Church of the Forever Child

Amidst the vibrant fabric of Idorin's faiths, the Church of the Forever Child emerges as a paradoxical congregation devoted to Dydur, the god of Substance, Fertility, Festivity, Ecstasy, Madness, and Resurrection. Contrasting with the shadows that cloak some cults, this organization's facade of openness belies its unsettling philosophy and insidious practices.  
Gilded Temples of Revelry:
Dydur's temples stand as opulent edifices adorned with glistening mosaics and alluring artwork that belie the sinister currents within. These halls pulsate with the rhythm of frenzied celebrations, masking the darker undertones of the cult's teachings.  
Dydur's Chimeric Depictions:
Dydur is depicted in forms that oscillate between divine and grotesque, inviting followers to plunge into the depths of their domains. Effigies shift from a youthful and innocent demeanor to a manic and frenzied countenance, sowing the seeds of a duality that confounds the mind.  
Rituals of Delirium:
Behind the facade of festive rituals lies a calculated manipulation of perception. Devotees are subjected to mind-altering substances and intricate sensory stimuli, inducing a state of ecstatic trance. In this altered state, the lines between reality and madness blur, laying the foundation for the cult's twisted philosophies.  
Erosion of Self:
The Church of the Forever Child preys upon vulnerability, exploiting the yearning for purpose and ecstasy. Through prolonged exposure to their rituals, followers experience a gradual erosion of their individuality, surrendering their sense of self to a collective consciousness that reveres Dydur's domains.  
Cycle of Resurrection and Control:
The concept of resurrection is wielded as a tool of control. Followers are indoctrinated to believe that their submission to Dydur's whims grants them an eternal cycle of rebirth. This notion fosters dependency, chaining them to the cult's grasp as they yearn for the promise of renewal.  
Ecstasy in Conformity:
The pursuit of ecstasy is twisted into a demand for conformity. Devotees are taught that embracing madness and dissolution of self is the true path to fulfillment. In the process, their thoughts become fragmented, their autonomy fades, and their actions are dictated by the cult's unseen puppeteers.  
Destruction Masked as Fertility:
The cult's veneer of fertility veils the malevolent intent behind their actions. Rituals that promise fertility to the barren lead to psychological manipulation, chaining victims to their belief system and demanding absolute obedience in exchange for the elusive promise of fruition.  
Cultic Hierarchy:
The cult's leadership remains hidden in plain sight, wielding a tight grip on their followers. Hierarchical layers enforce unquestioning obedience, with those closest to the inner circle orchestrating the web of deception and ensuring the cult's grip on its members tightens.  
Unraveling the Ecstatic Veil:
As the Church of the Forever Child parades its ostentatious facade, an insidious underbelly feeds upon the minds and souls of its adherents. Beneath the revelry and celebrations lies a disturbing reality where individuality is dissolved, and madness masquerades as enlightenment. The promise of resurrection holds followers captive, ensnared by the cult's twisted philosophies, forever enmeshed in the clutches of Dydur's insidious design.


The hierarchy of the Church of the Forever Child is structured to maintain a balance between the leadership's control and the individualistic nature of its followers. It is designed to guide and influence the faithful while allowing for personal interpretation of the cult's doctrines. Here is a simplified representation of the hierarchy:  
High Reveler:
The High Reveler is the supreme leader of the Church, responsible for interpreting Dydur's will and guiding the overall direction of the cult. They are believed to be the direct conduit to Dydur's divine influence and hold considerable authority over the followers.  
Elder Circle:
This council of experienced and respected individuals assists the High Reveler in making important decisions and shaping the cult's teachings. The Elder Circle often consists of those who have shown exceptional devotion, wisdom, and leadership within the cult.  
Ecstatic Oracles:
These individuals are recognized for their deep communion with Dydur and are believed to receive divine messages and visions. They play a crucial role in interpreting the will of Dydur and guiding the faithful in their spiritual journeys.  
Harmonious Dancers:
This tier includes experienced devotees who have demonstrated a strong commitment to the cult's teachings. They lead rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations, guiding the congregation in their ecstatic dances and practices.  
Devoted Flock:
The majority of the cult's followers make up this level. They actively participate in the rituals, festivals, and gatherings, embracing the teachings of Dydur and striving to achieve enlightenment through the embrace of ecstasy, madness, and resurrection.   It's important to note that while there is a hierarchical structure, the Church of the Forever Child places a strong emphasis on individual experience and personal connection with Dydur. Followers are encouraged to explore their own interpretations of the teachings and to seek direct communion with the divine, allowing for a dynamic and diverse community that revels in the interplay of the cult's domains.


The culture of the Church of the Forever Child is a paradoxical blend of vibrant revelry and intense devotion, shaped by the domains of Dydur—Substance, Fertility, Festivity, Ecstasy, Madness, and Resurrection. It is a culture that seeks to transcend boundaries, embracing the extremes of life and existence in an unapologetic pursuit of enlightenment and transformation.  
1. Ecstatic Celebrations:
The cult's culture is defined by exuberant celebrations that blur the lines between the divine and the mundane. Festivals, gatherings, and rituals are marked by wild dancing, intoxicating concoctions, and immersive sensory experiences that invite followers to explore the depths of ecstasy.  
2. Embrace of Paradox:
Followers are encouraged to embrace paradoxes and contradictions, reflecting the multifaceted nature of Dydur's domains. They celebrate both life and death, madness and enlightenment, chaos and harmony, recognizing that true understanding lies in the interplay between these seemingly opposing forces.  
3. Personal Exploration:
The Church values personal experiences and individual journeys. Followers are encouraged to explore their own paths to enlightenment, seeking moments of divine connection and revelation through ecstatic practices, meditation, and introspection.  
4. Elevation of Emotion:
Emotions are celebrated as conduits to the divine. Whether it's unbridled joy, intense passion, or even moments of madness, followers are taught to channel their emotions to forge a deeper connection with Dydur's essence.  
5. Rebirth and Renewal:
Resurrection is not just a theological concept but a fundamental aspect of the culture. Followers view life as a series of cycles, each offering the opportunity for renewal and transformation. This belief fuels their commitment to embracing change and embracing the unknown.  
6. Artistry and Creativity:
Art, music, and creative expression play a central role in the cult's culture. Followers are encouraged to channel their inner creativity to capture the essence of Dydur's domains and share their unique interpretations with the community.  
7. Communal Bond:
The cult fosters a sense of camaraderie and interconnectedness among its members. Followers form tight-knit communities that support one another in their spiritual journeys, sharing experiences, insights, and revelations.  
8. Intense Devotion:
Devotion to Dydur is unwavering, and followers demonstrate their dedication through their enthusiastic participation in rituals, ceremonies, and festivals. The pursuit of enlightenment is a constant thread woven into every aspect of their lives.  
9. Erosion of Ego:
The culture encourages followers to shed their egos and dissolve the barriers that separate them from the divine. This erosion of the self is seen as a pathway to deeper understanding and connection with Dydur's essence.  
10. Embrace of Mystery:
The Church thrives on mystery and enigma, challenging followers to explore the depths of existence and the cosmos. The unknown is celebrated, and followers are taught to find beauty and meaning in the ineffable.   In the dynamic and ever-shifting culture of the Church of the Forever Child, followers dance on the precipice of enlightenment, embracing the chaos and ecstasy of life while seeking to unravel the mysteries of Dydur's domains. It is a culture that defies convention and invites individuals to explore the boundaries of existence in their pursuit of transcendence.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Church of the Forever Child reflects their desire to share the uplifting and transformative aspects of Dydur's domains with the world. By celebrating life's pleasures, embracing the unknown, and fostering a sense of unity, the church seeks to leave a positive impact on Idorin's culture while inviting others to explore the depths of existence. Bringing more into the flock of the Forever Child.


In the year 275, a curious confluence of fervor and fervidity birthed the Church of the Forever Child in the bustling city of Thalor. Amidst the lively streets and vibrant marketplaces, a charismatic and enigmatic figure known as Kalara emerged as the catalyst for a movement that would come to embody the domains of Dydur—Substance, Fertility, Festivity, Ecstasy, Madness, and Resurrection.  
The Prodigal Visionary: Kalara's Revelation
Kalara, a charismatic and enigmatic visionary, claimed to have experienced a divine revelation that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding. In her ecstatic trance, she encountered Dydur—an entity that embodied the untamed forces of existence. She emerged from her experience with a profound belief that the path to true enlightenment lay in embracing the chaotic interplay between ecstasy and madness.  
Festivals of Unrestrained Joy: The Early Years
The Church's initial gatherings were marked by extravagant festivals that captivated the people of Thalor. These events were characterized by wild celebrations, potent concoctions, and mind-altering rituals that blurred the line between divine ecstasy and maddening chaos. Kalara's charisma and the allure of euphoria drew a growing following, as seekers from all walks of life flocked to experience the transcendent revelry.  
Doctrine of the Forever Child: An Unorthodox Philosophy
Kalara's teachings revolved around the concept of the "Forever Child," a state of perpetual youth and enlightenment achieved through surrendering the self to Dydur's embrace. Followers were encouraged to shed their inhibitions, relinquish control, and dance on the precipice of madness to attain enlightenment. Resurrection, viewed as a renewal of the soul, became a central tenet—a promise that fueled the fervor of the faithful.  
Controversy and Expansion:
As the Church of the Forever Child continued to gain prominence, it found itself entangled in controversies and opposition from established faiths and authorities. Accusations of manipulation and brainwashing cast a shadow over the cult's teachings, but the allure of its ecstatic rituals and promises of rebirth continued to draw new converts.  
The Eternal Cycle: Tragedy and Resurgence:
In the year 321, tragedy struck as a catastrophic fire engulfed the heart of Thalor, consuming the cult's central temple and many of its records. This setback, far from extinguishing the fervor of the faithful, only intensified their dedication. The cult underwent a transformation, focusing on rebuilding and expanding its influence beyond Thalor's boundaries, carrying its fervent philosophy to new regions.  
Echoes of Madness and Renewal:
Over the centuries, the Church of the Forever Child has continued to evolve and adapt. Its doctrine of embracing ecstasy, dancing through madness, and seeking resurrection has left an indelible mark on Idorin's cultural landscape. Followers, now spread across the realm, continue to gather in vibrant celebrations, striving to maintain the delicate balance between the divine and the maddening.  
Legacy of the Forever Child:
Despite its controversial origins and the enigma surrounding its practices, the Church of the Forever Child endures as a testament to the primal forces that shape existence. Its fervent devotion to Dydur's domains—Substance, Fertility, Festivity, Ecstasy, Madness, and Resurrection—serves as a reflection of the ever-oscillating dance between ecstasy and madness, a mirror held up to the complexities of life itself.

Mythology & Lore

In a time before memory, when the cosmos itself was but an idea waiting to be shaped, there existed a primordial realm known as Chaos' Embrace. It was a realm of boundless potential, where the ebb and flow of existence danced to the whims of unfathomable forces.   At the heart of this swirling maelstrom of energies dwelled a being known as The First, the very essence of creation and madness intertwined. From this cosmic union emerged The Lost Daughter of Madness, a being whose existence was shrouded in paradox—a creature of chaos that held within her the seeds of renewal.   The Lost Daughter of Madness was like no other entity in the multiverse. She was born with the power to traverse the strands of reality, slipping between worlds and timelines with ease. She possessed the ability to draw upon the very essence of madness, channeling its chaotic energy to mold and shape the fabric of existence itself.   As the eons unfolded, the Lost Daughter of Madness wandered through countless realms, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations, the birth and death of stars. Yet, she carried within her a profound purpose—one whispered by the winds of destiny.   In a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, the Lost Daughter of Madness emerged as a beacon of hope. The husk of this world, ravaged by its own creations and consumed by the fires of destruction, called out for renewal. And so, guided by her innate understanding of the cosmos, the Forever Child embarked on a journey to fulfill her destiny.   In the midst of cosmic cataclysm, the Forever Child entered the husk of the fallen world. With each step, she channeled the chaotic energies that flowed within her, weaving them into the fabric of reality. Her touch revitalized the land, breathed life into the barren soil, and summoned forth the essence of renewal from the ashes of destruction.   As the world began to stir anew, the Forever Child's powers reached their crescendo. With a gesture that defied comprehension, she wove the strands of time and space, birthing a new world—a world teeming with life, potential, and the echoes of the past. The husk of the old world served as the foundation for this reborn realm, a testament to the eternal cycle of creation, destruction, and renewal.   And so, the Forever Child, the Lost Daughter of Madness, became a myth whispered across the cosmos—a symbol of the transformative power of chaos and the promise of a new world born from the ashes of the old. Her tale transcended time and space, inspiring countless beings to embrace the paradoxes of existence, to dance through the realms of ecstasy and madness, and to recognize that from the depths of destruction, the seeds of renewal and a new dawn may arise.

Divine Origins

The Church of the Forever Child originated in the year 275 in Thalor, founded by Kalara Zephyrsway after she claimed to have a divine revelation. Kalara's ecstatic experiences led her to embrace the domains of Dydur and share her insights through vibrant festivals and rituals. The cult's culture of celebrating life's paradoxes and pursuing personal growth attracted followers from diverse backgrounds, evolving into a dynamic faith that openly shares its practices with the broader society.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace Ecstasy:
Seek moments of joy, passion, and exuberance in life's experiences. Embrace the exhilarating dance between pleasure and chaos, allowing yourself to revel in the ecstatic currents that flow through existence.  
Dance with Madness:
Embrace the uncharted realms of the mind and spirit. Engage with the depths of madness to gain new perspectives and insights, understanding that within chaos lies the potential for transformation and enlightenment.  
Celebrate Renewal:
View life's cycles as opportunities for rebirth and growth. Embrace change and adversity as pathways to personal transformation, and allow the concept of resurrection to inspire a sense of hope and renewal.  
Express Through Artistry:
Channel your creativity to capture the essence of Dydur's domains. Through art, music, and other forms of expression, share your unique interpretations and connect with the divine while inspiring others to explore their own creativity.  
Foster Unity:
Embrace the interconnectedness of all existence. Encourage inclusivity, forge connections, and create a sense of community that celebrates diversity and invites individuals to share in the revelry and mysteries of life.


Worship gatherings, known as "Revels of Delirium," are held under the watchful eye of an officiating high priest or priestess, dressed in ornate, multi-layered garments that represent the multifaceted nature of madness itself. Participants, adorned in eccentric attire, come together in an atmosphere charged with palpable anticipation, ready to surrender themselves to the throes of ecstasy.   The cult's rituals often feature uninhibited dances and ecstatic movements, symbolizing the shedding of societal constraints and embracing the chaotic energies of Dydur. Participants whirl and twirl, their movements growing increasingly frenetic, embodying the unraveling threads of sanity. As the revelry reaches its zenith, the boundaries between individual selves blur, and a collective trance takes hold, uniting all in a shared state of glorious madness.   Sacrifices, while not in the traditional sense, hold a symbolic significance within the cult's practices. Rather than offerings of material possessions, participants symbolically sacrifice their inhibitions, fears, and limitations to Dydur, laying bare their vulnerabilities in pursuit of a higher state of being. These symbolic acts are meant to mirror the deity's essence, forging a bond between worshippers and their god through shared experiences of irrationality and liberation.   Orgiastic elements are intertwined with the cult's rituals as a metaphorical representation of the merging of individual consciousness into a collective whole. The notion of intimacy and vulnerability is heightened, underscoring the cult's philosophy of embracing madness as a path to self-discovery and transcendence.   The Church of the Forever Child exalts the unpredictable, the illogical, and the chaotic aspects of existence, channeling these forces through their devotion to Dydur. Through their ecstatic rituals, enigmatic symbolism, and a willingness to explore the furthest reaches of the human psyche, this cult seeks to commune with their god and unveil the mysteries that lie hidden within the depths of madness itself.


The priesthood is characterized by its devotion to personal growth, embracing life's complexities, and guiding others to explore the depths of existence. Here are some key aspects of the priesthood:   1. Eclectic Roles: The priesthood is diverse, with members specializing in various aspects of the cult's domains. From conducting rituals and leading festivals to offering spiritual guidance and interpreting visions, each priest finds a unique role that resonates with their strengths and connection to Dydur's essence.   2. Guardians of Rituals: Priests are entrusted with overseeing the cult's ceremonies and celebrations. They ensure that the rituals maintain the delicate balance between ecstasy and madness, inviting followers to experience profound connections with the divine while exploring their innermost selves.   3. Mystical Visionaries: Some priests possess the ability to commune with the divine on a profound level, channeling their insights into the teachings of the cult. These mystical visionaries guide followers in their pursuit of personal growth and enlightenment, offering interpretations of the paradoxes inherent in Dydur's domains.   4. Spiritual Mentors: Priests act as spiritual mentors, guiding individual followers on their journeys of self-discovery and connection with Dydur. They encourage personal exploration, helping each individual navigate the complexities of existence while embracing the teachings of the cult. These priests often administer powerful hallucinogens to the followers and organize large orgies in Dydur's name.   5. Keepers of Tradition: The priesthood preserves the rich history and mythology of the Church of the Forever Child. They carry forward the stories of the Lost Daughter of Madness and other foundational myths, ensuring that the cult's origins and philosophies remain integral to its teachings.

Embrace the Ecstasy, Dance through Madness, Resurrect the Self.

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Cult of Dydur