Kane Maunekea

Koa Kane Kuaka Maunekea (a.k.a. Scorchedbrow)

Kane Kuaka Scorchedbrow Maunakea stands as a towering figure at 10 feet 10 inches tall, weighing 480 pounds, embodying the epitome of an Afi Toa warrior. His sandy brown skin, a result of constant exposure to the sun, is a canvas for intricate tribal tattoos depicting scenes of humanoids wrestling great beasts. Kane's face, adorned with simple warpaint lines, bears a distinctive calloused burn in the shape of a hand across one eye and his forehead. A thick bone pierces through his nose, and his wrists are bound with golden manacles, remnants of a ritual showing his unwavering fealty to Kami, the volcano god. His attire is minimal, consisting of a knee-length shark leather skirt and a variety of braided ropes and jewelry hanging like sashes around his bare, muscular chest. The broken chains attached to the manacles on his wrists and the "L" tattoos on the back of his hands are clear markers of his fierce and tumultuous past.   Kane's life has been shaped by the harsh realities of his homeland, Moku'kai, and his tribe, the Maunakea. Trained from a young age by his father, Mako Kuaka "Swiftdrifter" Maunakea, an exceptional bounty hunter, Kane has learned to hunt and survive in the most brutal conditions. The death of his brother during the tribe's rigorous coming-of-age trials instilled in him a fear of failure and a drive to prove his worth. His personality is a blend of extreme pride, unwavering honor, and a fierce protective instinct towards his family and the natural world of the Azure Isles. Though dense in understanding nuances, his straightforwardness and intensity make him a formidable presence. Kane's ultimate goal is to restore the purity of his island by becoming the ultimate hunter of men, reflecting his deep connection to nature and his divine mission driven by the god Kami.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kane is in exceptional physical condition, standing 10’10” tall and weighing 480 lbs. His body is heavily muscled and resilient, bearing the marks of his intense training and battles.

Body Features

Kane's skin is sandy brown, his body covered in tribal tattoos depicting epic battles. He has a calloused, blistering burn across one eye and forehead, and his wrists bear the marks of red-hot manacles.

Facial Features

Kane has piercing red eyes, a thick bone through his nose, and simple warpaint lines on his face.

Identifying Characteristics

The extensive tribal tattoos, burn marks, and the broken chains on his wrists are key identifying features. He is known for the burn scar of a handprint over his left eye.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kane Kuaka Scorchedbrow Maunakea is a 26-year-old Goliath from the Azure Isles. Born to Mako Kuaka Swiftdrifter Maunakea and Lailani Kuaka Stonebreaker Maunakea, he was raised in the Maunakea tribe, once a powerful tribe now reduced to bannermen for the Wharepapa tribe. From an early age, he followed his father's footsteps, learning to hunt and fight. Witnessing his brother's death during the trials deeply affected him, driving him to train relentlessly. He completed his own trials and has since taken on the role of a bounty hunter, dedicated to protecting his homeland from invaders and restoring its purity.

Gender Identity

Kane identifies as male.


Kane received informal education through rigorous physical training, hunting, and combat skills. His spiritual education includes praying to Kami, the volcanic deity, and learning about the natural world. Yet he has difficulty reading


Kane was a bounty hunter, taking contracts to hunt men and beasts. He also helps protect his tribe and the Azure Isles from invaders.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successfully completed the Maunakea trials, earning his place as a warrior. Crafted his own outrigger canoe, "Floats." Completed numerous bounty contracts, earning respect as a formidable hunter.

Failures & Embarrassments

Witnessed his brother's death after the trials, which deeply impacted him. Failed to convince his sister Kira not to leave the Azure Isles, feeling he couldn't protect her.

Mental Trauma

The death of his brother during the trials and the harsh training regime imposed by his father left deep emotional scars. Kane also carries the trauma of his violent upbringing and the constant need to prove himself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kane is not intellectually sophisticated but possesses a deep understanding of survival, combat, and the natural world. His thinking is straightforward and literal, often missing subtleties.

Morality & Philosophy

Kane follows a strict code of honor influenced by his father’s teachings. He believes in strength, pride, and the importance of protecting his tribe and homeland. Lies and deceit are despised, and he values direct confrontation over subtlety.


Kane cannot tolerate disrespect towards his family, tribe, Kami, or himself. He considers lying and cowardice as grave offenses.

Personality Characteristics


Kane is motivated by a desire to protect his homeland and restore his tribe's honor. He aims to become the ultimate hunter of men to prevent further invasions.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Expert in hunting, combat, survival, and navigation. Ineptitudes: Poor social skills, struggles with nuanced thinking and diplomacy.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Nature, hunting, physical challenges, and watercolors. Dislikes: Lies, disrespect, weakness, and invasive species.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices: Prone to violence, extreme pride, and stubbornness. Flaws: Difficulty showing vulnerability, literal interpretation of advice, and tendency to react with aggression.


Religious Views

Kane worships Kami, the volcanic deity, and believes in drawing power from the natural and spiritual world.

Social Aptitude

Kane is socially awkward, often taking things literally. He commands respect through his physical presence and combat prowess but struggles with forming deep, nuanced relationships outside his family and tribe.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Circumstances of Birth
Born from the blessing of Kami
Glowing red-orange like flickering flames
short dark hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tanned dark skin covered in tribal tattoos
480 lb
Known Languages
Affitti, Kings Tongue


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