Academic Studyplan - Soulventures

Enough about the hypotheticals and the theoretics. In this document, I will outline what is actually going to be taught in the Soulventure branches. It's always fun talking about the end product but not how people got there.
— Structuring Document by Mr Rox


When I think about Slaughterers, I don't think about people in classrooms, sitting through lectures over lectures about how to use a weapon, no. I think about them on a practice field, rehearsing slashes, getting hit by attacks, learning about positioning and exploiting opening in the enemys defense.

Studyplan and Classes

First Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
World History (1)
Monsters and Beasts (2)
Weapon Arsenal (2)
Field Duty (6)
Introduction to Slashing (2)
Introduction to Piercing (2)
Introduction to Running (2)
Introduction to Blasting (2)
Soulventuring (12)

Second Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
World History (1)
Weapon and Sparring Duty (6)
Primary Specialization
- Slashing
- Piercing
- Running
- Blasting
Soulventuring (12)
Maneuvering and Defense (4)
Environmental Adaptation (2)

Third Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Behavioural Analysis (2)
Weapon and Sparring Duty (2)
Maneuvering and Defense (2)
Soulventuring (12)
Primary Specialization (8)
Secondary Specialization Classes (6)

Fourth Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Weapon and Sparring Duty (2)
Maneuvering and Defense (2)
Primary Specialization (6)
Secondary Specialization (6)
Soulventuring (12)
Mentoring Program (4)

Fifth Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Primary Specialization (6)
Secondary Specialization (6)
Soulventuring (12)
Mentoring Program (4)
Graduation Quest Findig

Final Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Soulventuring (16)
Final Quest Preparations (6)
Specilized Practice & Mentoring (4+)
Graduational Quest Execution


Beastiarians, those that can hold their own in any fight and bet on not their physically prowess, but on their extensive research to give them that one edge to win. They should study nature and its critters and know their way with the blade too.

Studyplan and Classes

First Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Wold History (1)
Wildlife Anatomy (2)
Ethical Capture and Study (2)
Field Duty (6)
Introduction to Tracking (2)
Introduction to Trapping (2)
Introduction to Harvesting (2)
Introduction to Slaying (2)
Soulventuring (12)

Second Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Wold History (1)
Wildlife Anatomy (2)
Primary Specialization
- Tracking
- Trapping
- Harvesting
- Slaying
Environmental and Survival Duty (4)
Behavioral Studies (4)
Soulventuring (12)
Sparring Duty (2)

Third Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Culling Techniques (2)
Sparring Duty (2)
Primary Specialization (6)
Secondary Specialization (6)
Environmental and Survival Duty (2)
Soulventuring (12)

Fourth Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Field Duty & Cataloging (5)
Primary Specialization (6)
Secondary Specialization (6)
Soulventuring (12)
Mentoring Program (4)

Fifth Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Primary Specialization (6)
Secondary Specialization (6)
Soulventuring (12)
Mentoring Program (4)
Graduation Quest Finding

Final Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Soulventuring (16)
Final Quest Preparations (6)
Specialized Practice & Mentoring (4+)
Graduational Quest Execution


Soulweavers will be the tactical minds of the Venture. They are highly knowledgeable, calm and always have the upper hand, for if they lose it, they and their freinds are no longer.

Studyplan and Classes

First Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
World History (1)
Trinketry and Artificing (4)
Magical Fundamentals (4)
Imagination and Creativity (2)
Introduction to Healing (2)
Introduction to Guardian (2)
Introduction to Enhancing (2)
Introduction to Tactician (2)
Soulventuring (12)

Second Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
World History (1)
Trinketry and Artificing (4)
Tactical Spellcasting (4)
Webbing (2)
Primary Specialization
- Healing
- Guardian
- Enhancing
- Tactician
Soulventuring (12)

Third Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Soulwebbing (1)
Coordinatiory & Teamweaving Studies (4)
Tactical & Elemental Spellcasting (5)
Primary Specialization (6)
Secondary Specialization (6)
Soulventuring (12)

Fourth Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Independent Research and Thesis (5)
Primary Specialization (6)
Secondary Specialization (6)
Soulventuring (12)
Mentoring Program (4)

Fifth Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Primary Specialization (6)
Secondary Specialization (6)
Soulventuring (12)
Mentoring Program (4)
Graduation Quest Finding

Final Semester

Class # of Classes per Week
Soulventuring (16)
Final Quest Preparations (6)
Specialized Practice & Mentoring (4+)
Graduational Quest Execution


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