Olcult Cipher

The information gathered by the Olcult Knowledge Hoarders is usually sent between its members in a unique cipher. The cipher is part of a spell that was developed by the mages. Weaving different types of magic into altering the letters, a mage could translate it by identifying the school of magic was weaved into the letter. The mage could translate it by going up or down the alphabet a set number of times associated with the letter. What these numbers are changed to happens frequently so its nearly impossible without being an insider.   The cipher has been used to keep the information being sent between its members and keep outsiders from learning their secrets. It is a large reason that the Libraries of Celle attempt to hoard any documents in hopes of finding a solution to the cipher. They restrict the use of the spell created by the Olcult Knowledge Hoarders because of this cipher. The Libraries believe that all knowledge should be available for the public.   This hiding of information is seen as opposition to network of wizards working with the Conclave to solve mysteries of the Illuna and to develop spells. They are not considered enemies of the Conclave as the group does use its newfound knowledge to help in times, but never in a way to reveal their secrets. Many say their working with Illuna knowledge is in effort to rise to godhood, if it's even possible.   This cipher has been a force against the wizard community from writing any of their research notes in ciphers. Hiding knowledge has been made a dishonorable trait among wizards. Necromancers are the exception, however. Because of dealing with the forces of life is potentially more dangerous, it has been accepted that a Necromancer keeps their notes in ciphers with the intent to pass it down to those they entrust. This has led to several brands of necromancer ciphers.
Root Languages


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