Death’s Head Willow

The Death's Head Willow Tree is a formidable and ominous presence in the landscape, characterized by its sinister appearance and the dark boughs that seem to hang ominously over its surroundings. Its twisted branches reach skyward, casting a shadow of foreboding.
  From these dark boughs, a tarry substance known as Black Sap is harvested. This substance is a potent intoxicant, with various applications. It can be smoked as a concentrated form or injected directly into the bloodstream for a swift and powerful effect.
  Consuming Black Sap renders a creature immune to charm and fear for a duration determined by a roll of 1d6 hours, granting them a temporary reprieve from mental manipulation. However, this immunity comes with a risk, as each dose consumed requires the creature to succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. Failure results in poisoning that lasts for 2d4 hours, with the effects compounding with multiple doses.
  The rarity of the Death's Head Willow Tree and the difficulty in gathering its Black Sap adds to its allure and mystique. It is found in locations marked by frequent or large-scale death, hinting at the sinister nature of its origins and the darkness that surrounds it.


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