Gravetouch Dagger

The Gravetouch Dagger is a legendary and mystical weapon that belongs to the goddess of death, Yxtarr. This dagger is shrouded in an aura of darkness and holds an eerie presence that strikes fear into the hearts of those who come into contact with it. It is a weapon of immense power, serving as an extension of Yxtarr's dominion over life and death.   The Gravetouch Dagger is a finely crafted and exceptionally sharp blade. It has a slender, obsidian-black blade that seems to absorb light rather than reflect it. The hilt is adorned with intricate, bone-like engravings, symbolizing the connection between life and death. The handle is wrapped in dark, ethereal leather, and at its pommel, there's a small, blood-red gemstone that is said to contain a fragment of Yxtarr's own essence.   What makes the Gravetouch Dagger truly unique is its supernatural ability. Any wound inflicted by this blade becomes incurable by conventional means. Even the most skilled healers, physicians, or magical practitioners cannot mend the damage inflicted by the dagger. It is said that the wounds it causes fester with an otherworldly corruption, defying all attempts to heal or close them.   The only way to mend the wounds inflicted by the Gravetouch Dagger is through divine intervention, specifically from Yxtarr herself or another deity of equivalent power. This aspect of the dagger's power makes it a potent symbol of Yxtarr's authority and dominion over life and death, and it is often reserved for her most trusted and favored servants.   Possessing the Gravetouch Dagger is a great responsibility and often comes with a heavy burden. It is a symbol of the goddess's favor and trust, and those who wield it must use its power with care and reverence for the balance between life and death. The dagger is both a tool of destruction and a reminder of the inevitable cycle of mortality, making it a truly awe-inspiring and fearsome relic associated with the goddess of death, Yxtarr.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
One of a kind
Related Myths

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