Crafting Clocks: Ruleset

My dear students. Since there has been some confusion, on both ends of the conversation, about the length a personal project takes, I will be detailling the rules so everyone can figure out their crafting- and research time on their own. This however does not mean that the number is final. It should be a guideline and not a fact.
— Your humble headmaster and DM

Prepost Words

Don't worry about your current projects, they will all stay at the current progression and will not be affected by these changes. Every further research proposals will be judged along the following rules.

Da Rules

This is v1.0. So any complaints, additions, subtractions, multiplications, threats to my livelihood, physical or mental promises of violence, praise, thank you's and indifferent feelings should be directed towards me
— Your Headmaster and DM

Increase in Clocks

Please add up the Number of Clocks of each category the amount of times they are used +1 base clock.
Example: "My item gives me advantage on deception when wearing a noble disguise and intimidation when wearing a brawlers disguise", It will probably take around 2+2+1, so 5 Clocks to finish.
Any proficiencies, ressources, tools, surroundings, etc. needed are not taken into account. As you all know, each crafting recipe takes time, ressources and knowledge.

But DM, what about consumeables or other One-Time used trinkets?

No worries my students, should you create something like a Fireball-Trap or a Spikegrowth Pitfall, you can recreate those in way shorter time periods than the research time. Also, when first finishing the clocks for such an item, the first ready-to-use copy is already available to use.
For more Info on how the rules of the Campaign work, take a look at the House Rules under the Player Handbook below!
House Rules


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