The Red Wedding - Redacted

Disclaimer: These records are not public knowledge and should be treated as such by my dear adventuring group, the Last Whispers.

Recounting The Facts

In the face of possible conflict, we dedcided to restrict knowledge of these records to the eyes of those Professor van Gaevin deems trustworthy only.


What we left out in our Official Report is that Professor van Gaevin was poisoned to not attend the ceremony by, most certainly, Professor Iothar. Shigeru investigated the food that supposedly made the Professor fall ill and could conclude that the insinuated "upset stomach by the local food" was not caused entirely by the new cuisine but also deliberate poison planted by our now deceased Professor.

Professor Iothar

We kept a close eye on him the entire expedition since he seemed very on edge this entire time. We knew his prejudice towards the other species but aside from being aware of his surroundings, we determined that he did not harbor any ill itent the entire time.

Although the official report stated that we were attacked by unknown forces and that Professor Iothar died during this attack, this is only partially true. He was the one that initially attacked and killed the queen, summoning the said shadow creatures afterwards. He died fighting against our combined efforts. What was weird and still bugs us is that we knew nothing of his shadow powers, and so did Professor van Gaevin, who witnessed the entire thing through a transmission crystal he gave Shigeru while being checked up on.

We suspect that Professor Iothar was taken over by a third party force due to his already negative view of the Nature Spirits and was used as a way to both eliminate the heir of the Spirits Throne and cut all positive ties to the Souls on Ignotas.

This needs to be investigated in detail and with utmost discretion since the enemy was able to penetrate into the Rox Academics this deep.
Report, Intelligence
Related Report
The Red Wedding


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