Jack Magier

Jack Magier

Jack Magier, a Textbook Barbarian. He's not the brightest, yet he always stays kind. Nevertheless he hides a rather unusual power. With his emotions not only better hits or more resilience come forth but something wild, something chaotic, something Magic. Some might see this as a gift. Yet he is convinced that this is a curse, a curse that was put upon him to always remind him of his past.

Jack Magier, a Textbook Barbarian. He's not the brightest, yet he wears his heart in the right place. Nevertheless he hides a rather unusual power.

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3rd journal entry: Answers?

Hello there, it's me again, well I am writing all this back to back, but whatever. So I have promised to talk about the wild magic part, and here we are. Basically what i did was, I went to the spellcrafter to maybe get something, like, anything. I had some doubts, maybe i was like getting ahead of myself, but I had this feeling that this needs to happen now. So i talked a bit to the front desk there and of course they didn't want to help me with anything there. All of the sudden there was this girl, jesus christ she scared me at first. She had these weird goggles on, yet i must confess she did look quite nice. She introduced herself as Ythra and she also introduced herself as someone who wanted to strip me naked and cut me open. First i thought "kind of kinky" then i thought "no, another one of those scientists trying to cut me open". After a little bit of talking in her lab, we came to the conclusion that she'll give me smth that will help me control my magic. I had really high hopes at first, but when I first tested out this ring of control on my teacher (yes, my teacher) nothing happened, and i mean nothing, nothing controlled, nothing wild, nothing chaotic, just nothing. I talked again with Ythra and she said that that was in fact supposed to happen, at least temporary. Well Day took a look at it, found something wrong with it, told this to the spellcrafters and a day or so later i got an improved ring of control (quick side note: I love this man, as anoying as he can get, he's a real g). So I used this improved ring of control and i could somewhat choose something out of the chaos. Then the doubts hit my mind, it was love at first sight, i had it, i finally had it, a red line, something i could grasp, something i could follow, finally a lead. It feels so wrong though, so unnatural, it's like I'm going against my own destiny, my own body, as if i was fighting it. It felt so wrong. FUCK THIS SHIT MAN, WHY CANT YOU JUST BE GRATEFUL FOR THIS SHIT! But yeah, someting happened yesterday that made me question even more. First of all tonight i had a dream about everyone I know, and the person I like, casually being torn apart in front of me by some imps and a strange voice telling me to save them through the trials. To top it all off, we did the trials, at least we tried, i almost died again. But we did finish them, but what was waiting for me at the finish line i still can't quite comprehend. Everything happened so quickly. Bes punched off the head of some weird tree thing, then jumped into a weird lake came back out with an even weirder tattoo, sucked the life force out of our enemy, and then there was this dog. This dog, there was something about him, i don't know what it was, but it pulled me towards itself. But before i could touch it i felt a sharp sting in my back. "Was it another enemy we didn't see, but there was no one, no one with an arrow, could it be, no, VANIR?" as i crumbled to the ground. Then i was in black space, I thought, fucking finally man, finally I'm dead, no, just another vision. I was in space, it was so beautiful tho, I saw a bright light in the distance. Walking to it, i saw a wolf, running around, eating stars, black holes, galaxies, everything it could, it was kind of beautiful, watching it eating yet another black hole, so joyfull. Until a fucking golden sword cut through space time and slaying the dog. That was when I woke up again. I saw Vanir in front of me, holding his hand out to me. Of course I didn't take it, he's the reason I was lying there in the first place. He said he was worrying for me though, I don't know, it sounded reasonable, but shooting an arrow in my back, idk man. If you ever read this vanir, FUCK you! Anyways, getting up i also saw that Day tied up Bes. At first I thought "uuh kinky" until i realised that she wasn't so glad about it. So now the dog wouldn't leave my side. A few minutes ago I had a good talk with Ythra, man I love to talk to her, she's so honest and kind to me. I kind of needed a kind soul to talk to, and as for now I don't know who I can really trust. I mean, there is Day, but Day seems to trust Vanir and I don't know about Vanir, once he found out about my family and the background about my powers he changed, he showed more respect, and he even showed some kind of sympathy for my backstory, yet, this is all probably just a big chess game for him and I'm just another pawn he can sacrifice when needed. Bes also started to act weird once she knows more about me, though she probably just wants another science project. Fuck them am I right. So yeah, i liked talking to her, even though most people now think that her and I did some things in the storage room we were talking, idc, let them think, they're probably just jealous. I think the dog wants me to make a decision though, do i want to suppress my chaotic magic, or embrace it. UUUUH fuck this shit, why couldn't it just be straight forward. Well gotta go now, practical lesson starts, day finally asked his last question. Today it seems like we're doing even crazier shit, anyway, this will be it for a while now, I'll be back when i have more stories to tell.

2nd journal entry: Beginning

So, for the first few days we just tried to search for our place here. We had to get another dude here to actually go out "Soulventuring" I think they call this. So we did that and after they gave us some kind of tour of the school, we already had our first classes. I previously mentioned day, even though i really like him, jesus fucking christ he can be anoying in theoretical classes, like bro, can't we just hit things and stop asking questions. But whatever, I still like him, he's my guy. Anyways, I quickly found out that in fact most of the people in here are, some more than others, shit at what they do. Of course not all, like Mark, bro really knows how to swing his sword. So we started going out on missions, there's not a lot i want to tell in here, we just killed some creatures, got some other things, i almost died a few times. We met some other dude who got attacked by trees, we talked and he ran to his village or something. We defeated a so called "quiet kind" the dudes at school were making a fuzz about it, but i just hit it as hard as i could, almost died while doing this. Come to think of it, maybe this shithole isn't so bad, i get to smack stuff and eventually any of these creatures will kill me so, a win win. If you, dear reader (which I surely hope does only exist after i have passed) want to know any details about any of these missions, please go to vanir, he know better, I just hit stuff. Oh i almost forgot, we went to a party of the slaughterers, it was really a great time, well, I have no clue if it was a good one, since it's my first. You don't get to go to many parties when you're locked in a castly with a bunch of boring wizard. Anyways, people started to disappear after the party which freaked me out, I spied a little bit around, couldn't find anything good though. Thanks for reading yet another journal entry, i hope you hated it.

1st journal entry: Arrival

Well, hello there, this is Jack Magier. I'm starting to journal now as well i guess. People told me to do this, they say it helps to cope with all the change that happens in this fucked up place. I know I'm probably a bit late to this thing, since we've been here for like 2 weeks of something. In fact, this will basically just be some thoughts im gonna throw up into this book. Also in fact, i am writing this during my theoretical slaughterer classes, at least as long as day can ask even more questions. So, just to backtrack, we took on a quest in Cathrea, i didn't listen to the details. Basically i was told to smack at the things they tell me to smack at and that was it, and so i did, not hard enough it seems cuz we lost and got tossed into this shithole, where everything is foggy, and everyone has Vitamen D defficiancy. The Vitamen D thing i know from day, he gives me these capsules, tells me to take them everyday. Now we're here, first of all i got drunk, because wtf just happened. But then this other dude, Vanir, kind of brought me, this one chick called Bes or smth, oh and day, he's a nice guy, kind of autistic but still nice. Anyways, he brought us along and we inlisted in this school here, they seem to want to liberate the area from the fog and search for a way out of here or something like that i don't fucking know, i couldn't really listen, my mind was really wondering around everywhere. But Vanir seemed to handle everything alright, i just had to give them my name, tell them that i want to become a slaughterer and be on my way. Anyway, i found out something different about this world. Magic here seems to be working differently, like, more chaotic. Maybe this here was my chance, a chance to finally figure out what was wrong with me. At least that's what i thought about when we got here, but more about this later. Small side note to anyone reading this Journal, since I'm probably already dead. Please use my body, or at least the magical part in it, for science stuff. If you are reading this and I am not dead, consider yourself an Opp.


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