Island of Flesh

Gautier knew that he wouldn't survive very long with his injured leg. What the fuck was wrong with these people that they would attack someone stranded with them. He hid under a downed tree. Tearing his trousers he began to bandage the bite mark he had on his leg. The bastard had taken out a chunk of his flesh.   Gautier had been sent to this island after committing several accounts of murder. It was all for the family and to him that was justification. His sentence was to be sent here, the Island of Flesh. He'd heard the rumors but thought he could use his experience of getting thugs together to escape this island. Instead, when he introduced himself they tried to eat him. He was lucky that this was all he got away with.   Now they were chasing him. Guess he would have to do the one thing that got him here: killing. But first, he needed to get something to eat. They had practically starved him on the way to the island. Gautier looked around for anything to eat. Since arriving he hadn't seen any animals besides small birds. He did see a fruit tree with massive fruits that were covered in sharp points.   That wouldn't be an issue for Gautier. They weren't so sharp he couldn't hold it. He took the fruit and smashed it on a rock. He scooped out the reddish meat of the fruit and shoveled it into his mouth. It was the most delicious fruit he'd had in a long time. It tasted of pork, a strange taste for a fruit.   He heard the rustling of leaves from behind him. The sound of him smashing the fruit must have been enough to locate him. It was time to fight back. The same two men that attack him, lunged out of the forest with a wild look in their eye. They lunged at Gautier, drool slinging from their mouths. Gautier grabbed the rock used to open the fruit.   The first of the cannibals, he smashed their head in with the rock. The second managed to get ahold of Gautier and the two tumbled to the ground, the cannibal trying to take a bite out of him. Gautier held back the cannibal's head before freeing his arm. Gaining the upper hand, he started punching the cannibal. The attacks became more and more aggressive, blood spraying over Gautier. Soon the cannibal was no longer moving, and Gautier did not let up his attacks.   He tired soon, looking at the carnage he created. Blood covered his hands. The smell was a familiar one, but now seemed different. Sniffing the blood, he recognized the scent of the fruit he just ate. Was it on his hands? He decided to lick the blood further on his arm. It was the same flavor as the fruit. He tried some blood on a different part of his body. Same taste.   At last, he looked to the corpse of the cannibal. There was only one way to confirm that it wasn't the fruit. Gautier licked the blood off of the cannibal's body. He tasted the fruit once again. The fight was over and Gautier's stomach continued to grumble. Sitting in front of him were two bodies, two sources of meat. The taste of the fruit lingered in his mind. He thought he would eat, just enough to fill him up.


The Island of Flesh is a small island located to the north of Eclax. The island is covered in a thick forest and is quite rocky.

Fauna & Flora

The island is devoid of most fauna that are not small insects or birds. The forests are however lush with fruits. These conditions make those with omnivorous or carnivorous diets voracious, including a special fruit that increases one's appetite for meat.
Alternative Name(s)
Cannibal Island
Location under


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