
Day #6: We finally found a bigger flowerbed of Lotusshards and can observe their behaviour in the ecosystem now. It seems that they attract insects of all kind, killing them seemingly unnoticed to their victims. We will stay in this location for another five days or so to gather further information.
— Plant Matters Venture Log, Lotusshard Ecoexpedition

Ecological Anomalies

Today we made our way through the woods to gauge the extent of the Lotusshard territory. Since these flowers grow on levitating little islands, it was quite tricky to navigate the area. We did some research on the floating properties of the landmasses to find a correlation between them and the plantgrowth on top. We deducted that, contrary to popular belief, the Lotusshards are not the reason why the islands float. Instead, they are just very likely to grow on dirt that is magically charged.

We already sent word of this discovery back and are awaiting further intructions on how to continue observing these flying dirtpatches.

Physical Discoveries

As for the physical research, we could watch closely how the plant attacks and kills their prey. Their ethereal orange translucent hue attracts insects that approach and rest on the flower, trying to feed on its ovule. The Lotusshard then attacks the insect by shooting several small needles from its midsection, piercing and innjecting venom into its prey. Slowly but surely they best the creature sitting atop of the petals, sucking its lifeless body dry of nutrients.


We think that the Lotusshards could prove very effective as house accessories, fly traps, poison tinctures and more. Depending on the result of the magical testings, the Alchemical Engineers will surely want to test out some experimental recipes of their own.
Appendix #1, Artificing and Trinketing applications
With the discovery of magical circuitry and the extensive usage of sensors. Lotusshards can also be used as a trigger for magitech.
Scientific Name
PM Venenum Captionem Bestiola Lotos
Average Height
10 - 20cm (4 - 8in)
Discovered By
Plant Matters
Commonly Found In
Deep Forests
Overgrown and/or Ruined Regions
Lotusshards by ecl1psed

Further Reading

Artificing and Trinketing
Profession | Nov 28, 2023
Alchemical Engineer
Profession | Oct 21, 2023


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