The Thousand Year War

Prelude to War

The end of The First Age the started with nothing more than a whisper. Rumors of demon attacks began to spread throughout Talminari, from large cities to the smallest village. People going missing in the night. Then on the 21st of Keldiada -4000BR, the Ehbon Gate opened. The Legions of the Everdark swarmed Idur from the depths of Kalderas, mounted on vile helldrakes demons began their destructive march to the center of Talminari to try and conquer the mortal plane. Led by General Belzryk, right hand to the Demon King Thastridoz, a bloodsoaked conflict would rage for the next 1000 years as the Elder Dragons, called Qaal back then, tried to defend their newfound responsibility bestowed upon them by the Leviathans.


Legions of the Everdark

The Legions of the Everdark, or Legions of Kalderas, were the invading force during The Thousand Year War. Striking Idur as the fledgling Qaal were just beginning to take on their power. Led by General Belzryk and Demon King Thastridoz, the Legion consisted of an array of horrors from the lower plane of Kalderas, the lower plane of existence.

Legion Regiments

Riders of Razsh
The Riders are similar to a calvary unit, mounted upon helldrakes, this unit was responsible for supporting from the air and laying siege to enemy strongholds and attacking chokepoints during battle. Mastering a helldrake is as difficult as it sounds though, which led to this unit being smaller than the other Legion regiments. Members being consumed by their mounts were not uncommon.  
The Rotcasters were a regiment of ranged warcasters meant to inflict damage from afar and interfere with opposing spellcasters as needed. Dubbed Rotcasters for their practice of raising enemy corpses to use as cannon fodder and shields, this regiment was decidedly sadistic. Often using their prisoners and fallen enemies as fuel for ritualistic dark magic, they caused the most problems for The Qaalreytar forces.  
Abyssal Crawlers
The remainder of the unspecialized troops and footsoldiers fell into the regiment known as Abyssal Crawlers. Unbelievably tenacious and driven, nothing short of obliteration would stop them from pursuing their orders. Troops within this regiment primarily consisted of physical combatants focusing on martial disciplines, with some higher ranking officers having some magical ability of their own.  

The Qaalreytar

The Qaalreytar, or those blessed by dragons, were the defending force during the Thousand Year War. A unified force brought together by the Three Great Cities of Talminari, Kulminari, Vexiloria, and Zanith.

Qaalreytar Armaments


Four Pillars of the War

Defense of Zanithar


Battle for Kulminari Coast


Capture of Belzryk


Siege of Ehbon Gate

Start Date
21 Keldialda -4000BR
Ending Date
1 Dakshaya -1BR