Tribal Return

Tribal Return #19, Tournament Update
Huge upset, Jerry has bested the Elderkraken and is moving on to the semi finals, fighting the winner of the upcoming match between Terry the Terrible and tournament favourite, Bloodvine cluster "Patience"

Primal Battles

The Tribal return is one of our most prestigious events at the Shadowbound HQ. Here, each year, we return to our true nature and fight for the top of the foodchain among all the creatures of this world. An organized tournament to the death between all creatures, us included, alike.

Our Beliefs

We as Shadowbound believe that we are equal to all life in this realm, and natural life, as dangerous as it may be, should be preserved. In honor and worship of this belief we hold the Tribal Return each year. Since we as a race are far too many to all participate, we determine the strongest ten beforehand in non-lethal combat.

The Tribals

Since we can not effectively communicate with most of the natural species, we go out into the wilds to hunt for them in order for a fair fight to occur. Should two foreign creatures have to battle, we will lead them together and provoke a turf war. Yes, sometimes human casualties occur but it is all for the good of nature. Should two Shadowbound face off against each other, we will hold the fight in the Fog somewhere as well, among our other-specied brothers and sisters.

The Winner

Sadly, we can not appoint a non-communicative species head of the Shadowbound, so our organizhation ruled that if one of our own ranks ever wins the Tribal Return, they will be head of the Shadowbound until their reign comes to a natural end. Until that day, we fight non-lethally for our leader yearly.
Related Organizations
Illustrated Battle
As for ceremonies around the tournament: we have none. Nature is not pretty, or grand, or spectacular. There are no fireworks or prizes, only cold truths.

Further Reading

Organization | Jul 3, 2024


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