Inigo God of Death

Alignment: Neutral
Domain: Death 
Unlike these other deities, whose rule as gods of the dead made the afterlife an uncertain and fearful thing, Inigo promoted that death was a natural part of life and should not be feared as long as it was understood. As a result of his deep respect for life and death, he held the undead in the uttermost contempt.

"Death is but part of life: fear it not, evade it not, and view it not as evil. To fear death delivers you into the hands of those who can bring death down upon you. Die with dignity, neither raging nor seeking to embrace undeath. Do honor to the dead, for their strivings in life brought Ikeshia to where it is now, and to forget them is to forget also where we are now—and why." That does not, however, mean that we would not fight for our lives if an evil death comes to us. We fight. And if we die, than there is no shame in that. 

The death clergy, as they were known, had many duties; most involved tending to the last wishes of the dying and providing burial services to those who died alone. They also set out to cure diseases and defend people from monsters so that folk did not die before their time.


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