Uncontrollable Axe

Only a madman would dare use this blade. Then again, maybe that's exactly for whom it was designed. If you're reading this, you're better off leaving it alone. Trust me, I know.
— Inscription on a Gravestone

Magic Ripples

Don't touch it. Don't, just trust me. It will take a hold of you. It will suck you dry, it will use your body as catalyst, it will... become you. Your body will wield the weapon with strength you never knew you had! It will cleave down enemies with pure magical prowess, and it does not distinguish from friend or foe! I've seen it with my very eyes, ripping open the air, sucking it dry, and throwing whatever it got from it towards the enemy. Terrifying.


It spoke to me. Not literally, but I swear I heard it. It craved something, someone uncontrollable, to controll itself. I am at my end, maybe you will find whoever can best this beast. Goodnight.

These upcoming sections are not part of the worlds canon!

Gameplay Stats

The Uncontrollable Axe is a rare magic greataxe that, with the help of wild magic, cleaves through enemies using raw magic. When attuned to it, the user needs to make a DC16 Intelligence saving throw, should they not be of Wild Magic nature. On a fail, the weapon takes over the body of the host and attacking everything in sight. The attunement stops once knocked unconcious. On a success, the user may wield the Axe, dealing an additional 1d8 force damage on hit.

Should the player be adept in Wild Magic, they could tap into the essence of Wild Magic through the blade. On a hit, the player may expend one of three charges to syphen energy from the magic around them and deal an extra 1d8 damage, rolling on the following magic table to determine the damage type:

Item type
Weapon, Melee
7lbs / 3kg
5'3 or 160cm in length
Wild Magic Axe by ecl1psed


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