Shadowbind Plague

The Shadowbind Plague is a rare and terrifying affliction that binds a victim's soul with a malevolent spirit or demonic fragment, resulting in lifelong internal and external torment. This condition manifests through uncontrollable compulsions, violent outbursts, and physical changes such as darkened eyes and pronounced black veins. Acquired through demonic possession, broken pacts with devils, or contact with cursed artifacts, the plague is incurable, with treatments only managing its severe symptoms. Victims endure chronic fatigue, severe mental strain, and social isolation due to fear and stigma, embodying a constant struggle between maintaining control and succumbing to the darkness within.

Transmission & Vectors

Demonic Possession: Individuals who have been possessed by a demon and subsequently exorcised may retain a fragment of the demon, which manifests as the Shadowbind Plague. Broken Pacts: Those who have broken a pact with a devil may find that the devil retains partial control over their soul, resulting in the Shadowbind Plague. Cursed Artifacts: Handling or using cursed artifacts can transfer the plague, especially those linked to demonic or devilish origins. Dark Rituals: Participation in or disruption of dark rituals can expose individuals to malevolent spiritual forces, resulting in the plague.


The Shadowbind Plague is caused by the lingering presence of a malevolent spirit or demonic fragment within the afflicted individual. This entity becomes intertwined with the host's soul, leading to a lifelong battle for control and sanity.


Early Symptoms:
Uncontrollable compulsions Irritability and unexplained anger Nightmares and vivid hallucinations  
Advanced Symptoms:
Violent outbursts and sadistic behavior Physical changes such as darkening of the eyes and prominent black veins Constant internal whispers urging malevolent actions Periods of total loss of control to the spirit


While it cannot be fully destroyed, Shadowbind Plague has a few ways to quell it, including:   Exorcism: Skilled clerics or mages can perform dangerous and strenuous rituals to temporarily weaken the spirit's hold. Protective Charms: Wearing amulets or charms that contain calming or protective magic can provide relief. Therapeutic Alchemy: Regular intake of potions made from rare herbs and magical ingredients can help soothe the mind. Isolation: In extreme cases, victims are placed in sanctified areas where the spirit's influence is diminished.


The Shadowbind Plague is incurable, with the afflicted battling its effects for life. Early intervention can manage symptoms and provide a semblance of normalcy, but the condition will progressively strain the individual’s mental health. If treated the illness will also strain the individual's physical health.


Chronic Fatigue: Ongoing battle with the spirit drains physical energy. Mental Strain: Persistent internal conflict can lead to severe psychological issues. Isolation: Fear of harming others can lead to social withdrawal.

Affected Groups

Dark Magic Practitioners: Those who dabble in forbidden magics or rituals. Cursed Individuals: Those who have been in contact with demonic or devilish forces. Broken Pact Bearers: Individuals who have broken soul-binding agreements with devils.

Hosts & Carriers

Primary Hosts: Humans and other sentient beings who have been possessed, broken pacts, or handled cursed artifacts. Secondary Carriers: Rarely, the spirit can temporarily attach to objects or animals, but these are generally transitional states and not permanent carriers.


Avoiding Cursed Artifacts and Dark Rituals: Steer clear of objects and practices linked to demonic forces. Keeping Pacts: Ensuring any pacts with supernatural beings are honored can prevent soul fragmentation. Protective Measures: Using protective charms and wards to avoid possession or spiritual harm.


Rarity: The Shadowbind Plague is extremely rare due to the specific conditions required for its transmission. Clusters: Found predominantly among those who deal with dark magic, cursed artifacts, or have a history of demonic interaction.

Cultural Reception

Fear and Stigma: Victims are often feared and shunned due to the violent and unpredictable nature of the illness. Superstition: In some cultures, the afflicted are seen as cursed or marked by fate, leading to isolation or persecution. Respect: Among certain groups, surviving the plague is seen as a mark of strength and resilience.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Extremely Rare


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