Daughters of the Evergreen

The Daughters of the Evergreen stand as a beacon of hope and guardianship amidst the bustling realm of Idorin, dedicated to the noble cause of preserving the rich tapestry of flora and fauna that graces the land. This passionate social activist group is bound by a deep reverence for nature and a fervent commitment to safeguarding the delicate balance of life that exists within the realm. Their tireless efforts, inspired by their devotion to Lehana, the goddess of nature and beauty, and occasionally Fretil, the goddess of plants and fertility, serve as a testament to their unwavering resolve.   A Symphony of Green: The Daughters of the Evergreen are a living embodiment of their cause, adorned in garments that echo the vibrant hues of the natural world. Their attire, often adorned with leaves, flowers, and other botanical elements, reflects their deep connection to the environment they strive to protect.   Sacred Groves and Pristine Sanctuaries: At the heart of their mission lies the establishment and preservation of sacred groves and pristine sanctuaries dedicated to the goddess Lehana. These serene havens serve as centers of worship, education, and rejuvenation, inviting all who enter to reconnect with the profound beauty and tranquility of nature.   Cultivation and Stewardship: The Daughters of the Evergreen engage in hands-on activities that demonstrate their commitment to preserving nature's treasures. They participate in reforestation efforts, seedling nurseries, and the cultivation of rare and endangered plant species. Their gardens are a testament to their dedication, showcasing a vibrant array of native flora.   Advocacy and Education: Beyond their hands-on efforts, the Daughters of the Evergreen are passionate advocates for their cause. They organize educational workshops, public lectures, and awareness campaigns to inspire a sense of responsibility and respect for the natural world. Their words are a rallying cry, urging communities to embrace sustainable practices and coexist harmoniously with the land.   Rituals of Reverence: Central to their identity is their worship of Lehana, the goddess of nature and beauty, and occasionally Fretil, the goddess of plants and fertility. They perform rituals under the open sky, invoking blessings upon the land and seeking guidance to fulfill their sacred duty as guardians of the flora and fauna.   Unity in Diversity: The Daughters of the Evergreen are an inclusive organization that welcomes individuals from all walks of life who share their passion for nature. Their unity transcends boundaries, fostering a diverse community of like-minded individuals who come together to advocate for the preservation of the natural world.   Embracing Beauty and Balance: The Daughters of the Evergreen recognize the profound interconnectedness of all living things. Their ethos extends beyond preservation to encompass the celebration of beauty, the appreciation of biodiversity, and the recognition of the delicate balance that sustains life on Idorin.   In a realm where progress often comes at the expense of nature, the Daughters of the Evergreen stand as steadfast defenders of the land's verdant legacy. Their devotion to Lehana and Fretil fuels their unwavering commitment to a cause that transcends generations, weaving a harmonious tapestry between the realm of mortals and the realm of the goddesses they revere.


The hierarchy of the Daughters of the Evergreen is structured to ensure effective coordination, leadership, and the pursuit of their mission to preserve and protect the flora and fauna of Idorin. This hierarchy reflects their commitment to their cause and their reverence for nature and the goddesses Lehana and Fretil. Here is a possible hierarchy for the Daughters of the Evergreen:  
High Greenkeeper:
At the apex of the hierarchy stands the High Greenkeeper, the revered leader of the organization. This individual is seen as a guiding light and a living embodiment of the Daughters' values. The High Greenkeeper provides visionary leadership, oversees the organization's activities, and represents the Daughters of the Evergreen on matters of advocacy and diplomacy.  
Council of Leaves:
Beneath the High Greenkeeper, a council known as the Council of Leaves is composed of respected and experienced members. Each member of the council holds a specialized portfolio, such as education, advocacy, sanctuaries, and rituals. They collaborate to make strategic decisions, guide the organization's initiatives, and offer expertise in their respective areas.  
Branch Wardens:
The organization's activities are divided into branches, each led by a Branch Warden. These dedicated individuals oversee the implementation of projects, events, and campaigns within their respective regions. They work closely with local communities, manage volunteers, and ensure the successful execution of the Daughters' initiatives.  
Sanctuary Keepers:
Sanctuaries dedicated to Lehana and Fretil are essential to the Daughters' mission. Sanctuary Keepers are responsible for the maintenance, preservation, and operation of these sacred spaces. They oversee rituals, educate visitors, and cultivate an environment that fosters reverence and connection with nature.  
Educators of the Verdant Lore:
Education is a cornerstone of the Daughters' work. Educators of the Verdant Lore are responsible for organizing workshops, seminars, and lectures that raise awareness about the importance of preserving nature. They disseminate knowledge about plants, ecosystems, and sustainable practices, empowering communities to become stewards of the environment.  
Forest Guardians:
The heart of the organization lies in the fieldwork conducted by Forest Guardians. These dedicated members engage in hands-on activities, including reforestation, habitat restoration, and plant conservation. They work to protect endangered species, ensure biodiversity, and maintain the health of natural ecosystems.  
Seedling Sages:
Seedling Sages are experts in plant cultivation and propagation. They oversee nurseries, ensuring the successful growth and care of native plant species. These members play a crucial role in replenishing the natural environment and contributing to the organization's mission.  
Lorekeepers of Lehana and Fretil:
The Daughters of the Evergreen revere the goddesses Lehana and Fretil. Lorekeepers are responsible for preserving and passing down the traditions, rituals, and teachings associated with these deities. They ensure the spiritual and cultural integrity of the organization's practices.  
Saplings of the Green Cause:
Initiates who have shown a dedication to the organization's values and a commitment to its mission are known as Saplings of the Green Cause. They undergo a period of training and mentorship, learning the ways of the Daughters and preparing to take on more substantial roles within the hierarchy.   The hierarchy of the Daughters of the Evergreen is designed to foster collaboration, leadership, and expertise across various domains. Each level of the hierarchy plays a crucial role in advancing the organization's mission to protect and preserve the natural world in reverence to Lehana and Fretil.


The culture of the Daughters of the Evergreen is deeply rooted in reverence for nature, spiritual connection, and a profound commitment to preserving the delicate balance of life on Idorin. Guided by their devotion to the goddesses Lehana and Fretil, their culture is a harmonious blend of ecological stewardship, artistic expression, and a shared sense of purpose. Here is an exploration of their culture:   Nature-Centered Spirituality: At the core of the Daughters' culture is their spiritual connection to nature. They view the natural world as a manifestation of Lehana's and Fretil's divine presence. Rituals, ceremonies, and celebrations are conducted to honor and seek guidance from these goddesses, deepening the Daughters' sense of spiritual unity with the land.  
Sacred Rituals and Festivals:
The Daughters of the Evergreen celebrate the changing seasons, lunar cycles, and significant natural events with elaborate rituals and festivals. These gatherings are a time for reflection, prayer, and communion with Lehana and Fretil. Through dance, song, and offerings, they express their gratitude for nature's gifts.  
Artistry Inspired by Nature:
Art and creativity flourish within the Daughters' culture. Members engage in various forms of artistic expression, from intricate botanical sculptures and vibrant paintings to poetic compositions inspired by the beauty of the natural world. Art serves as a medium to convey their deep connection to the land and to inspire others.  
Eco-Spiritual Sanctuaries:
The Daughters establish and maintain eco-spiritual sanctuaries dedicated to Lehana and Fretil. These sanctuaries are places of solace, meditation, and communion with nature. They are adorned with lush vegetation, natural altars, and artistic installations that evoke a sense of awe and wonder.  
Sustainable Living Practices:
The Daughters live by the principles they advocate. They embrace eco-friendly lifestyles, practicing sustainable agriculture, responsible resource consumption, and waste reduction. Their communities serve as living examples of harmonious coexistence with nature.  
Community and Unity:
Unity is a cornerstone of the Daughters' culture. They foster strong bonds among their members through shared activities, celebrations, and collaborative projects. These connections create a supportive and nurturing environment that amplifies the impact of their collective efforts.  
Legacy of Wisdom:
Elders within the Daughters of the Evergreen are respected as keepers of wisdom and traditions. They pass down teachings, stories, and rituals from one generation to the next, ensuring the continuity of their culture and values.  
Environmental Advocacy:
The Daughters actively engage with local communities, government officials, and organizations to advocate for environmental preservation. Their peaceful protests, public talks, and awareness campaigns amplify their voice and encourage others to join their cause.  
Cultural Exchange:
The Daughters of the Evergreen embrace diversity and often engage in cultural exchange with neighboring communities. They share their knowledge, rituals, and artistic expressions, fostering a sense of interconnectedness that transcends borders.   The culture of the Daughters of the Evergreen is a vibrant tapestry that weaves together spirituality, environmentalism, artistic expression, and community. It is a testament to their deep-seated belief in the sacredness of nature and their unwavering commitment to ensuring that the beauty and balance of Idorin's flora and fauna endure for generations to come.

Public Agenda

Promoting Environmental Education:
The Daughters of the Evergreen emphasize the importance of understanding and respecting the natural world. They organize workshops, seminars, and public lectures to educate communities about the value of biodiversity, ecosystems, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.  
Reforestation and Habitat Restoration:
Publicly, the Daughters actively engage in reforestation projects and habitat restoration initiatives. They work with local communities to replant trees, restore damaged ecosystems, and create sanctuaries where nature can thrive. These efforts are intended to enhance the beauty and vitality of the land.  
Cultural Celebrations of Nature:
The organization promotes cultural events that celebrate the beauty and significance of nature. Festivals, art exhibitions, and rituals dedicated to Lehana and Fretil offer an opportunity for communities to reconnect with the natural world and deepen their understanding of its importance.  
Collaboration with Local Communities:
The Daughters of the Evergreen collaborate closely with local communities to create sustainable partnerships. They support initiatives that promote eco-friendly practices, waste reduction, and responsible resource management, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the well-being of Idorin.  
Sanctuary Preservation:
The Daughters publicly dedicate themselves to the care and preservation of sacred groves and sanctuaries. These spaces are presented as places of reflection, tranquility, and spiritual connection to the goddesses Lehana and Fretil, fostering an atmosphere of reverence for nature.  
Wildlife Protection and Conservation:
They publicly advocate for the protection of wildlife and the conservation of endangered species. By raising awareness about the importance of preserving the delicate balance of the ecosystem, they encourage communities to take proactive measures to ensure the survival of diverse plant and animal species.  
Advocacy for Green Policies:
The Daughters engage in public advocacy for environmentally friendly policies at both local and regional levels. They encourage leaders to adopt sustainable practices, protect natural resources, and make decisions that prioritize the long-term health of Idorin's environment.  
Inspiring Spiritual Connection:
The Daughters publicly promote the idea that a deep connection to nature can inspire spiritual growth and personal well-being. They share stories and teachings about Lehana and Fretil to encourage a sense of wonder and awe for the natural world.   The Daughters of the Evergreen's public agenda is one of harmonious coexistence with nature, community engagement, and a dedication to leaving a positive impact on Idorin. While this image is visible on the surface, the organization's true depth and the extent of their devotion to Lehana and Fretil remain concealed, adding an air of mystery and intrigue to their noble pursuits.


The history of the Daughters of the Evergreen is a tale of unwavering dedication to nature, reverence for the goddesses Lehana and Fretil, and the tireless efforts of individuals who have come together to preserve the delicate balance of life on Idorin. Founded in the year 47 PD by the visionary Lyrana Verdantbloom, the organization's journey has been marked by growth, challenges, and a profound impact on the realm.  
Founding and Early Years (47 PD - 75 PD):
Lyrana Verdantbloom, a nature-loving advocate with a deep connection to the goddess Lehana, established the Daughters of the Evergreen. With a handful of like-minded individuals, she laid the foundation for the organization's mission: to safeguard the flora and fauna of Idorin. The group's early years were marked by grassroots efforts, including reforestation projects, habitat restoration, and educational initiatives. The Mother Tree, a sacred symbol of nature's resilience, was chosen as their headquarters.  
Expansion and Awareness (76 PD - 100 PD):
The Daughters of the Evergreen gained recognition and support from communities across Idorin. Their dedication to preserving nature resonated deeply with individuals who shared their passion. Branches were established in various regions, and their activities expanded to include the creation of sanctuary spaces dedicated to Lehana and Fretil. These sanctuaries became places of worship, education, and tranquility.  
Challenges and Unity (101 PD - 130 PD):
The organization faced challenges as their efforts drew the attention of those who sought to exploit Idorin's natural resources. This period saw a unity among the Daughters as they stood resilient in the face of adversity. They engaged in advocacy, raised awareness about the importance of conservation, and collaborated with local communities to protect vital ecosystems.  
Mother Tree and Sacred Guardians (131 PD - 160 PD):
The Mother Tree, located southwest of Olinth, became a symbol of the Daughters' commitment to nature. It served as a meeting place, a sanctuary, and a focal point for their rituals. The Guardians of the Mother Tree, a group of dedicated members, ensured its protection and preservation, safeguarding the heart of the organization.  
Cultural Influence and Legacy (161 PD - Present):
Over the years, the Daughters of the Evergreen's influence expanded beyond conservation efforts. Their dedication to Lehana and Fretil inspired artistic expressions, cultural celebrations, and a renewed sense of harmony between humanity and nature. The organization's legacy is felt in the flourishing of once-endangered species, the revitalization of ecosystems, and the deep-rooted connection between people and the natural world.   Today, the Daughters of the Evergreen continue their noble mission, nurturing the seeds of environmental consciousness and fostering a future where nature thrives in balance. Their history is a testament to the enduring power of devotion, unity, and the indomitable spirit of those who stand as guardians of the evergreen realm.

Harmony with Nature, Guardians of Life

Founding Date
47 PD
Social, Activist
Alternative Names
Guardians of the Green
Successor Organization
The Stewards
Leader Title