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The Ider

The Ider

It spread through Ignis. It encroached onto our lands, from who knows where.It permeated us, through our wounds, slowly replacing them with pale immitation of flesh. We call it, the Ider. The white wood, slowly replaced us, Yet we were thankful for its existence. The Rot overtook us, decaying our flesh, but the Ider built us back up. It feeds on decay, and builds life back up, even if they are pale immitations. We...I have seen entire forests, decayed to the stumps, but after a week , fully restored. It seemed so magical, godly even, but we know, both the Rot and the Ider are eldritch, from a world leaking into ours, fighting what seems like an battle that has gone on for eons. The Ider feeds upon the decay, the black spores that seem to eminate from the rot. It dissolves flesh into black spores in seconds, but those permeated with the Ider have the spores fed upon, and the Ider grows. White glossy wood stretches from the wound, engulfing the Rot.But the wood, is cold , unfeeling unnatural. We have to find away to get rid of the Rot. However, even with the feeding of the Ider on the decay, some escape, infecting, decaying others. This cycle has gone on for 5 years. Majority of the population are pure Ider wood. Those who still have flesh have realised that the pure Iders, became unatural. They moved, they talked, but they were not alive.We...I could not describe it, it was just so unnatural. The pure Ider animals did not breed, nor did they hunt, the Ider people did not breath, or eat, and the Ider plants did not bear fruit. We realised that the Ider was a parasite on the rot, on the decay. The Ider fed on the Rot, while the Rot ran and tried to gather enough.... something to defeat it. Perhaps, in the world of the Rot and Iders origin, the Rot was sentient, some being that brought balance into the world. But now, all it can do is TAKE. The Rot decays us, while the Ider feeds on that decay. My world was choked, slowly, as we rooted for the enemy. Alas, we...I have no other choice but to lie down and wait. I have no food, no friends, no company. Im powerless to do anything but to root for the decay, and hope that one day, it wil GIVE.

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