Anastasios God of Magic

Anastasios is the God of Magic. He keeps watch over magical research and regulates the advancement and dissemination of magical knowledge throughout the mortal world. He is said to be a lawful God who asks his followers to learn the knowledge of Ikeshia and beyond. His particular interests are knowledge to do with magic and items imbued with magic as he is known to bless those who research new magics and items.

His followers preferred to maintain their temples within large cities, align themselves with powerful magical guilds, and act as a sort of magical administration to facilitate communication between spellcasters and the political world. He expects his followers to bring all knowledge from the disciple to the main High Priests of the church. Any magic or objects that seem too dangerous shall be forbidden in the hands of anyone.

The Lord of Spells is said to be able to cast any spell ever known at maximum level, one offensive and one defensive spell per minute. The only exceptions to this were if he cast wish, time stop, alter reality, or gate, which required enough concentration that no other spell could be cast in combination. He could shape change at will and could grant other creatures spell knowledge by touching them.

  High Priests say he wears a golden mask that fits no face. A constant billowing of blue smoke makes up his face and flows behind him like hair. Some High Priests even have seen the blue smoke turn yellow when information that pleases him is past on. There are no records of him ever speaking to his worshippers.


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