hierarchy as they prove their worthiness and willingness to embrace suffering in the name of their god.
Religious, Cult