Jose Il’Mira

Jose Il’Mira is the suave and charismatic manager of the Sovereign Hotel in Vandorne, a city known for its vibrant culture and picturesque canals. With a sharp mind and a deep sense of honor, Jose masterfully balances his public role as a respected hotelier with his secret life as a strategic player in Vandorne’s underworld. Tall and athletic, with olive-toned skin, dark, wavy hair, and a well-groomed beard, he exudes confidence and sophistication. His voice, smooth and melodic, carries the weight of both a diplomat and a gentleman. Despite his involvement in crime, Jose’s actions are driven by a unique moral code, believing that controlled criminal activity can serve as a tool for justice against corruption. Deeply devoted to his wife, Adriana, a renowned dancer, and to the legacy of his family, Jose navigates the complexities of his double life with grace, always maintaining the highest standards of excellence and integrity. His influence extends beyond the hotel’s opulent walls, making him a beloved and powerful figure in Vandorne, respected for his charm, wit, and unwavering commitment to those he cares about.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jose Il’Mira is in excellent physical condition. Despite his busy schedule, he makes time for regular exercise, including fencing and other physical activities that keep him agile and fit. He maintains a balance between physical fitness and the refinement expected of a man of his stature, ensuring he is always in peak condition.

Body Features

Build: Jose has a lean, athletic build, with a physique that reflects his dedication to physical training. He is neither overly muscular nor slight, striking a balance that gives him both agility and strength.   Height: He stands at about 6 feet tall (183 cm), giving him a commanding presence without being overly imposing.   Skin Tone: Jose has a warm, olive-toned complexion, typical of the people from Vandorne, adding to his charismatic and approachable appearance.

Facial Features

Face Shape: Jose has a chiseled, angular face with high cheekbones and a strong jawline, reminiscent of classic heroes like Don Diego de la Vega (Zorro). His face exudes a mixture of charm and authority.   Eyes: His eyes are a deep brown, warm and inviting, yet capable of an intense gaze when necessary. His eyes reflect both his intelligence and the compassion he holds for those he cares about.   Hair: Jose’s hair is thick, dark, and slightly wavy, kept neatly trimmed and styled. He often wears it slicked back, emphasizing his sophisticated and polished appearance.   Facial Hair: He maintains a well-groomed beard, trimmed to perfection, which adds to his mature and dignified look.

Identifying Characteristics

Scar: Jose has a faint scar near his right temple, a remnant from a fencing duel in his younger years. The scar is subtle, almost hidden by his hairline, but it serves as a reminder of his past and the skills he has honed over the years.   Eyes: His intense, focused gaze is one of his most identifying features, often leaving a lasting impression on those he meets.   Posture: Jose carries himself with a regal posture, shoulders back, and head held high, reflecting his confidence and authority.

Physical quirks

Habitual Adjustments: Jose often adjusts his cufflinks or straightens his jacket when deep in thought or preparing for a significant conversation. This habit reflects his meticulous nature and desire for control over his environment.   Quick Reflexes: Due to his training in fencing and physical fitness, Jose has exceptionally quick reflexes. He is often able to react faster than those around him, whether in a duel or a business negotiation.

Special abilities

Master Negotiator: Jose’s greatest ability lies in his skill at negotiation. He can navigate the most complex deals, whether in business or crime, with a calm and persuasive demeanor. His ability to read people and situations allows him to turn almost any situation to his advantage.   Swordsmanship: Jose is a master fencer, with skills that rival the best duelists in Idorin. His precision and speed make him a formidable opponent in combat, and he often practices to stay at the top of his game.   Tactical Mind: Jose has a strategic mind, able to plan and execute complex operations with precision. He is always several steps ahead of his adversaries, whether in the boardroom or in the darker corners of Vandorne’s underworld.   Charismatic Presence: His charm and charisma allow him to win over even the most skeptical of allies. Jose’s ability to inspire loyalty and trust in others is unmatched, making him a beloved figure in both his personal and professional life.

Apparel & Accessories

Clothing: Jose favors tailored suits that are both stylish and functional, often in deep, rich colors like navy, charcoal, or burgundy. His suits are crafted from the finest materials, with subtle details that reflect his taste for luxury. When in more casual settings, he may wear well-fitted blazers paired with elegant trousers.   Accessories: Jose always wears a pair of gold cufflinks, engraved with his family’s crest, a symbol of his heritage and pride. He also carries a finely crafted cane, more for style than necessity, which doubles as a concealed weapon. A pocket watch, another family heirloom, is always with him, symbolizing his careful management of time.   Signature Item: He is known for wearing a distinctive, wide-brimmed hat when he’s out in public, a nod to his admiration for the heroic figures of old. The hat is both practical, protecting him from the sun, and stylish, adding to his dashing appearance.

Specialized Equipment

Fencing Sword: Jose is skilled in fencing and keeps a finely balanced rapier, hidden within his quarters at the Sovereign Hotel. This weapon is both a tool for defense and a symbol of his honorable approach to conflict. He practices regularly to maintain his skills, and the sword is always sharp and ready for use.   Discreet Weaponry: In addition to his rapier, Jose carries a concealed dagger within his cane. The blade is sharp and well-maintained, used only in the most dire circumstances.   Encrypted Documents: As the manager of the Sovereign Vandorne, Jose has access to sensitive information about his guests and their activities. He keeps this information encrypted in a secure, hidden location, ensuring that the secrets of the Sovereign remain protected.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Birth and Early Life: Jose Il’Mira was born into a well-respected family in Vandorne, a city known for its vibrant culture, picturesque canals, and intricate blend of old-world charm and modern opulence. From a young age, Jose was groomed to take on the family business of hospitality, inheriting the values of integrity, loyalty, and a sharp business acumen. As he grew older, his charm and wit made him a natural leader, eventually leading him to take over the management of the Sovereign Hotel in Vandorne, the largest and most prestigious location in all of Idorin.   Marriage: Jose is married to Adriana Il’Mira, formerly Adriana Gomez, a renowned dancer celebrated for her beauty and grace. Their marriage is a true partnership, with Adriana playing a significant role in the social and cultural aspects of the hotel, adding to its allure.

Gender Identity

Jose Il’Mira identifies as male and presents himself as a confident and charismatic man, comfortable in his role as both a businessman and a leader.


Jose is heterosexual and deeply in love with his wife, Adriana. Their relationship is one of mutual respect and admiration, and he is devoted to her in every aspect of their life together.


Jose received an elite education, attending prestigious schools in Vandorne and beyond. He studied business, law, and philosophy, equipping himself with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex world of hospitality and high society. His education also included lessons in swordsmanship and fencing, reflecting his admiration for the honorable aspects of historical figures like Don Diego de la Vega.


Current Position: Jose Il’Mira is the manager of the Sovereign Hotel in Vandorne, the largest and most luxurious Sovereign Hotel in Idorin. His role involves overseeing every aspect of the hotel’s operations, from guest relations to security, ensuring that the hotel maintains its reputation as a sanctuary for the powerful and the elite.   Career Path: Jose’s rise to his current position was marked by a series of successes in smaller ventures, where he honed his skills in management, negotiation, and conflict resolution. His natural charisma and strategic thinking made him an ideal candidate for managing the Sovereign Vandorne.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Transforming the Sovereign Vandorne: Under Jose’s management, the Sovereign Vandorne has not only maintained but enhanced its reputation as the premier location for luxury and discretion in Idorin. He has successfully navigated the complex world of crime and politics, ensuring the hotel’s continued success and safety.   Balancing Crime and Justice: Jose is unique in his belief that crime, when carefully controlled, can serve as a form of accountability against corrupt governments. He has orchestrated several subtle operations that have exposed corruption, all while maintaining the Sovereign Vandorne as a neutral ground.

Failures & Embarrassments

Conflict with Local Authorities: Jose’s belief in using crime as a tool for justice has occasionally put him at odds with local authorities. While he has always managed to navigate these conflicts, they have sometimes brought unwanted attention to the hotel, risking its reputation.   Family Tensions: While he is devoted to his family, Jose’s dangerous lifestyle has occasionally caused strain in his marriage, particularly when his criminal activities threaten to spill over into his personal life.

Mental Trauma

Jose carries the weight of his double life, constantly balancing his role as a respected hotel manager with his involvement in the criminal underworld. The constant need for secrecy and the fear of his actions endangering his loved ones have left him with a deep sense of guilt and anxiety, though he hides it well.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sharp Intellect: Jose is highly intelligent, with a mind that is always working to solve problems and anticipate challenges. His business acumen is unparalleled, and he has a natural ability to read people and situations, allowing him to make quick, effective decisions.   Strategic Thinking: Jose excels in long-term planning, often thinking several steps ahead in both his business dealings and his covert operations. He views every challenge as a puzzle to be solved, using both his intellect and charm to navigate complex situations.

Morality & Philosophy

Complex Morality: Jose operates on a unique moral code, where he believes that crime can serve a higher purpose if used correctly. He despises corruption and sees his criminal activities as a way to bring justice to those who abuse their power. However, he is careful to draw a line, avoiding unnecessary violence and striving to maintain his honor.   Philosophy of Honor: Inspired by figures like Don Diego de la Vega (Zorro), Jose believes in the importance of honor and justice. He strives to be a man of principle, even in the murky world of crime, and takes pride in his ability to protect the innocent and punish the guilty in his own way.


Betrayal of Trust: Jose values loyalty above all else and considers betrayal the gravest sin. He has zero tolerance for those who break their word or endanger the safety of his hotel, his family, or his clients.   Unnecessary Violence: While Jose is no stranger to crime, he avoids unnecessary violence. He believes that force should only be used as a last resort, and he despises those who resort to brutality without cause.

Personality Characteristics


Family and Legacy: Jose’s primary motivation is the well-being of his family and the legacy he hopes to leave behind. He is deeply devoted to his wife, Adriana, and works tirelessly to ensure that their family is secure and respected. He wants to leave behind a legacy of honor, both in his professional life as the manager of the Sovereign Hotel and in the impact he has on Vandorne.   Justice through Crime: Jose believes that crime, when wielded with purpose and restraint, can be a tool for justice. He is driven by the idea that he can correct the wrongs of corrupt governments and power-hungry elites by orchestrating well-planned, strategic criminal activities. He views his involvement in the underworld as a necessary means to protect the innocent and punish the corrupt.   Perfection in his Work: As the manager of the largest Sovereign Hotel in Idorin, Jose is motivated by a desire for excellence in all aspects of his work. He takes great pride in the hotel’s reputation and strives to maintain its status as a sanctuary for the elite and a beacon of luxury and discretion.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  Negotiation: Jose is an expert negotiator, able to broker deals and resolve conflicts with grace and efficiency. His ability to find common ground and persuade others is unparalleled.   Swordsmanship: His skill with a rapier is not just for show. Jose is a master fencer, capable of defending himself with precision and honor. This skill has saved his life on more than one occasion.   Hospitality Management: Jose excels in managing the Sovereign Hotel, ensuring that every detail is perfect and that every guest feels valued and respected. His ability to oversee a large operation with such finesse is a testament to his organizational skills and dedication.   Charm and Diplomacy: Jose’s natural charisma makes him a skilled diplomat, able to navigate the complexities of social and political situations with ease. He can charm almost anyone, making him a beloved figure in Vandorne.  
  Blind Trust in Honor: While Jose values honor and believes in the goodness of others, this sometimes leads him to trust the wrong people. His belief that others share his values can make him vulnerable to betrayal.   Overworking: Jose’s dedication to his work often leads him to neglect his own well-being. He has a tendency to push himself too hard, risking burnout and exhaustion.   Avoidance of Unpleasant Truths: Jose has a habit of avoiding or downplaying unpleasant truths, particularly when it comes to the darker aspects of his work. He prefers to focus on the positive, sometimes ignoring the harsh realities that need to be addressed.

Likes & Dislikes

  Fencing and Swordplay: Jose enjoys the art of fencing, both as a form of exercise and as a way to clear his mind. It is one of the few activities where he can relax and feel in control.   Fine Wine and Cuisine: He has a deep appreciation for fine wine and gourmet food, often indulging in the best that Vandorne has to offer. Sharing a meal with loved ones is one of his greatest pleasures.   Music and Dance: Jose loves music, especially the traditional music of Vandorne, and has a deep admiration for his wife’s dancing. He enjoys attending performances and occasionally dancing himself.   Art and Culture: He has a passion for art and culture, often attending galleries, theaters, and cultural events. He believes that these experiences enrich the soul and connect people to their heritage.  
  Corruption and Injustice: Jose has a deep-seated hatred for corruption and injustice, particularly when it comes from those in power. He despises those who abuse their positions and seeks to hold them accountable, even if it means bending the law.   Rudeness and Disrespect: He cannot tolerate rudeness or disrespect, especially towards his family, guests, or staff. He believes that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, regardless of their status.   Mediocrity: Jose has little patience for mediocrity, whether in work, art, or behavior. He strives for excellence in everything he does and expects the same from those around him.   Unnecessary Violence: Although he is involved in the criminal world, Jose disapproves of unnecessary violence. He believes that violence should only be used as a last resort and prefers to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and strategy.

Virtues & Personality perks

  Honor and Integrity: Despite his involvement in crime, Jose holds himself to a high standard of honor and integrity. He believes in doing the right thing, even when it’s difficult, and he expects the same from others.   Loyalty: Jose is fiercely loyal to his family, friends, and allies. He values loyalty above all else and will go to great lengths to protect those he cares about.   Compassion: He has a deep sense of compassion for others, particularly those who are oppressed or in need. He often uses his influence and resources to help those who cannot help themselves, believing that it is his duty to use his power for good.  
  Cultural Knowledge: Jose’s deep understanding of Vandorne’s culture and history gives him a unique perspective and allows him to connect with people on a deeper level. This knowledge also aids him in navigating the social and political landscape of the city.   Network of Allies: Jose has cultivated a vast network of allies and contacts, both within the criminal underworld and in legitimate society. This network gives him access to information, resources, and support whenever he needs it.   Unshakable Calm: In times of crisis, Jose remains calm and collected. His ability to stay focused and think clearly under pressure is one of his greatest strengths, allowing him to lead effectively even in the most challenging situations.

Vices & Personality flaws

  Obsession with Control: Jose has a deep need for control, both in his personal and professional life. This obsession can lead to stress and anxiety when things do not go according to plan, and it sometimes causes him to micromanage those around him.   Pride: While Jose’s pride in his work and his legacy drives him to excellence, it can also make him stubborn and resistant to change. He sometimes struggles to accept help or admit when he is wrong, preferring to rely on his own abilities.   Secretive Nature: Due to his double life, Jose has become highly secretive, even with those closest to him. This secrecy can create distance between him and others, and it sometimes leads to misunderstandings or mistrust.  
  Guilt over His Criminal Activities: Despite his belief in using crime for justice, Jose feels a deep sense of guilt over the darker aspects of his work. He struggles with the moral implications of his actions and often questions whether he is truly doing the right thing.   Overprotectiveness: Jose’s love for his family, particularly his wife Adriana, can lead him to be overprotective. He worries constantly about their safety and sometimes takes extreme measures to shield them from danger, even when it is not necessary.   Fear of Failure: Jose is terrified of failure, particularly in his professional life. This fear drives him to push himself to the limit, often at the expense of his health and well-being.

Personality Quirks

  Finger Drumming: When deep in thought or considering a difficult decision, Jose has a habit of drumming his fingers on a nearby surface. This rhythmic motion helps him focus and think through complex problems.   Adjusting His Cufflinks: Before entering a significant meeting or negotiation, Jose often adjusts his cufflinks, a small ritual that helps him prepare mentally for the task ahead.  
  Collecting Antique Swords: Jose has a passion for antique swords and has built a small collection over the years. He enjoys studying the history and craftsmanship of these weapons and occasionally practices with them in private.   Late-Night Walks: Jose often takes late-night walks along the canals of Vandorne, finding solace in the quiet and beauty of the city. These walks help him clear his mind and reflect on the day’s events.


Jose takes great care in maintaining his appearance and personal hygiene. He believes that how one presents oneself is a reflection of their character, and he is meticulous in his grooming habits. His clothes are always perfectly tailored and clean, and he carries a subtle, refined scent that adds to his aura of sophistication.

Representation & Legacy

To the public, Jose Il’Mira is the epitome of charm, he intends for his 4 children to be his legacy and inherrit a safe and welcoming Vandorne.



Management of the Sovereign Hotel: Jose’s reign as the manager of the Sovereign Hotel is marked by efficiency, discretion, and a commitment to excellence. Under his leadership, the hotel has become a symbol of luxury and safety, attracting the elite from all corners of Idorin.   Influence in Vandorne: Beyond his role at the hotel, Jose has a quiet but significant influence in Vandorne’s social and political circles. He is a key player in the city’s underworld, using his connections to maintain a balance of power and protect those he deems worthy.

Contacts & Relations

High Society: Jose’s role as manager of the Sovereign Hotel has placed him in contact with the upper echelons of society. He is well-connected to nobles, politicians, and wealthy merchants, all of whom respect his discretion and professionalism.   Criminal Underworld: Despite his polished exterior, Jose has deep ties to the criminal underworld of Vandorne and beyond. He maintains a network of informants, enforcers, and allies who assist in his more clandestine operations. This network provides him with invaluable information and protection.   Cultural Figures: Through his wife, Adriana, a famous dancer, Jose is also connected to artists, performers, and cultural figures. These contacts help him maintain the Sovereign Hotel’s reputation as a center of culture and refinement.   The Sovereign Hotel Network: As the manager of the most prestigious Sovereign Hotel, Jose is part of a broader network of Sovereign managers and affiliates across Idorin. This network allows for the exchange of information, resources, and favors, enhancing the power and reach of the Sovereign brand.   Social Clubs and Organizations: Jose is a member of several exclusive social clubs in Vandorne, where he rubs shoulders with the city’s elite. These affiliations provide him with opportunities to influence local politics and business.   Secret Societies: While not publicly known, it is rumored that Jose has connections to certain secret societies that operate within Vandorne. These affiliations further extend his influence and allow him to navigate the city’s undercurrents of power.

Family Ties

Adriana Il’Mira: Jose is deeply devoted to his wife, Adriana, a celebrated dancer. Their marriage is strong, built on mutual respect and love. Adriana plays an active role in the social aspects of the Sovereign Hotel, hosting events and entertaining guests with her charm and grace.   Extended Family: Jose maintains close ties with his extended family, many of whom are involved in various aspects of Vandorne’s business and cultural life. These family connections provide him with additional support and influence.

Religious Views

Devout Believer: Jose is a devout believer, adhering to the religious practices of the Church of Ealdir out of respect for tradition and culture than personal conviction. He attends religious ceremonies and supports local temples, understanding the importance of faith in maintaining social harmony. He is however a firm and loyal worshiper of Obeah, the God of Justice.   Spiritual Morality: Jose believes in a moral code rooted in the principles of justice, honor, and compassion. He views his actions, even those in the criminal sphere, as part of a larger effort to balance the scales of justice in a world where corruption often goes unchecked.

Social Aptitude

Charming and Diplomatic: Jose is exceptionally charming and diplomatic, able to navigate social situations with ease. He has a natural ability to connect with people from all walks of life, making him a beloved figure in Vandorne’s social circles.   Master of Etiquette: His understanding of etiquette and social customs is impeccable. Jose knows how to make others feel at ease, whether in a grand ballroom or a private meeting, and his manners are always flawless.   Persuasive and Influential: Jose’s social aptitude extends to his ability to persuade and influence others. He can be both firm and gentle in his approach, using his charm and intellect to sway opinions and achieve his goals.


Elegant Movements: Jose moves with the grace and precision of a dancer, a reflection of his wife’s influence and his own training in fencing. His movements are deliberate and controlled, exuding confidence and poise.   Warm Smiles: He is known for his warm, genuine smiles, which can put even the most nervous guests at ease. However, his smile can also be a weapon, masking his true intentions when necessary.   Thoughtful Gestures: Jose often uses small, thoughtful gestures to show his appreciation and respect for others, such as offering a handkerchief or holding a door. These actions, though subtle, contribute to his reputation as a gentleman.

Hobbies & Pets

Pets: Jose and Adriana have a dog named Bruno that they got for thier children to play with. Jose is fond of animals and enjoys the presence of Adriana’s pet birds, which add to the hotel’s serene ambiance.   Fencing: One of Jose’s favorite hobbies is fencing, a sport he practices regularly. It allows him to maintain his physical fitness, sharpens his reflexes, and provides a mental escape from the pressures of his work.   Collecting Fine Art: Jose has a passion for collecting fine art, particularly pieces that reflect the culture and history of Vandorne. His collection is displayed in the private suites of the Sovereign Hotel, where guests can appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of each piece.   Music and Dance: Influenced by his wife’s career, Jose has developed a deep appreciation for music and dance. He enjoys attending performances and occasionally plays the guitar, a skill he picked up during his youth.


Smooth and Melodic: Jose’s voice is smooth and melodic, with a cadence that is both calming and persuasive. He speaks clearly and deliberately, often using pauses to emphasize his points and draw listeners into his words.   Polite and Respectful: His speech is always polite and respectful, reflecting his belief in the importance of treating others with dignity. Even when discussing serious matters, he maintains a level of decorum that puts others at ease.   Wit and Humor: Jose often uses wit and humor in his conversations, particularly when navigating tense situations. His ability to lighten the mood with a well-placed joke or clever remark is one of his greatest social strengths.   Bilingual Fluency: Fluent in both the common tongue of Idorin and the local dialects of Vandorne, Jose’s speech reflects his cultural roots and his ability to connect with a diverse range of people. His language skills are a key part of his success in managing the Sovereign Hotel and in his interactions with international guests.

Wealth & Financial state

Substantial Wealth: Jose Il’Mira is extremely wealthy, with his fortune built from both his legitimate business dealings and his more secretive activities. His wealth allows him to live in luxury, support his family, and maintain the high standards of the Sovereign Hotel.   Investments: In addition to his earnings from the hotel, Jose has made shrewd investments in various industries, including real estate, art, and commerce. These investments further bolster his financial security and influence.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Manager of the Sovereign Hotel in Vandorne: Jose’s official title as the manager of the Sovereign Hotel in Vandorne carries significant weight. It marks him as one of the most influential figures in the city, overseeing the largest and most prestigious hotel in Idorin.   Patron of the Arts: Due to his wife’s fame as a dancer and his own love for culture, Jose is known as a patron of the arts. He frequently sponsors performances, exhibitions, and cultural events in Vandorne.   Protector of the People: Among those who know of his more secretive endeavors, Jose is sometimes referred to as the “Protector of the People,” a nod to his efforts to use his influence in the criminal underworld to protect the innocent and hold corrupt officials accountable.
Currently Held Titles
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "In Vandorne, honor and justice are forged not only in the light of day but in the shadows as well."
  • "A man’s legacy is measured not by the wealth he accumulates, but by the lives he touches and the justice he brings."
  • "In this world, every action has a purpose. Every move must be made with precision."
  • "The Sovereign is not just a hotel; it is a symbol of what can be achieved when honor guides ambition."
Known Languages
Jose is fluent in multiple languages, including Common, Elvish, and several dialects spoken in Vandorne and other regions of Idorin. His fluency in these languages allows him to interact with a diverse range of guests at the Sovereign Vandorne and conduct business across cultural boundaries.


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