Serinon Fanged Adder

The Serinon Fanged Adder is a moderately-sized serpent, typically spanning 3 to 4 feet in length, though larger examples have been known to exist. This snake is most distinguished by its iridescent scales, which shimmer with a captivating array of colors when touched by the filtered sunlight streaming through Serinon's dense forests. These scales serve both as a form of camouflage and an alluring lure for prey. The snake's slender form is adorned with alternating bands of vibrant greens, blues, and purples, which harmonize seamlessly with the rich flora of Serinon's temperate woodlands. Its head features a distinct pattern reminiscent of fierce eyes, enhancing its mystique and aiding in its hunting tactics. Known for its highly toxic hallucinogenic venom, the Serinon Fanged Adder is both a skilled hunter and a formidable presence in its native habitat.  

Serinon Fanged Adder Venom Effects

Venom Potency:

  Venom Level: 6   Potency: Highly toxic hallucinogen  

Immediate Effects:

  Neurotoxic Impact: The venom contains neurotoxins that cause immediate and intense pain, muscle spasms, and paralysis within minutes.   Hemotoxic Effects: The venom includes hemotoxins that cause significant bruising and internal bleeding around the bite area.   Hallucinogenic Impact: The venom induces vivid and often terrifying hallucinations within minutes, causing disorientation and confusion.  

Short-Term Effects:

  Severe Pain and Swelling: The bite area becomes extremely painful and swollen.   Systemic Toxicity: Severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and profuse sweating occur.   Respiratory Distress: Breathing difficulties and respiratory failure.   Hallucinations: The hallucinations persist, causing severe psychological distress, fear, and confusion.  

Long-Term Effects:

  Tissue Necrosis: Extensive tissue damage and necrosis around the bite site.   Permanent Neurological Damage: Persistent muscle weakness, numbness, tremors, and coordination issues.   Organ Damage: Acute kidney damage or failure due to muscle tissue breakdown.   Psychological Trauma: Long-lasting psychological effects, including PTSD, anxiety, and paranoia due to the hallucinogenic properties of the venom.  

Antivenom and Treatment:

  Antivenom: Immediate administration of specific antivenom is crucial.   Supportive Care: Comprehensive supportive care including pain management, respiratory support, and psychological care.   Wound Care: Proper cleaning and dressing of the bite site to prevent secondary infections.  


  Timely Treatment: Good prognosis with prompt medical intervention, although psychological recovery may take longer.   Delayed Treatment: Venom is almost invariably fatal without immediate treatment, and survivors may experience lasting psychological effects.

Basic Information


Body: The Serinon Fanged Adder has a long, slender body, which is adapted for moving through the trees and hunting in its arboreal environment. Its body is covered in smooth scales, which aid in movement and camouflage. The colors of its scales are vibrant and iridescent, often displaying shades of green, blue, and purple.   Head: The head of the Serinon Fanged Adder is distinct from its body, featuring a triangular shape. It houses important sensory organs, including its eyes, nostrils, and heat-sensitive pits (lore-based adaptation), which help it detect prey and predators.   Eyes: Like most snakes, the Serinon Fanged Adder has relatively small, lidless eyes with vertical pupils. These pupils allow it to regulate the amount of light entering its eyes, helping it to see in various lighting conditions.   Fangs: The most distinctive feature of this snake is its long, curved fangs. These fangs are hollow and connected to venom glands located at the back of the head. When the snake strikes its prey, it can inject venom through these fangs into the victim. The venom is a potent neurotoxin that paralyzes prey.   Mouth: The Serinon Fanged Adder has a flexible mouth that can open widely to accommodate the fangs when striking at prey. Its jaws are unhinged, allowing it to swallow prey items whole.   Tongue: The snake possesses a forked tongue, which it uses for scent detection. The tongue picks up chemical cues from the environment, helping the snake locate prey and navigate its surroundings.   Body Scales: The scales covering the Serinon Fanged Adder's body are smooth, overlapping, and provide protection. They also help reduce friction when the snake moves.   Internal Organs: Like all snakes, the Serinon Fanged Adder has internal organs adapted for its carnivorous diet. Its digestive system is highly specialized to break down and absorb nutrients from its prey.   Skeleton: The snake has a flexible skeleton, allowing it to coil and move easily through trees and other tight spaces. Its vertebrae are numerous, giving it the ability to twist and turn its body.   Muscles: Powerful muscles along the length of its body enable it to constrict and hold onto prey after striking. Constriction helps immobilize and eventually digest larger prey.   Reproductive Organs: Like many other reptiles, the Serinon Fanged Adder has internal reproductive organs. In breeding season, males and females come together for mating, leading to the production of eggs (oviparous reproduction) or live births (viviparous reproduction) depending on the specific lore of Idorin.

Biological Traits

Venom Level: 6 (Highly toxic).   Speed: Fast and agile, especially in trees.   Strength: Strong constriction muscles.

Genetics and Reproduction

the Serinon Fanged Adder is a viviparous species, meaning that females give birth to live offspring rather than laying eggs. After mating, the female retains the developing embryos within her body until they are ready to be born. This adaptation provide the offspring with a better chance of survival, as they are born fully formed and potentially more capable of navigating their perilous environment.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hatchlings: Small, fully functional with venom glands.   Juveniles: Rapid growth during the first year.   Adults: Reach full size by 2-3 years.

Ecology and Habitats

The Serinon Fanged Adder primarily inhabits the trees of Serinon's forests. It often coils itself among the branches, waiting patiently for unsuspecting prey to cross its path. With its cryptic appearance and the enchanting glimmer of its scales, it eludes the notice of potential predators, moving soundlessly through the forest canopy.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Birds: The Serinon Fanged Adder is an adept tree-dweller, and it often preys upon small birds that frequent the canopy of the island's forests. Its stealth and agility in the trees allow it to ambush and strike at unwary birds, injecting them with its venom before consuming them.   Rodents: Small rodents, such as mice and tree-dwelling creatures, form a significant part of the snake's diet. The serpent can navigate through the branches to reach the nests or hiding places of these rodents and capture them with a swift strike.   Amphibians and Reptiles: The Serinon Fanged Adder may also feed on amphibians and smaller reptiles found in its habitat. Frogs, lizards, and even smaller snakes could be potential prey items.   Insects: Occasionally, when larger prey is scarce, the snake may resort to hunting insects, particularly those that are more substantial in size, such as large beetles or cicadas.   Occasional Larger Prey: While the Serinon Fanged Adder typically focuses on smaller prey, it might occasionally attempt to tackle larger meals like small mammals or juvenile creatures. However, this is less common and can be more challenging for the snake to subdue and consume.

Biological Cycle

Activity: Primarily crepuscular and nocturnal.   Hibernation: Partial hibernation during colder months.


These serpents are solitary creatures, seldom encountered in pairs or groups. They are known for their remarkable patience, sometimes lying in wait for days to ambush their next meal. When hunting, they strike with remarkable swiftness and precision, injecting venom before retreating to a secure location to allow it to take effect.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Primarily solitary, social interactions mainly during mating season.


Not domesticated due to its specific habitat needs and highly toxic venom.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Uses: Venom used for research and potential medicinal uses.   Byproducts: Shed skin used in traditional crafts and medicines.   Exploitation: Occasionally hunted for venom and skin.

Facial characteristics

Eyes: Small, lidless with vertical pupils.   Mouth: Conceals long, curved fangs.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Forests of Serinon.

Average Intelligence

High for snakes, with advanced hunting and defensive strategies.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Symbiotic Relationships: None noted.   Parasites: Common snake parasites like ticks and mites.
Scientific Name
Serpentina fangeda
8-12 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Weight
2-3 pounds
Average Length
3 to 4 feet
Average Physique
Build: Slender and agile.   Distinctive Features: Iridescent scales and distinct head pattern.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Base Color: Iridescent scales in vibrant greens, blues, and purples.   Patterns: Alternating bands and distinct head pattern.
Geographic Distribution


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