Ember Lily

Emberlillies, known for their striking red petals and thick yellow stems, are rare and sacred flowers found exclusively within the craters of active volcanoes in tropical regions. Revered by the Afi Toa people, these flowers thrive in the nutrient-rich, ash-laden soil and withstand extreme temperatures due to their robust structure. Emberlillies have a significant cultural and medicinal role, used in traditional remedies to induce fevers and sweat out illnesses. Their high genetic diversity allows them to adapt to harsh volcanic environments, and they reach full maturity in 3-5 years, standing about one meter tall. Despite their resilience, Emberlillies are endangered due to habitat destruction and overharvesting. These unique flowers symbolize resilience and purity, highlighting their profound importance both botanically and culturally.

Basic Information


Petals: Deep red with vibrant yellow streaks. Stem: Thick, yellow, and sturdy, capable of withstanding high temperatures. Leaves: Glossy green, narrow, and elongated, adapted to volcanic environments. Roots: Extensive root system that anchors deeply into volcanic soil.

Biological Traits

Heat Resistance: Can withstand extremely high temperatures due to its robust cellular structure. Volcanic Adaptation: Has evolved to thrive in the nutrient-rich, high-temperature environment of volcanic craters.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Primarily through seeds. Pollination: Mostly insect-pollinated, especially by heat-resistant insects. Genetics: High genetic diversity due to adaptation to extreme conditions.

Growth Rate & Stages

Germination: Seeds germinate within 2-4 weeks under high-temperature conditions. Seedling Stage: Rapid growth in the first year, reaching up to 30 cm. Maturity: Full maturity in 3-5 years, reaching up to 1 meter in height.

Ecology and Habitats

Habitat: Found inside the craters of active volcanoes in tropical regions. Soil: Thrives in nutrient-rich, volcanic ash-laden soil. Climate: Prefers warm, humid climates with regular volcanic activity.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nutrient Requirements: High levels of minerals found in volcanic soil, such as potassium and phosphorus. Water Needs: Minimal; derives moisture from the humid air and volcanic steam.

Biological Cycle

Life Cycle: Perennial; blooms once a year during the hottest months. Dormancy: Enters a state of dormancy during cooler months or when volcanic activity is low.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Medicinal Uses: Sacred to the Afi Toa people; used to induce fevers for sweat therapies to treat illnesses. Cultural Significance: Used in religious ceremonies and rituals. Byproducts: Extracts used in traditional medicine for their anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. Exploitation: Overharvesting and habitat destruction pose significant threats to the species' survival.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Exclusive to tropical volcanic regions, primarily found in the Afi Toa territories.
Scientific Name
Emberlilium ignis
15-20 years under optimal conditions.
Conservation Status
Average Height
Up to 1 meter at full maturity.
Average Weight
Approximately 200-300 grams per plant.
Average Length
Length of Leaves: Up to 30 cm.
Geographic Distribution


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