Vanir Qincan Keylthirrial

The Runic Archer Vanir Qincan Keylthirrial

Vanir is a Handsome bright eyed young adventurer eager to improve and learn everything he can, about the world and the people around him. However in moments of peril the mask seems to slip.

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True Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Trial, Quest? A World Behind the Veil!

We deliberated for a while in this vestibule and trying a few ways of entry and then i remembered the card miss glass provided us, why would she hand us her most important form of identification in the academy, certainly not just like that so why??? Almost by instinct i insert miss glasses card into the archway and it opens up... Just like that and reveals 4 more slots to hold our cards as we assume. It seems that we are not here on regular terms but rather fake ing our initiation, this might be connected to her missing in class. I gather her card again however mine is stuck in the wall and it seems another Trial or rather the real Trial awaits beyond the arch.   We venture into the Path made of stone, yet only a few steps in the rock is covered by moss and roots streak through the Walls and Gound and then turns into a lush forest in front of our eyes.     The pathway turns basically into a forest/ nature grove of some sort

Pre Trials
24r 2c 13af.A

Faced with the tempestuous quakes of my thoughts i find it hard to concentrate on writing this entry, my mind is still haunted by the vision i saw last night, however it seems we made a breakthrough in our search for the trials of teachery mentioned previously. I try to focus my anger and fear into this goal whilst retaining the support of my new allies. It seems my shift in personality affected them more deeply than i had hoped, and to be honest it affected my also a lot more than i had hoped, i had gotten quite used to the relaxed cheerful character i had prepared. However in the upcoming trial my levelheadedness and calculative nature will almost certainly be the superior asset, which i hope they will realize...   Just after class we met up to scout the location miss Glass's letter pointed out, it led to an area of campus i had not been to previously the Warder section. The map led to a hallway with no clear direction to go in and ended abruptly at one of the walls. Through a bit of investigating we unlocked a mechanism which allowed us entry into a secret tunnle of sorts just behind. This tunnle was fitted with all sorts of pipes, gears and machinery so complex it could rival those at the dwarven high forges back in cathrea. I recorded parts of the machinery but it was far to complex to make sense of it in such a short time. The tunnle lead us into a sort of assembly room with a large gate at the opposite side, a few desks and seats were arranged in a sort of waiting room fashion. The gate had words engraved at the top which confirmed the hope we had for the current expedition. "Pre Trials" after some shananigans i managed to convince my companions not to hesitate but rather face the trials head on right now as to uncover what happend to the students, and hopefully grab the attention of whoever endowed the vision to me.   Wisdom The first trial posed a rather simple riddle "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind."? which after short deliberation had to be "Echo" and we were right and opened up another path for us to follow, above the newly opened passage a clock revealed itself counting down.   Intelligence The next trial was titled "Pathway of illusions" and a series of rooms with pathways were presented to us, where some paths would leed us further whilst others wold return us to the start, a looped maze which fortunately is rather easy to solve when ones party consists of 4 members, the clock timing our efforts was counting down fast despite our quick solution to the problems posed to us. Unfortunately even when we had figured out the sequence of rooms in which to pass through the illusions, Saturo fumbled the right path which cost us precious time.   Strength "Trial of Strength" Stone Guardians... well statues imbued with simplest golemancy magic, predictable patterns, porous stone not much of a challenge at all to a well rounded party such as ours, we quickly disposed of the threat and now only had 26 minutes left, so we pressed on with haste.   Deceit The following tunnle led to an untitled room set with dozens of mirrors another maze? Strange... however before i could mention the repeating trial concept and point out that this might not really be a maze, Satutro ironed out his mistake from before and shattered the mirrors with a spell, which revealed the next passage.   Endurance Like stepping out into the open, daylight flooded into the archway revealing a roofless room in front of us. Smack dead in front of us there is a towering cliff and a sign with the simple word climb. Fortunately none of us struggle with hand to eye coordination and endurance and so we climbed at a rapid pace. Reaching the top with time to spare the finall passage opened up and we passed?   Another hall much like the one we first entered appeared in front of our eyes however the gate leading further sealed shut, an altar of crude stone caught my attention a few paces to the right of the door, after short inspection i noticed a crevice at the center with something sharp inside a sort of offering as i assume, as i hovered my finger across the crevasse a needle shot forth and drew some of my blood which in turn sparked some sort of mechanism and the whole room began hissing and virring before a Teacher Card was ejected from a slot in the door with my exact personal information imprinted on it. I had become a "teacher" and so will my companions.   Business Card: Name: Vanir Qincan Kelthirrial Age: 121 Sex: Male Status: Aspiring Teacher Permissions: E Role: Undetermined ML: None   --- There was an... odd reaction when Jack Magier stepped up to receive his card, a black flash as if something had broke and then his card differed from ours as well, i really have to pay my utmost attention to this husk idiot of a man.

Harbinger of Tragedy
23r 2c 13af. A

In an effort to process the events of today i excused my comrades rather early and put down all miscellaneous tasks that would occupy my mind, i sat to meditate and drift into my waking dreams trying to understand the meaning behind the Letter miss Glass sent us. But my already confused mind was in for another surprise. Instead of the comforting warmth of my dreams, I was embraced by a bright light that jolted me out of reality.   I felt wind in my face, and when I slowly opened my eyes, I saw that I had been whisked out of my room and was now looking out over a cliff. Instantly i recognized where i was... This was cathrea to be more specific this was the location of my battles with my former companions Selthirriel and Seraphine. My surroundings seem impossibly real however i soon noticed that my body was an astral projection which means not the world around my but rather I was not real. To confirm this i tried to lift a nearby rock where the keepsakes of me and my companions are keep yet i could not touch the actual rock and only move an ethereal version of it. Frustrated and confused i unconsciously made my way down the usual path we take on our battles and that is where i saw them Selthirrial in all his glory majestic as ever and Seraphine still as beautiful as a Ruby filled with starlight, a sad shadow cast over both their faces yet tightly locked in competition.   I try to garner their attention but as i assumed they do not take notice of me in my current form, so i try to observe and gather as much information as i possibly can. Selthirrial looks a lot stronger and put on quite an exuberant amount of muscles which must have taken him at least a few years and when combining this with the environment i deduced that this vision or projection or dream is taking place around 3 years from now when the next competition should be held back in cathrea specifically 26.06.27 - 16:30 As they battle i am certain they seem sad and unconvinced presumably because i did not show which would mean something happend to me which granted it did but i am alive as of yet.   They do reach the top and suddenly the atmosphere changes they fall out in anger and are now battling more fiercely now i am certain this cannot be the future lies... which i cry into the vision   "Why would you show me such lies"   I did not expect a response but i did get one... The sky darkened, clouds of black ash towering in the sky, an uneasy feeling permeates the air as a red portal is ripped open in the sky. Hordes upon hordes of imps decent onto the realm amidst the clouds 4 pairs of eyes peer down upon cathrea with a thirsting expression set on devouring world, an evil presence of unimaginable extent. The one who set this dream up showing me this tragedy if i do get to him i will make him suffer, to honor the spirit of my comrades i watch as they get slaughtered by the army of imps.   "I will not open my Mind nor my Heart to such lies... DEMON" "I dare you to venture into my grasp... i will rip you to shreds"   I try to get a reaction as last time if there is anything i can do, but no of course not this is a vision after all.   As i hear the death screams of my friends, the imps turn on me and i face the same fate as my comrades a fitting end no use in resisting i only try to embellish as much detail as i can about this affair.   A stark pain erupts in my mind followed by a cryptic voice   "Save them through the trials"   "Who are you, Must you speak so cryptically." i retort in anger, yet i receive no answer i am about to cry out in curses but there is no time for i am ripped from the clutches of my nightmare by the familiar voice of Jack   "Morning, get up we gotta hit the cafeteria" in his usual cheerful demeanor. With my mind in complete turmoil i curse out back at him.   "Remove yourself from my door you imbecile."   On that note as i am writing this i must remember and apologize to him.

Trials of Teachery?
22r 02c 13af.A

Minor interest was sparked within when miss Flemming disappeared from campus, this was fanned by the immediate concern and conspiracy theories that Jack came to me with however it did not exceed the threshold where i would put any real effort into uncovering the truth. However this has changed pretty drastically after today... upon confronting the Teachers with the news of the missing students we were dismissed unequivocally which was strange to me but only a suspicion at first. Miss Glass my trinketry teacher confirmed my suspicion to be fact... the school officials are involved in this, as we stumbled across this discovery we pressured her for details which she did not want to reveal at the time, but assured me that they would follow.   And so it was the next afternoon amidst my meditation there was a knock on the door, yet no response when i called out for whoever was there. A package was delivered to my room the contents were almost certainly related to the events of the past week and thus i called my companions. The package was a wooden chest a cubic meter in diameter filled to the top with books, records of some sort, well not really in fact it was mimics.   it took us only a few minutes to dispose of the pests and uncovered a Letter and a Note at the bottom of the wooden box wich read as follows.   Note: "Trials of Teachery" (The real contents are hidden) Letter: Confidential   Trials of Teachery the solution to the question of where the students went missing, a sort of trial to initiate teachers BUT it was made clear that the students did not go missing for the purpose of facing these trials but rather support or fuel them in a way but it is important that mos of this is my own conjecture and i cannot speak with absolute certainty.


The morning after... well for me it was quite pleasant actually no thoughts plaguing me through the night and keeping me awake and no unnecessary noise so for the firs time in a few days i managed to meditate in peace however this tranquility shall change shortly. I am not referring to the knocking at my door, as Jack calls me to breakfast, nor about the racket a soulventure a few paces to the left is making. After morning classes however it started, Jack approached me anew and seemed rather worried an unusual expression on his face and i was intrigued this might be a way to uncover his background for humans tend to break character when they are under pressure or distress.   Jack then tells me that a few students did not show up to class among them Miss Flemming and the romantic interest of my dear companion miss van Gaven. Well hungover i assumed, or lost on the way home? However i already knew this was untrue as i myself guided miss Flemming to her dormitory and she was not overly intoxicated. Well despite this i went along with Jack to make sure none of this was happening downplaying his concerns at every turn but he did not break character once impressive maybe there is more to him after all. "Magier? pff". Whilst on the surface i did not display a hint of concern my own thoughts did roam a bit as to what happened and well if it could happen to one of us which would inconvenience my plans for the future. And well miss Flemming is pleasing to look at in the central square on the way to class.   After the conventional methodes failed we proceeded to ask our teachers about this but they seemed unconcerned, expectant of this even? Now i was seriously intrigued and wanted to get to the bottom of this.

B - 001 - Sanquis Aspectum
22nd Rotation of the 2nd Cog. 13 af.A

I've thought of another idea to boost our strength out in the mists, to see without being seen, is the name of the game, as our Beastiarian Bes Qo would likely profit the most from the Predator Eyes or Sanquis Aspectum.  

Predator Eyes

I would attach 2 liquid enhancing pippets either either to goggles or a headband of some sort, and connect them to a filtrating system carried either on the back or on the side. These pippets would then apply a dose of spectral essence onto the iris forming a connection with the prey.  

Spectral Essence

A is a liquid that condenses the spectral footprint of beings into fluid form, this has already been achieved on Catherea. This essence can then be stored in a set of vials and when pre crafted the filtration system of the Predator Eyes can store up to 5 of these at one time. Now upon uncovering a creature that one wishes to track a being, some sort of connection must be made between this being and oneself via tracking its trail. (Monster hunter scout bug mäßig, je krasser der enemy desto mehr wird benötigt) once enough is acquired it can be added to the spectral essence and from then on every perception, tracking or survival check against the monster is rolled with advantage from then on.   Gameplay Recap Spectral essence has to be crafted - Half a Clock for 5 vials (Ist schwächer wie recharges daily at dawn items da man zeit aufwänden muss) Predator Eyes
  • 5 Charges
  • Switching Tracking targets works once then 10 minutes have to pass in order not to endanger the eyesight
  • Applying the drops takes 1 Bonus Action
  • Against Creatures of the type advantage on perception checks & advantage on survival und insight checks that rely on sight.
  • The Joys of a "Student"
    19th Rotation of the 2nd Cog.

    After the rather monstrous encounter with one of the quiet kind we decided as a collective not to go out on missions for at least the rest of the week we would rather focus on learning more about the world, these gaps in knowledge that lead me to foolish decisions like engaging the quiet kind are still gnawing at me even days after the fact. So i immersed myself in studies and crafting to fix these weaknesses of mine, and through observations i noticed both Saturo and Jack were also working hard towards this goal of strength and i have noted their progress in the profiling in order to best employ their strengths.   So the first thing i wanted to improve on was the weaving of a soul connection i have a feeling that it will be the most difficult but also the most rewarding task, followed by the completion of the Thumping boots. Continuously i try to meld my mind with the coin of communication sometimes with the help of Saturo and sometimes without any connection to gain an understanding of the inner workings of the coin. If my mind is too exhausted i continue forging, the manual labor helps my mind relax a lot in order to refocus on training with the coin once again. Since childhood I have always been relentless when learning something new i give every fiber of my being to the task ahead and even when i am stuck i persevere beyond exhaustion and even beyond success, for only perfection is acceptable. Well that´s what i did until i received the guidance of Cedric Doran Kamathín my master in the arts of Archery, he would find me in the Martial halls of Idavellír after i had exhausted every ounce of my strength speaking to me while i was splattered on the floor breathing erratically. he told me many things including that stubbornness is important when pursuing ones goals but that a period of rest is also imperative, if one focuses the mind to long one one subject it would go dull and streamlined the important factor would be to find balance he would tell me to empty a jar of wine talk about completely unrelated topics, find a woman to vent some pressure, and so i did and whenever i would return to the task i was previously stuck at i would improve by leaps and bounds. It was only then after contemplating back to these conversations when i realized how utterly exhausted i actually was, The harsch change in environment, the scarce light sources the unimaginable experiences in the last week multiple trips into dangerous lands where i would always be on edge and hyper focused, the copious amounts of knowledge i would absorb like a sponge ecetera ecetera. Just by thinking about it i collapsed onto my bed. Thus i decided to lay down everything i ditched the coin my tools my bow changed into a loose fitting comfortable tunic and started strolling through the academy.   I observed some interactions between students took in the scenery of the strange new environment and i caught wind of a rager going down in the academy the same evening perplexed by this i inquired further and indeed a party reminiscent of the ones we held back in Idavellír in student circles is taking place. A bunch of different ages apparently all rediscovering their youth so i already decided to attend i thought it ought to be hilarious seeing some 30 - 40 something year old´s mixed into all the younger adventurers making fools of themselves. Also it has been a while since i enjoyed music and Alcohol and women so i unconsciously decided to ask miss Fleming if she would be interested a girl of her features was bound to have an invite i thought.   Authores Notes: I would like to take this time to address whoever might be reading this journal in the future. I understand that when it comes to women you might find me a lecher, i have mentioned my relationship with the women called Seraphine before and despite this i still flirt and mingle with other women as well. But this is a misconception Seraphine is the most special woman in my life and i would die rather than betray her but in my culture it is not something improper to mingle with multiple parties, furthermore i have an agreement with her that everything goes as long as the people i associate with cannot rival her and since she is arguably the most beautiful women in the world this opens about 99% of the market up to me.   Later that day i caught Saturo mumbling something about the student rager as well it seems he has already tried once to attend a similar gathering but as a first year he was not granted access, maybe there is more to this than that but whatever the more the merrier so i asked him to tag along and maybe we would get Jack to join as well. But if my experience is something to go by we better show up with at least a 60:40 men to women ratio so i ought to get another girl i thought. But as it turns out i have worried for nothing as Jack already procured the necessary company a rather interesting girl to say the least, surnamed van Gaven i dare say she shares a connection with the assistant from mission headquarters, she is part of the spellcrafter guild it seems and has worked on an artifact with both Saturo and Jack a revelation and novelty for me but not a hindrance in this circumstance, so i told Jack he should invite her along and share in the Joys of a Student for at least one night.

    Quest Report: Mapping - Foreverglade Liberation
    17th Rotation of the 2nd Cog.

    Quest: Mapping - Foreverglade Liberation Quest Type: Mapping Soulventure: The Last Whisper   Date of Departure: 17.02.13 Date of Return: 17.02.13   Participants: Vanir Qincan Keylthirrial - Soulweaver Oishi Saturo - Slaughterer Jack - Slaughterer   Written by: Vanir Qincan Keylthirrial   As part of the curriculum the soulventure "The Last Whisper" set out into the Foreverglades in order to scout and map the north western region as preparation for the upcoming liberation raid in the Foreverglades. We set out on horseback all 3 animals were returned and checked in. No other Academy resources were exhausted during the mission.   The Foreverglades were reached approximately 3 hours after departure travelling on the eastern side of the Foreverglade lake, as our group has completed a previous mission in the Foreverglades the environment was not too unfamiliar and we managed to traverse the lush forest rather quickly arriving at the exploration point roughly 15 minutes after dismounting our horses.   We started to secure the perimeter before i started cartographing the area, the resulting map was delivered to the raid headquarters already and i did not have time to provide another copy. The first section was rather uneventful no strange occurrences were recorded the landscape did not differ from the rest of the woods, hence we moved out. The following report is structures the area into 3 thirds as we circled the perimeter, as also indicated on the map each of the thirds is structured as follows, Beasts and Monsters, Plantlife, Environmet and Anomalies.   First Third Beasts: The overwhelming majority of the beasts are bloodvines. Plants: strange blue luminescent lights covering the area blinking in strange intervals some of these lights turn red and blink intensely whenever something approached, since we did not bring a Botanist nor a Bestiarian we did not recognise this to be the den of "The Quiet Kind" and only were informed later on. The blue lights seem to occupy the center of the mapped area exclusively. Environment: On the side of small hills we spotted multiple crevices these could likely be occupied by beasts but we did not investigate their depths Anomalies: Besides the luminescent plants, that indicate the den of "The Quiet Kind" there were no further anomalies.   Second Third Beasts: The howl of wolves was present and slightly less bloodvines occupied this area Plants: We discovered a patch of Gleamshrooms and market it down on the map, Furthermore the luminescent blue lights on the trees are far more concentrated on this section. Environment: We found similar crevices along gentle slopes and detected noises in them likely occupied by wolves. Anomalies: Again the saim eye like luminescent trees   Final Third Beasts: No deviation Plants: No deviaton Environment: No deviation Anomalies: We Heard Cackling laughter from the center of the blue trees and wolf howls moving in our direction, the "Quiet Kind" slaughtered the wolves.   We Finished the circle and approached the save perimeter we started out from, this area has the scarcest amount of blue luminescent trees and the laughter of the quiet kind was awfully close already so we decided to act rather than wait. A foolish decision in hindsight at the time we were not aware what exactly the creature was but we deduced that it might need the luminescent plants to track its prey, we observed for a while and judged its strengh and agility since our horses were only about a 5 minute sprint away we seemed confident to escape even if it proved to be an adversary we could not match, we also assumed it would be rather territorial and stop the chase if we left the area of the blue luminescent trees, and thus we engaged.   Since we discovered that the creature moves through the treeline We covered the tree branches closest to us in flammable oil in order to dissuade an attack from above. About 150 ft away from the creature i took a shot, with my bow, it was a precise hit. The creature squealed and then vanished from our field of view. Our Slaughter proficient in magic covering the possibility cast see invisibility and in fact it turned invisible. Pointing out its location both he and Jack intercepted it allowing me to continuously keep my distance and barrage it with volleys of arrows. A effective Strategy against this creature, the battle was swift and concise, in a matter of about a minute we disposed of it ans sustained only light injuries. Attracted by the noise a few wolfes also engaged us on our way back to the starting perimeter but these were easily disposed of as well.   But nevertheless we ware later made aware of the fact that these quiet kinds more often than not work in groups and the decision to engage was a foolish one on my part, we will strife to improve and ask a Bestiarian to accompany us in order to avoid these lapses in judgment the next time around.   Delivered: Monster Remains, Map and Gleamshrooms to the Raid Headquarters. A copy of this report will follow.   Vanir Keylthirrial      

    Quest Report - Debriefing
    16th Rotation of the 2nd Cog.

    I purposely witheld information during the first quest report our group the last whisper submitted, i did this in order to assess what kind of information they value and how they would react to certain anomalies in the report. And as expected they did indeed react, we were summoned to a debriefing of the quest. Unfortunately Bes Qo was not yet up to the task as she was still recovering in this particular setting i would have liked her input regarding certain matters furthermore i would have liked to shift the attention of our interviewers onto her in regards to the Lifeforms we discovered.   But despite this i did not want to push the meeting as the summon was rather urgent, so i gathered Saturo and Jack and led them to the mission hall. We did not have to wait and were immediately admitted into the room, where we were greeted by Cyrus Valeric Lothar - in charge of the mission headquarters and his assistent Vallant van Gaven. The 2 were rather hard to judge up front but i did manage to pick up subtle hints here and there. They also did not dally at all, they started by praised the report we submitted even though it was rather snappy in my opinion but apparently most... well especially the first and second years do not submit reports of this quality, they then pointed out the anomalies i had purposely planted in the report like i did not elaborate on the battle that occurred, this told me that they actually do read through the reports rather thoroughly. And then they asked about the elemental we discoverd and this is where it happend... Even tho he tried to hide it Valeriv Lothar´s eyes flashed with a terrifying light of greed, obsession and ... a tinge of insanity even. This light grew more intense the longer we talked about the indigenous elemental race fortunately both Saturo and Jack were smart enough as to not reveal their location, and we even dissuaded Lothar into sending armed exploration troops.   van Gaven on the other hand seemed a lot more composed when it came to our discoveries, a serene look of curiosity in his eyes and from his words it seemed he also preferred a rational approach to this situation.   The meeting then concluded and we took our leave, both Saturo and me still had a lingering feeling of worry at the reaction of the mission hq and decided to leave further advances on this subject out of our future report.

    The Path of The Soulweaver
    16th Rotation of the 2nd Cog.

    This was the first real lecture we have had since enrolling, and to be honest i quite enjoyed the feeling of being a student again, knowledge so new and refreshing, it has been a long time since i have ever felt like this. And contrary to my expectation we did not dwell on theoretical knowledge at all but immediately started with a practical lesson.   Well now that i reflect upon it it makes sense for it to be that way, after all most of those who came to this world were adventurers and even those scolars who fell in the pit due to research or exploration were most likely used to the practical approach otherwise they would not have dared to enter the pit in the first place.   Anyhow, All of the Students received a Coin of Communication it is the most basic trinket used to weave a connection between members of a soulventure. To form the connection is actually pretty easy the crux of the matter is to keep the connection upright this requires focus of a pretty high level for example the normal range of the coin is about 30ft any 5 ft more than that would put a strain on the connection (con save 8 +2 for every 5 ft of distance) furthermore if the connection is outright interrupted by a tree for example it is imperative to mentally evade the obstacle this is the most straining when it comes to concentration (con save 15) .   To expand and deepen our connection with our teammates we would have to get used to the connection it would have to become second nature to us as to not disturb us during a fight, therefore we were asked to constantly keep a connection with someone, during class we paired up and outside of class and during soulventures) I asked Saturo to help me with this task

    Quest Report: Foreverglade Gleamshroom Collection
    15th Rotation of the 2cnd Cog. 13

    Quest: Foreverglade Gleamshroom Collection Quest Type: Gathering Soulventure: The Last Whisper   Date of Departure: 14.02.13 Date of Return: 14.02.13   Participants: Vanir Qincan Keylthirrial - Soulweaver Oishi Saturo - Slaughterer bes Qo - Bestiarian Jack - Slaughterer   Written by: Vanir Qincan Keylthirrial   As part of the curriculum the soulventure "The Last Whisper" set out into the Foreverglades to harvest patches of gleamshrooms that were recently discovered. We set out on horseback, the animals provided by the academy, all 4 horses were returned and checked in. No other academy resources were exhausted.   The Foreverglades were reached about 2 hours after setting out, slowly getting used to the environment we progressed into the forest, another 30 minutes later we reached a warding light signifying the edge of the liberated land, at that point 6 gleamshrooms were gathered. In the liberated land no other patches could be found so the decision was made to advance into the fog, the unfamiliarity forced us to slow our pace once more and we proceeded carefully, another patch of gleamshrooms was spottet netting another 10 mushrooms.   At this time we spent 30 minutes inside the mist approaching another patch as I noticed sounds of fighting, because of the unfamiliarity and lack of experience we were ready to retreat, but our beastiarian Bes Qo then noted that the fighting did not sound like a scuffles between beasts, but rather it included the sound of metal and somewhat human grunts. Since there was the possibility of another soulventure being in danger we decided to approach carefully and scout the situation. We came across a humanoid looking elemental locked in combat with 5 huge trees that came alive, lashing against the creature.   After observing the scene we attributed the humanoid creature a certain level of intelligence and for what we saw it was loosing the fight against the trees. I then observed the dynamic of the fight for a bit and judged our groups power to be sufficient to take charge of the scuffle, and even in the possibility that both sides would be hostile I thought our strength sufficient to deal with it and so we engaged.   We joined the fray on the side of the humanoid elemental, based on its reaction this was the right choice, as it acknowledged our efforts and we disposed of the trees quickly and efficiently. Our beastiarian Bes Qo got severely injured however and her fighting was a lot more reckless than i assumed, a topic i will discuss with her in the future. After the fight the Elemental was indeed not hostile towards us, we made the right call.   Not wanting to dwell at the scene of the fight we gathered as much information as we could, harvested the rest of the mushrooms and hurried back into the liberated lands. We then made our way back without any problems and delivered the quest to the Bio-Engineers and also sold our excess gleamshrooms to them.   This finishes the report, I have compiled a list of what we gathered on the site of the fight and attached samples.   Attatchments: A detailed map (Roll 18) of the environment with the gleamshroom patches we harvested marked on it (the direction of the elementals is not included), by Vanir Quincan Keylthirrial A quick scetch of the fight scene, by Vanir Quincan Keylthirrial   A Report note of the anomalies in magic by Oishi Saturo.   A Sample of tree branches and a vial of resin from the trees, by Jack and Bes Qo

    The First Quest
    15th Rotation of the 2nd Cog.

    After attending the first lecture in Rox Academy we attended well participated in the first hours of soul venturing, based on our curriculum the first hours were mostly dedicated to network with the other first years and group up. But since we kinda did that already through the unique circumstance of our arrival in Ignotas, me saturo, bes and jack decided to stick together and form the Soulventure party - The Last Whisper. We then managed to entice a Warder named Phillipe Jules Fisher to join us on trial basis if we decide to take on a liberation mission in the future.   Since we got the formalities out of the way pretty quickly we had ample time remaining so we decided to take a look at the quests handed out for beginners, I was eager to finally get out of Vaporio and see the mist for myself, this would help me in evaluating my power level in this environment. Luckily the others had similar thoughts and no one was opposed to take on a mission already, most of the mission available are gathering quests but a warning benath each hat no matter the quest venturing into the mist is dangerous for who knows what one might encounter. But burning with curiosity i doubt the others paid much heed to these words of warning and we chose a quest to gather 20 gleamshroom seemed simple enough. So we got horses from the academy and set out. I am still not quite used to the strange layout and buildingstyle of Vaporio but nontheless we managed to fing our way to the gates. This is also where we spottet the city guards for the first time, i will give an asessment in a later journal entry. We rode out of the city for the first time and the liberated land outside is much basically deserted, lest a few research outposts we saw nothing noteworthy. It took us two hours to reach the Woods called the Everglades, and surprisingly enough the forest is much like the ones i remember from Cathera lush, green end brimming with life a stark contrast to the gloomy and industrious looking city.   Well we ventured ahead and stumbled onto the border of the Mist, a warding light placed ahead, we were careful not to attract attention to us as we crossed the border into the mist, the mist was a lot less thick than i first imagined it to be. used to the dim Environment of forests i found it easy to adapt. After about an half hour of scouring for Gleamshrooms, we heard sounds of battle but the noise was rather strange it did not sound like monsters fighting, the thought of another soul-venturing group from Vaporio drew us closer maybe they were in trouble. carefully we approached them always hidden in the foliage, even jack managed to stay inconspicuous a trait i would not have thought he possessed. The fight we then encountered was rather difficult to judge, a creature in somewhat Humanoid form was fighting multiple trees come to life, after judging the scene we attributed the creature a certain level of intelligence and for what we saw it was loosing against the trees. I then observed the fight for a bit and judged our groups power to be suficcent to take charge of the scuffle and even in the posibillity that both sides would be hostile i thought our strength sufficient to deal with it and so we engaged.   We joined the fray on the side of the humanoid elemental, and based on its reaction this was the right choice, as it acknowledged our efforts and we disposed of the trees quickly and efficiently. Bes Qo got severely injured however and her fighting was a lot more reckless than i assumed, a topic i would like to discuss with her further. After the fight the Elemental was indeed not hostile towards us quite the opposite in fact it introduced himself as - Gil and told us of others of his kind about 3 Kilometers to the west a rather important information as i think it seems there are other intelligent creatures out there fighting the mindless monsters, furthermore he told us about the strange magic anomalies that awakened the trees. After a bit of discussion we then agreed to meet up in the future but thought it best to not waste more time.   I Cartographed the environment and marked the spots we harvested the gleamshrooms from, meanwhile i instructed bes to take samples of the trees, saturo to investigate the strange magical anomalies Gil mentioned to us and jack to gather the remaining mushrooms we needed. All in all this took us about 10 minutes more detailed information will be compiled in the report to the academy. We then hurried back into the liberated land and made our way back.   We delivered the quest by removing the key from the document and following it to an Bio-Engineer laboratory in Vaporio, where we met a rather refreshingly nice dwarfen lady there who enlightened us about the art of questing for the academy, and even bought the excess amount of mushrooms we brought for a rather high price as i thought.   We then returned to the academy where i started compiling a report to submit to the Academy, and of course copied it to catalog it in my journal.

    14th revolution of the 2cnd cog. 13 af.A

    Classes After enrolling in the Rox Academy we were sent a letter to attend an aptitude test of some sort, this test was a battle team format, against 3 waves of enemies in different formations, this told me that most of the monster out there probably aren´t just mindlessly rushing towards us but rather have a decent combat sense. After the fact we were faced with a choice, to pick one of the branches to train to become a valuable member when conducting Expo raids.   The choices - Slaughterers, Botanists, Warders, Beastiarians and Soulweavers pretty straight forward in name and profession for the most part but Soulweavers are different but after reading the explanation it seams they are the Brains of a Soulventure team, their mental abilities must be top notch because they have to manage a multitude of tasks at the same time, aided in this task they are by Trinktets, a Soulweaver uses these trinkets to weave a soulweb over the battle - a soulweb comes in many different forms but essentially it is something like a battle plan to structure a fight and dictate the flow of battle by keeping the other party members in sync with one another.   If the entry fight is anything to go by, this is very important, because the enemy is also structured for the most part at least, so the choice for me was obvious. How could i fight to my full potential as a slaughterer, if i knew in the back of my mind, some incompetent fool could mess up the pace of battle and get me killed through no fault of my own. No such an important role has to be taken up by me, and out of the other 3 im also the most suited from this batch of new arrivals.   Subdivisions The 4 major divisions of Soulweaving are split into, Healer, Guardian, Enhancer and Tactician, Healer and Guardian don´t really suit me, my medical knowledge is rudimentary at best, and guardian pff... i am a leader content in sacrificing for the greater good of battle, how would protecting the individual suit me... The obvious choice would be Tactican but ... i doubt they could teach me much in the ways of strategy... so. Enhancer is the only way since i am adept in navigating the battlefield and gaining insight from afar through enhancements, i am certain i could dictate the battle to my needs, maybe even weaken some allays to allow for certain maneuvers. Id think this would be necessary for someone like Jack, he doesn't look like someone who would retreat at just my say so, but were his power to fail him he might be more receptive to my "suggestions".   The others Hm... since profiling began i am certain that as a Soulweaver i can maximize the strengths of my companions, for example i bet Bes would excell at gaining information of the enemy maybe as a beastiarian, her understanding of the importance of knowledge far precedes the others... and Saturo he seemed already obsessed with the changes in magic just minutes after arriving maybe he would be an excellent warder... but slaughterer would suit him nicely as well, Jack well Jack is only interested in Slaughter anyways so i doubt he would be stupid enough to choose something that does not benefit his strengths.


    Ignotas huh... still cant quite wrap my head around the events of today. Well after i was dragged into that obviously trapped expedition with the other 3 dolts, we were well killed i guess at least that what they thought apparently... Anyways they tossed our corpses down into the abyss of the pit not that i was awake to witness it but that´s what i remember after being knocked out.   We then awoke in a rather strange place some sort of portal room the masked one, Oishi Saturo was also there, maybe they got to him as well after they hunted me down and there was also a uniquely strong person with us as well. An old woman in appearance at least, i managed to coerce her into letting me strike her and the result was as expected nothing like the old hag she appeared to be the sturdines of her palm reminded me of reinforced steel, but since she showed little to no hostility to us and did not bat an eye at the Tiefling killing someone not 10 ft away from her i quess i can strike her from my mind without concern.   We were then introduced to some sort of welcome room at that point i was still somewhat convinced this was the afterlife, but the contraption in there revealed some things unclear to me and provided proof that this was indeed not yet death. It was a strange rectangular box with a round spinning disk made of a malleable dark material unknown to me, a brass funnel extending from the back, if one placed a small pointer from the edge onto the Black disc, a voice was transmitted from the funnel explaining the world to us.   Ignotas Ignotas is a world connected to the Pit in Cathrea but the connection is apparently one way, when exactly this connection was formed is unknown even to the people here, or at least they told us so... anyways about 13 years ago a group managed to survive down here and establish a save zone around the entry point, as more people arrived it seems they found a way to make this world livable.   Civilisation? I have not seen the fog the contraption spoke of myself but it seems this world is entirely covered in this fog and they call the zones still covered by it the Worlds Edge, but they have found away to expand their territories and claim the freed land for themselves. in 13 years they have accomplished quite a bit in my opinion driven by a group called the Rox Guild, apparently the first really strong adventurers called themselves that, and they founded something like an adventurers guild to explore this world. They also built a city around the portal zone where we first appeared, a strange city called Vaporio the building style, contrary to my expectations does not reflect that most of these people hail from Cathera all of the buildings are designed to be efficient plastered chock full of new inventions and technology that they created here, no place for grandios useless structures like the pit walker guild halls surrounding the pit in Cathera. Most everything here si designed to be efficient.   They seem well accustomed to new arrivals and welcomed us with opened arms and already layed out a Roadmap for us on how to proceed with our lives down here, we were enrolled in Rox Academy a place where new arrivals are trained to survive down here and get used to the ways of the world.

    V-002 - Scope of Avarice
    13th rotation of the 2 cnd Cog. 13 af. A

    A new Idea! This struck me after mulling over some ideas in the quiet of my new Dormitory, in light of all these new invention and especially weapons picking and upgrading the right parts of our gear might be vital especially if more of the monsters ar as troublesome as the harvester we faced during the examination.   But there is a huge problem with this, i have no idea as of yet what value the different new materials and Equipments hold, so i thought of the loupes the jewelers used in the capital of Idavellír to appraise the exact value of gemstones brought to them, they used crystals inscribed with a set of runes as lenses to determine worth in jewels. So what if that concept would be applicable to other materials as well granted one uses the right crystals and runes. Just imagine all the fools selling higher value goods i could exploit using this, but i am getting ahead of myself i have not even confirmed the possibility yet, how greedy of me ... hah that might be a good name then.   The Scope of Avarice A lense like contraption Mounted on the ear of the appraiser, much like the loupes of a jeweler, The lenses can then be folded in front of ones eye. When looking through the lenses the exact material properties of the object one is looking at would then be displayed/ transmitted to ones mind. Depending on the crystals and runes used to manufacture the lenses different properties could be shown for different objects. The first example that came to minde was a Lens of nature   Lens of Nature
  • Crystal: Luminous Crystal
  • Runes:
  • - Material: Color made form Oracle Leaves - Shape: Rune of layered Insight If the Right materials are gathered one could add lenses post creation to increase the range of items that can be appraised.

    V-001 - Thumping Soles
    11th Rotation of the 2cnd Cog Gear. 13 af. A

    A new Idea! ...? well Rather the Resurfacing of an old one After being faced with the Blood vines during the evaluation exam, a well known weakness of me was exposed once again, Burrowed enemies. When fighting with a bow I mastered the arts of keeping my enemies at bay, but against Opponent´s buried beneath there is nothing I can do... i´ve rolled over this idea once after fighting the Miner Spiders back in Idavellír but now using the advancements of this world maybe i can finally ... erase this inconvenience.   Thumping Sole A special kind of sole attachable to a multitude of boots, extending soul-tendrils into the ground to gain knowledge of underground enemies, and tunnels. Furthermore using special kinds of Vibration patterns one could misguide the monsters underground to obscure where one is really standing to avoid burrowing attacks.   Furthermore 2 large vibration charges to detonate into the ground and force Burrowed enemies above ground.


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