The Coin of Sorrows

Metaphysical / Paranormal event


Valon's obtaining of the Coin of Sorrows, a conduit to those who beseeched the goddess in their darkest moments of despair, offering their lives and wealth in exchange for retribution.

In an act of unspeakable atrocity, Valon harnessed the twisted energies of revenge. He circled up a group of young Serinians who were determined to join the Hidden ones, and in a swift and merciless act Valon slaughter these children. This allowed the Veilshadow blade to slice through the delicate boundaries between realms and rending a jagged tear in the fabric that separated the Material Plane from the ethereal domain where Revani, the goddess of revenge, held her sinister reign. Through this unholy rupture, a gateway emerged, a portal through which Revani's malignant influence could seep into the material world at her whims.   This dark communion between Valon and the vengeful goddess yielded a reward beyond mortal comprehension. Revani, pleased by Valon's unwavering devotion and his audacious transgression, extended her baleful hand to him. Within her grasp rested a coin, its metal etched with the imagery of a skull—a potent symbol of death and retribution. One side bore the ominous mark of blood, a chilling testament to the coin's malevolent power, while the other gleamed with a maleficent, golden aura.   Revani's words slithered through the air, as she imparted the significance of the coin to Valon. This sinister talisman was no mere trinket; it was a conduit to those who beseeched the goddess in their darkest moments of despair, offering their lives and wealth in exchange for retribution. The coin, a conduit to the whispers of the tormented, would allow the Hidden Ones to attune their senses to the prayers of the aggrieved, to hear the fervent cries for revenge that echoed through the void.   Thus armed with this sinister gift, Valon and the Hidden Ones gained an unprecedented advantage, wielding the power to answer the supplications of those who sought vengeance. The coin became a tool to eavesdrop on the prayers of the afflicted, to perceive their fervor, and perhaps, to grant their desires in the most malevolent of ways. With the coin clutched tightly in his hand, Valon's connection to Revani's otherworldly dominion deepened, and the Hidden Ones' influence spread like a shadow, ensnaring the desperate and the damned within its web of retribution.

Related Location
Veilshadow Sanctum.
Related timelines & articles
The History of The Dark Ones