Spell Storing Cloth

Sometimes we have wounds that a healing word or a cure wounds can't heal instantly. For those times, we at the Rox Market "Medical Research Department" have designed the Spell Bandage!
— Chief of Medical Research

Basic Concept

Our teams have, over the last few months, tried to create a magically infused cloth that gradually and consistently releases its stored energy to its surroundings. This technology was derived from various Artificing and Trinketing concepts and refined to fit, primarily, a medical purpose.

End Result

We have now finished all safety test and will be releasing the Spell Storing Cloth, as well as teh "Spell Bandage", made from said cloth, into mass production. With this, mages can buy these one-time use bandages and store "Cure Wounds" or other regenerative spell energies in them. The bandage will hold onto that spell for just under ten days ( 1d8+4 ) and will release this stored energy upon coming into contact with bodily fluids. Depending on the strength of this bandage, which will vary in pricing, you can store higher circle spells inside them.

Other Appliances

Spell Storing Cloth, though it was designed as medical technology, can also be used in other ways. Clothing with automatic cleaning functions will undoubtibly be possible by storing the "Prestidigitation" spell inside the material. Thermal-regulated clothing will be easier to craft with this technology as well, both in hot and cold environments. Mending-storing cloth can repair itself upon ripping or tearing in the wilds.
And so much more.
Used in
Spell Storing Cloth

Further Reading

Rox Market
Organization | Jul 29, 2024


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Aug 5, 2024 00:58

Healing magic in a bandage is a really good idea. I really like thematic magic.