Ealdir's Cathedral

Ealdir's Cathedral is a grand edifice that dominates the cityscape of Serinon. With its awe-inspiring architecture and spiritual significance, it stands as a testament to the magic and mysticism that permeate the city and the wider region. The cathedral is often recognized by its towering spires, intricate stained glass windows, and its central dome adorned with symbols of Ealdir.

Purpose / Function

Spiritual Center: Mystra's Cathedral is the principal place of worship for followers of Mystra, the goddess of magic. It hosts daily services, ceremonies, and rituals dedicated to the deity.   Scholarly Pursuits: The cathedral serves as a hub for magical research and study, attracting wizards, scholars, and arcanists who seek to delve deeper into the mysteries of the arcane and the Weave.   Archival Repository: It houses a vast library containing countless tomes and scrolls on magical subjects. These texts are available to those who seek knowledge and are curated by the clergy of Mystra.   Civic Ceremonies: The cathedral often hosts civic ceremonies and public events, fostering a sense of community and unity within the city.


Over the years, Mystra's Cathedral has undergone several renovations and expansions to accommodate the growing number of followers and visitors. Alterations have included the addition of annexes for magical research and a larger library, the restoration of aging frescoes, and modernization of the lighting systems, enhancing the cathedral's majestic interior.


The cathedral's architecture is a harmonious blend of classic and mystical design elements. Notable features include:   Tall Spires: The cathedral's spires reach into the sky, symbolizing the connection between the divine and the mortal realm.   Stained Glass: Elaborate stained glass windows depict scenes from the history of magic, the Weave, and the adventures of Mystra.   Mosaic Floors: The floors are adorned with intricate mosaic patterns that represent the interweaving of magic and life.   Dome: A central dome crowns the cathedral, symbolizing the all-encompassing presence of Mystra over the city.


The construction of Mystra's Cathedral dates back centuries, a testament to the deep-rooted magical traditions in the region. It has witnessed a myriad of events and historical moments, and many notable mages and arcanists have graced its hallowed halls. The cathedral has stood as a beacon of knowledge, faith, and wonder, attracting worshippers, scholars, and tourists alike.


Mystra's Cathedral is a popular attraction for tourists and pilgrims interested in the mystical and magical aspects of the city of Serinon. Visitors can:   Attend Services: Tourists are often welcome to participate in or observe the daily services and rituals conducted within the cathedral.   Explore the Library: The vast library, with its extensive collection of magical texts, is accessible to those who seek knowledge.   View the Stained Glass: The stunning stained glass windows offer breathtaking visuals, and guided tours often explain their historical and magical significance.   Attend Magical Lectures: Some tourists visit the cathedral to attend magical lectures and talks, as it frequently hosts guest speakers and scholars.   Light Candles: Many tourists light candles or leave offerings in reverence to Mystra or for personal wishes.   Admire the Architecture: The cathedral's architectural beauty, with its towering spires and intricate designs, is a draw for architecture enthusiasts and photographers.
Cathedral / Great temple
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization