Olinthian Fangmarsh Adder

The Olinthian Fangmarsh Adder is a venomous snake species native to the ancient ruins and swampy environs in and around the city of Olinth in Idorin. This moderately sized serpent, typically reaching lengths of 2 to 3 feet, is known for its potent venom and its ability to adapt to the decaying and labyrinthine landscapes of the city's ruins. Its robust and muscular body is adorned with dark scales and earthy patterns that resemble the weathered stones and decaying structures of Olinth, providing excellent camouflage. Primarily nocturnal, the Olinthian Fangmarsh Adder preys on small mammals, birds, and reptiles using its stealth and moderately toxic venom. Encounters with this elusive and solitary snake are a reminder of the city's mysterious and decaying past.  

Olinthian Fangmarsh Adder Venom Effects


Venom Potency:

  Venom Level: 4   Potency: Moderately toxic  

Immediate Effects:

  Neurotoxic Impact: The venom contains neurotoxins that cause localized numbness and tingling around the bite area within minutes. This initial effect is typically not severe but can cause discomfort.   Hemotoxic Effects: The venom includes hemotoxins that cause minor swelling and redness around the bite site. These effects are generally limited to the immediate area of the bite.  

Short-Term Effects:

  Localized Pain and Swelling: The bite area becomes moderately painful and swollen, with slight bruising and discoloration.   Mild Fatigue: Some victims may experience mild fatigue and lethargy as the body reacts to the venom.   Nausea and Headache: The venom can induce mild systemic symptoms such as nausea and headache, but these are usually not severe and subside within a few hours.  

Long-Term Effects:

  Minimal Scarring: The hemotoxic effects may cause minor scarring at the bite site, but this is uncommon and typically only occurs if the bite is scratched or improperly treated.   Residual Numbness: Some victims may experience residual numbness and tingling at the bite site for a few days.   Sensitization: Repeated exposure to the venom can lead to sensitization, resulting in more pronounced local reactions in future bites.  

Antivenom and Treatment:

  Antivenom: Typically, antivenom is not necessary due to the moderate nature of the venom. Treatment focuses on symptomatic relief.   Supportive Care: Basic wound care, including cleaning the bite site and applying antiseptic, is recommended. Over-the-counter pain relievers and antihistamines can help manage pain and swelling.   Wound Care: Keeping the bite site clean and avoiding scratching helps prevent secondary infections and promotes healing.  


  Timely Treatment: With basic first aid and supportive care, the prognosis for an Olinthian Fangmarsh Adder bite is good, with full recovery expected within a few days to a week.   Delayed Treatment: Even without immediate treatment, the bite is generally not serious and will heal on its own, though discomfort may persist slightly longer.

Basic Information


The Olinthian Fangmarsh Adder is a moderately sized snake, typically reaching lengths of 2 to 3 feet. It has a robust and muscular body, well-suited for navigating the rugged terrain of the ruins. Its scales are predominantly dark, with patterns that resemble the weathered stones and decaying structures of Olinth. These scales often have subtle, earthy tones, allowing the snake to blend into the ancient and crumbling surroundings.   The snake's head is broad and triangular, featuring a pair of alert eyes adapted for both terrestrial and nocturnal vision. Its fangs, concealed when not in use, deliver a potent venom that is central to its survival in the challenging environment.

Biological Traits

Venom Level: 4 (Moderately toxic)   Speed: Fast and agile in rugged terrain   Strength: Strong constriction muscles for its size

Genetics and Reproduction

Olinthian Fangmarsh Adders are oviparous, meaning they lay eggs as part of their reproductive process. Mating typically occurs within the ruins during the warmer months of the year when the remnants of Olinth come to life with the vitality of the swamp. Courtship rituals may involve intricate dances and tactile displays between males and females.   After successful copulation, the female seeks concealed nesting sites, often within the decaying structures or hidden crevices of the ruins. Here, she carefully lays her clutch of eggs, which rely on the ambient humidity and the unique atmosphere of the ruins for incubation.   Upon hatching, the young Olinthian Fangmarsh Adders inherit their parent's adaptability to the challenging environment.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hatchlings: Small with fully functional venom glands   Juveniles: Rapid growth during the first year   Adults: Reach full size by 2-3 years

Ecology and Habitats

The Olinthian Fangmarsh Adder primarily resides in the ancient ruins and swamps that surround the city of Olinth. These areas are characterized by crumbling structures, overgrown vegetation, and stagnant waters, making them both treacherous and rewarding for the snakes that call them home.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This snake species has a diet that includes small mammals, birds, and reptiles that have also adapted to the urban and swampy environment. It employs ambush strategies to capture prey, using its stealth and potent venom to immobilize and consume its quarry.

Biological Cycle

Activity: Primarily nocturnal   Hibernation: Partial hibernation during colder months


Olinthian Fangmarsh Adders are primarily nocturnal, venturing out under the cover of darkness when their prey is active. They are solitary and adept at navigating the labyrinthine ruins and overgrown vegetation.   When threatened, these snakes may employ defensive displays, including hissing and striking, to ward off potential threats. Encounters with them within the ruins of Olinth are often seen as a reminder of the city's mysterious and decaying past, as well as the unique wildlife that has adapted to the ruins in the fantasy world of Idorin.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Primarily solitary, social interactions mainly during mating season


Not domesticated due to its specific habitat needs and moderately toxic venom

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Uses: Venom for research and potential medicinal uses   Byproducts: Shed skin used in traditional crafts and medicines   Exploitation: Occasionally hunted for venom and skin

Facial characteristics

Eyes: Alert and adapted for low light conditions   Mouth: Conceals moderately toxic fangs

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ancient ruins and swamps around the city of Olinth

Average Intelligence

Average for snakes, with effective hunting and defensive strategies

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic Relationships: None noted   Parasites: Common snake parasites like ticks and mites
Scientific Name
Ruinosquamata olinthia
6-10 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Weight
1-2 pounds
Average Length
2 to 3 feet
Average Physique
Build: Robust and muscular   Distinctive Features: Patterns resembling weathered stones and decaying structures
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Base Color: Dark with earthy tones   Patterns: Resembling weathered stones and decaying structures
Geographic Distribution


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