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Beaky Tracer

Beaky Tracer

A simple bird with simple feelings, thrust into a world of complication. And petty nobles.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features


Facial Features


Identifying Characteristics

Long cloak, green and brown apparel.

Physical quirks

Many confused bird head tilts.

Apparel & Accessories

Leathers, bow, and handaxes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Kenku who would later take the stage name ‘Beaky Tracer’ was born into a nomadic life. His particular flock was one of a travelling nature, moving their way from location to location through the wilderness. Once there, they would make their way however they could – selling their wares, offering services as guides, and other, less licit, practices when required. When business dried up, they would move on. For the entirety of his early life, Beaky knew no fixed home. To him, as to all his flock, home was wherever they left their tents and caravans. He was taught speech as much as a Kenku can muster – the flock had, over the centuries, mimicked a workable amount of common, as well as fragments of several other languages. Though he had a father and mother, the whole flock was as a family to him, and the raising of children was very much considered a communal task. Communal life suited Beaky well, and he thrived among the slew of aunts and uncles, biological or otherwise, that became his elders and teachers. It quickly became apparent that he had an aptitude for survival skills. Since foraging and defence from the wilderness – and the things that live in it – are essential for the survival of a travelling flock, those tasked with survival between destinations soon took him under their non-existent wing. As he grew older, though, it became apparent that his real talent was looking after the children born later than he. He had a natural aptitude for the mind of the child, and managed to impart his skills to them as quickly as he himself learnt them. He even applied this, on a few occasions, to human children. It is through this obsession, which continued from late childhood through adolescence and adulthood, that he earned his true Kenku name – the sound of child’s giggle followed by the rustling of wind through the trees. Things continued in this harsh, but familial, manner until the flock arrived, as several times before, on the outskirts of Feymoor. They settled a short, but hidden, distance from the city, ready to safely ply their trades. After a few days, they were approached by a certain Constance Peril, in need of a guide to a set of ruins a few days travel away. Being the most available, the flock elected to send Beaky. On their return, they discovered the campsite a burning wreck. With few bodies, an old trail, and nothing left in the wreckage, Beaky suddenly found himself with nothing, not even a target. After a period of grief, he was forced to think about his continued survival. Having no way to survive alone, he elected to settle in Feymoor. After a period of unfulfilling underworld work, in much a similar vein as many of his city dwelling brethren, he found, once again, that his love of childhood won out – he was kept sane during this period by the company of numerous street urchins. It was this company too, that eventually led him to monetise his interests. He hit on the idea of teaching his skills to children as a kind of luxury adventure weekend – providing himself with a way to survive in the city whilst playing to his interests, and middle and upper class children a way to escape, if only briefly, from their constrained lives. It was here that he took a stage name more palatable to human tongues – Beaky Tracer. This was a hard model to convince many parents of, however, and thus the business kept afloat by two other means. Firstly, the financial assistance of the Feymoor Town Guard, for whom he had agreed to talent spot. Secondly, the sponsorship of the very same Constance Peril. Whether this was given through approval, pity, or guilt, he never knew – but he was just as grateful all the same, and remained ever happy to report the business’ monthly financial happenings to her. Five years of this passed smoothly, and in relative ease – despite Beaky’s yearnings for his flock and for the wilds; the real, true wilds of his youth, for his simulations were just that. Then, tragedy struck. One particular child, by the name of Balthazar Curmingus, took Beaky’s teachings very much to heart. He returned to do the same weekend, with several friends, many times over, thoroughly giving over to the romantic notion of rangerhood. This enthusiasm, however, was paired with an incredibly poor knowledge of his own limits. Despite numerous warnings, Balthazar, never learnt health and safety, nor the difference between a weekend long adventure party and lifetime in the wilderness. Against all advice, he ventured alone into the woods and unfortunately learnt, fully and finally, that hunting a bear is not the same as pretending to hunt a Kenku making bear noises. With his death, Beaky’s reputation turned sour – blame fell to him, and his enterprise, and all patrons, save Constance Peril, turned their backs on him. With nothing left for him in Feymoor, he turned once more to the wilderness – and, side by side with Constance, now sets out prove his reputation in the adventuring life.


Contacts & Relations

Travelling with Constance Peril and Feidotre Pelmanet.   On good terms with Constance's sister, Jane.   Friendly with the Spa Kenku, particularly [Rainshaker noise]. Now in contact with [Strum] and [pillowfluff]. [Click Click] also promised a future for Beaky should he ever take it.

Family Ties

Only [pillowfluff] and [strum] remain.

Religious Views

Self taught cleric of quorlinn. Still unsure of Qourlinn's purpose for him, as he seemed to indicate one was had.   Believer in the order of nature, and in humility, both attitudes that have proven advantageous.

Social Aptitude



Kenku - that is, very broken and punctuated by sounds of nature.

Wealth & Financial state

Mostly spiritual.

Beaky Tracer, Kenku Ranger - cleric of Qourlinn, children's entertainer, de-radicalisation enthusiast, fictional character. He is a bird of many feathers.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Kenku Ranger.
On the road
(Feathers) Black
5' 1"

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