
I expect the full report by tomorrow, Harranger. The raid is near, and I am not ready to lose more countless lives due to ill preparations! Especially when the kids from the city will join us.
— Sir Novrandt, Prepmaster of Fogshatter

Orientationreport: Newcomers

Welcome Souls, to the primary war room of Fogshatter. You have all gathered here for a single reason only: to liberate the regions of the fogshatter dungeon! This document will give you an oversight of the following things:
  1. The Fogshatter Military Base
  2. The Fogshatter Dungeon
  3. Your Role
  4. A Brief History Overview

1. Fogshatter Military Base

You are currently in the 2nd biggest military base on Ignotas. It was built specifically for clearing the Fogshatter Dungeon. The base itself is built to function as a normal city after the clearing itself. So it has a normal residential district in which some of the soldiers and their families currently reside in. We have multiple community kitchens which get ingredients from the soldiers hunting and from food packages from the city. All the food you'll be comsuming while here will be free and provided to you by the ROX.

The armory district will be the city market once the fog has cleared. Currently however, all the shops are exclusively manufacturing practical clothing, weaponry, armor, and trinkets. Their ressources from from the town to the north, Ironsprocket, as well as from Vaporio, from where the magical ingredients are delivered straight from the Foreverglade forest. Here you will be provided basic equipment for the fight. Special equipment can also be found in masses, though that needs to be bought with your own coin.

Lastly, the scouts district. This will be refunctioned to be the workers district soon. Currently, all our scouts conduct their research here, running constant scout raids on the dungeon to report any unordinary behaviour from the monsters.

Overall, wwithout you, there are currently around 100 soldiers stationed here, with close to 200 family members and 300 external staff members keeping the place up and running.

2. The Fogshatter Dungeon

Now to the briefing of the dungeon itself. It has proven to be the single most difficult region to clear yet. This is not due to any one strong enemy in particular, but rather a combination of many vicious ones.

Most of you will be familiar with the monstertype Bloodvines. Some will have heard stories of adult Quietkinds. Alongside those two species, other monsters have banded together as well, most strangely. Even after four years, we have yet to know why these different species are working together. The only other instance in which this has happened was in the Vineyard liberation, where a Necromantic Harvester was defeated.

Any attempts to penetrate the dungeon have been failing mainly due to to ill preperation or lack of manpower. Now that we have some of the best upcoming Soulventures, we are sure to have the edge over this dungeon. And whatever is guarding this place, must have a damn good reason for it, so the yield is expected to be beyond even some of the Expo Raids.

3. Your Role

We have many areas which need assistance. The Scouts need more eyes, the Slaughterers need more backup, and the main team needs the best hands possible. You know yourself best, and you can decide where your skills are best utilized. We will have lists where you can register yourself and your Soulventure for certain tasks. We will then review your files provided to us in advance by the Academy and then will come to confirm your position directly. If any questions regarding the positions arise during the decision period, do not hesitate to ask the designated sectionleaders who will be in the room with you then.

4. A Brief History Overview

This part is not essential for your mission, though you should know the history if this place before you append to it. We've built this base in the year 14 after the first two raids on this place went as poorly as they did. Those times we were completely outclassed by the senserobbing Quietkinds that roam this place.

So we fought for funds to build the first ever settlement meant for military usage. From the start of year 16, we have researched this place like no other. Almost all the Quietkind papers in the world were created here, and many scholars have gone on scout missions to interpret the magical currents flowing through this place. All published documents with the handle "FS" or "FSD" originated from here.

We have run a total of 59 scout missions, 6 raid attempts and over 200 research operations. Along these accomplishments, the soldiers of Fogshatter are credited with liberating the entire surroundings of the dungeon, up to the vinyard forest, the mountain ranges to the south and the western forest entrances.

Founding Date
21st of 2nd, 14
Military, Base
600 souls
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)
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