Green Dragon

Few dragons are as utterly reviled among humanoids as green dragons, known also as forest dragons. Although green dragons might not be as powerful or as destructive as some of their kin, they are innately and instinctively deceptive. They lie as easily as people speak, and they are good at it. They love intrigue and prefer to achieve their goals through guile and double-dealing over any other means. Any brute can hunt, but it takes skill and intelligence to trick one’s prey into offering itself for dinner. Adding this attitude to a green’s belligerent nature—to a green dragon, a weak creature is either prey or pawn, and nearly all creatures are weak—makes the creature a loathsome, conniving beast.

Basic Information


Green dragons like most are built much more feline in body structure than most realize. They are extremely reptilian at first glance with their crocodile like heads, great bat-like wings and long tails. Their scales are extremely tough and resistant to many forms of harm. Like any dragon they have a devastating breath that can fell most creatures with a single puff.

Genetics and Reproduction

Chlorokinetic DNA: Green dragons possess a unique genetic sequence that grants them chlorokinetic abilities—the power to manipulate and control plant life. This genetic trait allows them to influence the growth, movement, and behavior of plants within their domain.   Photosynthetic Symbiosis: The genetic makeup of green dragons includes a symbiotic relationship with plant life. They have specialized cells that can photosynthesize sunlight, providing them with an additional source of energy and reducing their need for constant sustenance.   Natural Camouflage Genes: Green dragons have inherited genes that facilitate their remarkable camouflage abilities. These genes allow them to alter the coloration and texture of their scales to match their forest surroundings, providing them with superior stealth.   Mystical Aura Resonance: Green dragons possess a genetic connection to the mystical energies of the forest. Their DNA resonates with the natural magic of the environment, enhancing their magical abilities and attunement to the natural world.   Herbal Knowledge Instinct: The genetics of green dragons include an innate understanding of herbs and plants. This genetic trait grants them an intuitive knowledge of the properties and uses of various flora, which they can utilize for alchemical concoctions or healing.   Territorial Bonding Genes: Green dragons have genes that allow them to form deep bonds with their forest territories. These genetic markers facilitate a profound connection to the ecosystem, enabling them to sense disturbances and changes within their domain.   Animal Communication Adaptation: Some interpretations suggest that green dragons possess genetic adaptations that enable them to communicate with and influence forest creatures. This genetic trait enhances their control over their environment and its inhabitants.   Mystical Sight Genes: The genetics of green dragons include specialized ocular genes that grant them the ability to perceive magical energies and ley lines. These genes provide them with insights into the ebb and flow of mystical forces.   Enhanced Regeneration: Green dragons possess genetic adaptations that enable them to regenerate more quickly when in contact with plant matter. This trait allows them to heal injuries more rapidly when within their forest habitat.   Elemental Affinity Modifier: The genetics of green dragons include a modifier that enhances their elemental affinity for nature and earth-based magic. This modifier amplifies their ability to channel and manipulate natural energies.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg: Green dragon eggs are typically laid in forested environments, often hidden among foliage or nestled within the roots of ancient trees. The eggs have a mottled green coloration that blends with their surroundings. The incubation period can last several decades, during which the dragon's magical nature and the forest's energies infuse the egg.   Hatchling: When a green dragon egg hatches, a hatchling emerges. It is small, agile, and possesses an innate connection to the natural world. Hatchlings are capable of basic camouflage and can manipulate plant life to create simple hiding places.   Juvenile: As the dragon grows, it enters the juvenile stage. The dragon's ability to manipulate plants becomes more advanced, and it begins to experiment with its chlorokinetic abilities. Juvenile green dragons often explore their forested surroundings, learning from the flora and fauna that inhabit their domain.   Young Adult: The young adult stage marks a significant increase in size, power, and mastery over plant manipulation. Young adult green dragons can use their abilities to shape the forest environment to their advantage. They establish their own territories within lush and verdant woodlands.   Adult: In the adult stage, green dragons reach full maturity. They have perfected their chlorokinetic powers and possess an unparalleled connection to the natural world. Adult green dragons are known for their territorial nature, cunning, and ability to manipulate both plant life and forest creatures.   Ancient: Over centuries, a green dragon can become ancient, achieving the pinnacle of its power and magical abilities. Ancient green dragons are revered as protectors of the forest, with the ability to shape entire ecosystems to their will. They might develop a stronger affinity for mystical forces and ley lines.   Forest Mastery: Throughout their growth, green dragons become intimately attuned to their forest habitat. They develop a profound understanding of the flora and fauna, allowing them to influence the growth and behavior of plants and creatures within their territory.   Mystical Connection: As green dragons age, their connection to the mystical energies of the forest deepens. They might become guardians of magical groves or sacred sites, channeling the natural magic to enhance their powers and protect their domain.   Chlorokinetic Expertise: Older green dragons might refine their chlorokinetic abilities to the point where they can summon and manipulate plant life on a grand scale. They might even shape the terrain itself, creating hidden passages, barriers, and traps.   Forest Elemental: Some interpretations suggest that ancient green dragons can temporarily meld with the forest, becoming one with the natural world and harnessing the collective energy of the ecosystem to fuel their magic.

Ecology and Habitats

Verdant Forests: Green dragons are most commonly found in ancient, dense, and vibrant forests. These forests are characterized by towering trees, thick undergrowth, and a diverse range of plant and animal life.   Canopy Dominance: Green dragons prefer to establish their territories within the upper canopy of the forest. Their lairs might be nestled high in the branches of massive trees, allowing them to survey their domain and remain hidden from ground-based creatures.   Mystical Groves: Some green dragons are drawn to mystical groves or sacred clearings within the forest. These areas often serve as sources of magical energy and ley lines, enhancing the dragon's powers and attunement to nature.   Eerie Glades: Green dragons might also inhabit eerie and mist-shrouded glades where the boundaries between the material world and the Feywild are thin. These glades exude an otherworldly and enchanting aura, reflecting the dragon's connection to both nature and magic.   Overgrown Ruins: Some green dragons establish their lairs within the ruins of ancient civilizations, where nature has reclaimed the land. The dragon's presence can hasten the growth of plant life, transforming the ruins into a thriving ecosystem.   Marshy Clearings: Green dragons might choose habitats that include marshy or boggy areas within the forest. These clearings often provide access to water sources and attract a variety of creatures that the dragon can hunt.   Plant-Covered Caverns: Beneath the forest floor, green dragons might carve out subterranean lairs adorned with bioluminescent fungi and intricate root systems. These caverns offer protection and seclusion while remaining connected to the forest above.   Natural Labyrinths: Green dragons are known for their ability to manipulate plant life. They might establish lairs within natural mazes created by overgrown vegetation, making it difficult for intruders to navigate the labyrinthine passages.   Magical Nexus: Some green dragons are drawn to areas where the boundary between the Feywild and the material plane is blurred. These places serve as focal points for magical energies and allow the dragon to tap into the mystical forces of nature.   Wildlife Haven: Green dragons thrive in habitats teeming with diverse wildlife. They often have an affinity for creatures of the forest, and their presence can influence the behavior and patterns of local animals.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A Green’s diet consists of primarily meat. They usually hunt for larger forest animals such as bears or owlbears but will even eat smaller game if needed. They usually only eat once every other day as they don’t have too much of a metabolism. Their territories can be rather large so game is usually plentiful but if it isn’t they can eat shrubs and other plants as sustenance but by far prefer meat. Their favorite food is elves as they find them particularly delectable, though they are good at hiding that fact from elves. Seasonal Variation: The diet of a green dragon might vary based on the seasons. They might focus on different types of plants and foods depending on what is available and abundant at a given time of year.   Mystical Subsistence: In some interpretations, green dragons might feed on the mana-rich energies of the forest itself, absorbing magical auras and ley line currents to sustain their vitality.   Balanced Ecosystem: Green dragons understand the delicate balance of the forest ecosystem. They might consume specific plant species to prevent overgrowth or create clearings, contributing to the health and diversity of the environment.   Chlorokinetic Prey: Green dragons might manipulate plant life to ensnare or immobilize their prey. They could create entangling vines, quicksand traps, or other natural hazards that aid in their hunting strategies.

Biological Cycle

Egg: Green dragon eggs are typically laid in secluded, mystical groves or within the upper reaches of ancient trees within their forest habitat. The eggs have a deep green coloration that blends with the foliage around them. The incubation period is influenced by the dragon's connection to nature and can last several decades.   Hatchling: When a green dragon egg hatches, a hatchling emerges. It is small and agile, displaying an immediate affinity for plant life. Hatchlings can manipulate plants to create hiding places and use their chlorokinetic abilities to nurture the vegetation around them.   Juvenile: As the dragon grows, it enters the juvenile stage. The dragon's control over plant life becomes more advanced, and it begins to explore its mystical connection to the forest. Juvenile green dragons often engage in playful interactions with forest creatures and hone their ability to manipulate their surroundings.   Young Adult: The young adult stage signifies a significant increase in size, power, and mastery over their plant manipulation abilities. Young adult green dragons can shape entire areas of the forest to their will, creating hidden passages, barriers, and traps. They establish their own territories within the heart of the most ancient and magical sections of the forest.   Adult: In the adult stage, green dragons reach full maturity. They have perfected their chlorokinetic powers and possess an unparalleled connection to the natural world. Adult green dragons are known for their territorial nature, cunning, and ability to manipulate both plant life and forest creatures.   Ancient: Over centuries, a green dragon can become ancient, achieving the pinnacle of its power and magical abilities. Ancient green dragons are revered as guardians of the forest, capable of influencing entire ecosystems and even harnessing the magic of the Feywild itself.   Mystical Bonding: Throughout their growth, green dragons develop a profound bond with their forest habitat. They are capable of entering a deep trance-like state where they meld their consciousness with the forest, gaining insights into the ecosystem and its needs.   Forest Elemental Connection: Some interpretations suggest that ancient green dragons can temporarily transform into a living embodiment of the forest's magic. In this form, they can channel the collective energy of the ecosystem to fuel their abilities and become forces of nature.   Mystical Guardians: Ancient green dragons might serve as guardians of sacred sites or mystical groves within the forest. Their presence enhances the magical energies of these places and attracts creatures and beings attuned to nature.


Protectors of the Forest: Green dragons often see themselves as guardians of the natural world. They have a deep connection to their forest habitat and feel a strong responsibility to maintain its balance and well-being. They may take action to prevent deforestation, pollution, or any other threats to the ecosystem.   Cunning and Manipulative: Green dragons are known for their intelligence and cunning. They are adept at using their wits to outmaneuver enemies and manipulate situations to their advantage. They may employ elaborate schemes, psychological tactics, and political maneuvering to achieve their goals.   Masters of Deception: Green dragons excel in deception and intrigue. They can assume various forms to blend in with the forest or to manipulate others. Their natural camouflage abilities and shape-shifting skills make them adept at espionage and espionage.   Territorial Guardians: Green dragons fiercely defend their forest territories. They view any intruders as threats to the delicate balance of the ecosystem. They may use intimidation, traps, and displays of power to deter unwanted visitors.   Forest Manipulation: Green dragons are unparalleled in their ability to manipulate plant life. They can shape the environment to suit their needs, creating barriers, traps, or even mystical sanctuaries within the forest.   Herbal Knowledge: Green dragons possess an innate understanding of plants and their properties. They may use their knowledge to brew potions, craft poisons, or create alchemical concoctions. They might even trade rare herbs for favors or information.   Nature's Diplomats: Green dragons often form alliances with other creatures of the forest, such as fey, animals, and druids. They may act as intermediaries between the humanoid races and the natural world, working to forge mutually beneficial relationships.   Magical Affinity: Green dragons have an affinity for natural and earth-based magic. They might use their powers to commune with the spirits of the forest, manipulate ley lines, or tap into the magical energies of their domain.   Mystical Seekers: Some green dragons are drawn to uncover hidden truths about the natural world and the forces that shape it. They might seek out ancient mystical artifacts, explore ley line intersections, or unravel the secrets of forgotten groves.   Forest Royalty: Green dragons often see themselves as rulers of their forest domains. They may establish elaborate courts, surrounded by loyal subjects, where they hold sway over both the mundane and magical aspects of the ecosystem.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Forest Connection: Green dragons have an innate connection to the natural world, allowing them to sense disturbances and changes in their forest environment. They can detect shifts in plant life, animal behavior, and even magical energies that affect their domain.   Plant Manipulation: Some interpretations suggest that green dragons can influence the growth and behavior of plants within their territory. They might accelerate the growth of certain plants to create obstacles, barriers, or hiding places.   Chlorokinetic Sight: Green dragons possess a form of sight that enables them to perceive the flow of chlorophyll within plants. This ability allows them to detect movement, vibrations, and even the presence of creatures concealed within dense foliage.   Camouflage Mastery: Green dragons are experts at using their environment to their advantage. They can blend seamlessly with their forest surroundings, making it difficult for observers to spot them even when they are in plain sight.   Magical Attunement: Green dragons often have an affinity for earth and nature-based magic. They can sense magical disturbances related to plants, animals, or natural forces within their domain.   Animal Communication: Green dragons may have the ability to communicate with and influence forest creatures. They might use these interactions to gather information, manipulate wildlife, or form alliances with creatures under their influence.   Mystical Awareness: Some interpretations suggest that green dragons possess an extrasensory connection to ley lines or natural energy nodes within their forests. This awareness provides them with insights into the ebb and flow of magical energies.   Environmental Empathy: Green dragons might have a heightened empathy for the well-being of their forest habitat. They can sense changes in the ecosystem, such as pollution, deforestation, or disturbances caused by intruders.   Aura of Growth: More powerful green dragons might emit a subtle aura that encourages plant growth within their presence. This aura can cause plants to flourish and thrive, even in unfavorable conditions.   Herbal Knowledge: Green dragons possess an innate understanding of the properties and uses of various plants. They might utilize this knowledge for medicinal purposes, poisons, or crafting potent alchemical concoctions.
Scientific Name
Venenosa Inferni
1200-4400 years
Average Height
The height of a green dragon, when standing on its hind legs and fully upright, can range from 12 to 35 feet or more. This measurement includes the dragon's body, head, neck, and the top of its wings when fully extended.
Average Weight
A fully grown green dragon can weigh anywhere from 2,000 to 8,000 pounds or even more. Their streamlined and elongated body shape contributes to their relatively lower weight compared to other dragon types.
Average Length
The length of a green dragon, from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail, can range from 60 to 80 feet or even more. The tail itself can be particularly long, often comprising a significant portion of the dragon's total length.
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