Energy Drinks

What? I have first watch again? Come on you guys I have no more Energy Drinks with me, how am I supposed to stay awake?... Pricks.
— Adventurer with Bad Luck

Energized Days

We as adventurers are out in the fields all day, sweating our butts off and exercising basically constantly. So in order to function over longer periods of time, we consume Energy Drinks to keep going for longer.


An Energy Drink is a beverage that is commonly sold at every common goods marketplace in various flavours and with varying ingredients. Mostly, Energy Drinks contain massive amounts of sugar, planted and harvested at the Foreverglade or Ironsprocket rivers and lakes. The main ingredient however is caffeine, which is extracted from various plants like black tea leaves, guarana or oolong leaves.


We stock up on energy drinks for an expedition at about 2-3/day per person. Most commonly, we adventurers consume one in the morning, one at our main break and one about an hour into our nights watch. In earlier times, where we did not have the luxury of squads of over four, this was immensely important because of multiple occurenses of watch-personell falling asleep on the job.

Brands and Flavours

The most popular brands and flavors. Here we go!
Keep in mind this list is highly subjective and any reader that may beg to differ is entitled to their opinion.
Chrono Charge - Power like an Engine: I love the "Copper Citrus" and "Brass Berry Burst" flavor the most. These are my go-to drinks to take on a mission.
Brass Brawler - We Put the Brass on Your Knuckles: "Gears of Ginger" and "Mechanical Mint" are objectively (and I say this subjectively) the only viable options.
Engineers Essence - Overclocking the Mind: More on the cheap side, but "Cog & Clove" as well as "Vapor Vanilla" are alright. I prefer other brands though. This brand is quite popular with the scientist however.
There are of course many more flavors. Honorable Mentions: Chrono Chai or Iron Brew
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Base Price
couple cp coins
Chrono Charge Energy Drink Can
Engineers Essence Energy Drink Can


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Aug 8, 2024 22:37 by Valentine Myers

Love the melding of reality and fantasy, and I think it's really cool you pointed to in-world locations for the ingredients to come from, as well as making several in-world brands and flavors! It's really nice to have even more modern or jokey articles still grounded in the setting

Aug 9, 2024 09:56

thank you! i always have fun writing when the article is more on the jokey side :D

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam