Cellica Dursk

Was the head researcher of The Cleric School of Death. Her main line of research was Hell and the Abyss. She believed it was Inigo's mission for her to find out information and learn about this topic. She was always off looking for answers. She would speak with cultists of Asmodeus, journals of researchers who have dealt with Hell or devils. When her daughter Min Dursk was born she had to stay in Targoviste as caring for Min and her disase became her #1 priority. When Min turned 5 they learned that this disease was permanent, non-curable. She left on sabbatical to find a cure for her daughter. The last letter she sent a year later saying she found a way. She didn't explain and then never returned. She has been missing for 13 years. Whenever Min let's her feather go during the @cel, it does not fly away.


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