Asmodeus God of Hell

Alignment: Evil
Domain: Life

 Asmodeus is said to be an unmatched stratigest and orator and if he was any less capable, his arrogance would have led to his undoing long ago, But, he's said to have thwarted every conspiracy mounted against him.

Long ago, the Gods accused Asmodeus of terrible crimes. Asmodeus disputed them, and together they took the case to Dharma, The Goddess of Wisdom. Asmodeus argued for the necessity of his actions. His minions had swayed mortals into evil on his orders, but they had never broken a contract, and had never touched a soul which was not lawfully ceded to them. Moreover, the souls he took to him were put to good use battling the hordes of the Abyss. Finally, he appealed to Dharma’ sense of lawfulness, and invoked the complex body of laws that truly rules the Hells. He had never deviated from what they allow, and in accordance with them his devils had never taken an unwilling mortal’s soul, and if a damned mortal weasels their way out of a contract, they are left in peace.   As Asmodeus’ angel accusers responded, they began listing out his crimes. The ledger of Asmodeus’ evil deeds was long indeed, and weeks passed as crime after crime was recited.   Dharma did not allow Asmodeus to walk free unburdened. To assure that the devils continue their devotion to law, she ordered Asmodeus to carry an artifact called the Ruby Rod. For as long as Asmodeus wields the rod, devils have the legal right to enter into contracts with mortals for their souls, but any who breaks such a contract will be punished hideously by the Rod’s power.


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