Aes Sedai

The Aes Sedai are a multiracial people divided into four tribes: Air, Earth, Water, and Fire. Each of the four tribes live in locations where the Elemental Planes have bled into the Material Plane. The Aes Sedai make it their duty to guard these portals, ensuring that nothing dangerous is able to pass between the planes.

The Aes Sedai are, for the most part, insular, living in remote areas and only occasionally interacting with the outside world or even each other. Their tribes are made up of a diversity of races; genasi are most often found among the Aes Sedai rather than common society. In their role as guardians of the Elemental Planes portals, the Aes Sedai have developed deep connections to their respective elements that influence each Aes Sedai's culture. Their leaders are usually skilled Monks or Druids, but their societies include a variety of professions and classes aside from druids and monks.

Once in every generation, in each of the four tribes, a member is chosen to set out on an Aramenté, or "Noble Odyssey". During this journey, ventures through the portals they guard and stays until they have traveled most of the plane, bringing back proof of their success. Upon completion of this journey, the empowered Aes Sedai's member's lifespan increases significantly and becomes the elemental elite of their respective tribe, and the elder retires. The person chosen for an Aramenté is usually—but not necessarily—a monk of the four elements.   Some Aes Sedai follow or worship deities. Some have a more animistic faith, revering the elements themselves. Gods they favor and worship would be Lathander God of the SunChauntea Goddess of Regeneration, Ranjit God of the Wilds, Teliki Goddess of the Forests, Akash Goddess of the Sky, Uriel Goddess of Waves

The Four Tribes of the Aes Sedai:
Water Aes Sedai
Air Aes Sedai
Earth Aes Sedai
Fire Aes Sedai

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