Wyvern Riders of Cloud City Organization in Ifiron | World Anvil

Wyvern Riders of Cloud City

Aeria loved the feeling of wind through her hair. She was happy to get Rorgun off the ground. He was getting a bit lazy lately with how little action they'd been getting. This was an effort to at least stretch his wings. It also helped that her captain ordered her to run the patrol with Tropos and Zignoq.   Their patrol took them around a series of floating islands. Aeria was used to this route, she would sometimes bring Rorgun here to catch Skyrats. That might explain why he was getting a little fat too.   "Bandits!" Tropos yelled.   An arrow whizzed past Aeria. She saw an Air Mara holding a bow on one of the islands. Three Avarians flew from the treetops, wings spread they wielded bows, releasing two more arrows. The third started chanting. Rorgun spun to avoid the arrows. Aeria pulled out her own bow and fired back.   The Avarian chanting dodged her arrow and unleashed a bolt of lightning. Aeria felt the tingle of lightning before it unleashed, she tapped Rorgun's sides. As the bolt cracked, Rorgun descended. Aeria leaned into the dive, feeling the electricity just overhead. Her hair stood on end, it was a good thing she kept it short.   Tropos and Zignoq dove at the start of the fight. Their goal was to loop around and catch the bandits from behind. Aeria, however, had to keep them distracted. One Avian with a bow went to chase Tropos, but she fired her bow at them and managed to nick their leg. She forced Rorgun to pull up, they couldn't stay beneath their attackers for long.   The caster Avarian started to prepare another spell. With another tap, Aeria commanded Rorgun for an attack. Doing a swift roll forward, Rorgun whipped his tail through the air spraying his poison at the caster. It was a direct hit. The Avarian cried out in pain before losing consciousness and falling.   One of his fellow Avarians flew to catch him. Aeria was wondering where the other Air Mara was. Zignoq crested over the island to attack the other Avarian archer. Tropos was nowhere to be seen. Zignoq missed the Avarian. They started to flee. When Zignoq went to pursue, Aeria whistled. Zignoq halted in his pursuit and flew to where Aeria and Rorgun were.   "Tropos!" she shouted. She hoped he didn't fall off.   "Quit yelling would you!" Tropos appeared out of the forest on the island. "I was hunting a bandit."   Aeria sighed in relief. They'd have to return to base to report the bandit attack. Hopefully, it was nothing more than that.


A squadron of Riders are lead by a captain, who reports to a commander. The commander is responsible for 10 squadrons of Riders. These commanders report to the General. There is only one General and they are a part of the Council to the Crown.

Public Agenda

The primary objective of the Wyvern Riders is the protection of Cloud City and the surrounding airspace and regions.   A majority of the Riders are female Air Mara. The goals of the Riders are to take warriors who are small but agile, using their Wyverns for their power. To this end, there is a weight test and an agility test to enter, of which is incredibly high even for Air Mara standards.


The Wyvern Riders own several outposts scattered through Cloud City's territory. At each one, they have troops, money, and equipment. At Cloud City itself, they have access to at least one airship for shipping supplies.

Fly First or Die First

Military, Air Force
Alternative Names
RoCC (Riders of Cloud City, pronounced Roc)
Training Level


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