Free City of Tiryak Organization in Idua | World Anvil
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Free City of Tiryak


The Free City of Tiryak is ruled by Prime Lord Uryil Frethiol. Below him is the Shield of the Realm, generals and military experts that help manage the city and its territories in the fight against the Tandrean Empire.

Public Agenda

The primary objective of the Free City of Tiryak is to gain independence from the Tandrean Empire and give its people self-determination.


Tiryak has access to the generous funding of many of the Aviolin city-states, including Avalin, Svail, and Donal. Within its territory, it owns two large iron mines, giving it resources to make weapons to arm the 20,000 soldiers that guard it against the Tandrean Empire. Tiryak's most important aspect, however, is the resolve of its people to fight the Tandreans to the last breath.


The Free City of Tiryak was founded in 658 AFE, after a series of skirmishes between soldiers of Tiryak and Tandrea, Prime Lord Uryil Frethiol declared the independence of the Free City of Tiryak, sparking the Tyren Revolution/Rebellion. Within Tiryak, massive reforms immediately went underway: Frethiol began purging all supporters of the Tandrean Empire, banning books that promoted Tandrean ideals, and, in an attempt to punish the Tandreans living inside of Tiryak, forced all ethnic Tandreans into slavery. Riots broke out immediately following this last decree, but Frethiol ruthlessly crushed the rioters, refusing even to take prisoners. Tandrean soldiers under General Therydon Rellyn attempted an invasion in 659 AFE, but in the Battle of Lors Mine, Frethiol's forces drove Rellyn out. The Tyrens then sat back and watched as, in 661 AFE, Rellyn's forces were decimated by the White Plague. Following this, Frethiol decided to launch an attack on Tandrea itself in 662 AFE, although his soldiers were beaten back to the border after the disastrous Battle of the Leryn Field.


Tiryak controls the city of Tiryak itself and the Narilian Forest which surrounds it.

Foreign Relations

Currently at war for its independence against the Tandrean Empire

"Freedom Never Dies"

Founding Date
658 AFE
Geopolitical, Free City
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Tyren Avar
Official Languages
Controlled Territories

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