
Personal Notebook
This new ore we found looks very promising. Almost no brittleness, sturdy, not prone to breaking and highly durable. I'll have to get my hands on some.
Zylphia Penelope Wallace, Soul Modder

Soulkinds Enhancer

Spectricite was first found by a Soulventure group of ours about two months into our in-depth liberation of the Smiling Mountains. It was one of the first magically-charged metals we've encountered in this world, and was one of the materials that pushed us to create Prismatic Tools for better harvesting methods.

Magical in a Different Way

Normally, magical materials are easily distinguishable. They are either glowing, or are very imposing looking, just visually easy to spot. Spectricite however was sort of ordinary. We thought of it as just another ore-cluster and harvested it as we would iron, and it was iron to us.

Composition Change

If we mined the Spectricite, which visually differed quite a bit from iron visually, without any Prismatic Tools, we would indeed get a metal highly similar to iron, in all measurable areas (density, melting point, durability, ...). We only later found out that with our ordinary tools, we destroy the magical component of this new ore and would turn it ordinary, which is fascinating in and of itself.

Normal Ore vs. Spectricite

When mining materials such as Bloodiron, we would be in a load of explosive trouble. Every magically charged ore is highly unstable and has to be dealt with delicately. Spectricite is not one of them. It almost peacefully gives up on its magical properties and turns into "normal" ressources.


Now that we know of its biological origin, Spectricite has become one of the most valued metals. When refined, it's surface is highly reflective, changing color depending on the angle of which you look at it.


Naturally, the noble households are willing to pay big bucks to wear Spectricite accessories. Though because of its high density, only small jewelery like ear- and noserings as well as piercings are commonly seen.

Soul Mods

Spectricite has become the primary metal used by Soul Modders to create Mods. Pioneered by Branchmaster of the Rox Academics "Soulweavers Tract", Zylphia Penelope Wallace, this metal is perfect for her profession of Soul Modding. Spectricite in its magical state does not rust at all and is very defensive when it comes to outside interference while having a high conductivity. This means that Soul Modders can, relatively carfree, install these metals inside a persons body with very little risks of side effects.


Source: 3.5gp/kg
Average Cost: 6-7gp/kg
odorless when refined
metallic when raw
silvery, highly reflective
Common State
Related Locations
Related Professions
Refined Spectricite Plates


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